Armed Assault Wiki
Armed Assault Wiki

The ADR-97 Weapon Pack was an official modification made for ArmA 3 by Bohemia Interactive. It was initially released on April 22nd, 2016[1], but was later integrated into the base game with the release of the Warlords update on December 3rd, 2018.[2]


Originally released as an "official" mod on the Steam Workshop, it was intended to encourage players to discover the possibilities of custom content creation in ArmA 3, and to demonstrate how to use ArmA 3's Launcher to install addons downloaded from the Workshop.[3]

Warlords Update

Released on December 4th, 2018[2], the free Warlords update integrates the content of the ADR-97 Weapon Pack into the base game itself. It also comes bundled with the titular Warlords game mode that is available for most of ArmA 3's official terrains.[4]


(*) Denotes content later added as part of the Warlords update.


  • ADR-97 5.7×28mm bullpup submachine gun Free


Multiplayer scenarios




  • During his spare time, the ADR-97 Weapon Pack was created and worked on by Jakub Horyna (aka BXBX), a programmer who was formerly[5] a member of the development team for ArmA 2 and ArmA 3.
  • The Warlords Update was initially scheduled for release on November 28th, 2018[6], but was later delayed for mod compatibility issues that arose on the day of its supposed release.[7]
  • Prior to the release of the Czech Veterans Pack, it was the first official addon to be made for ArmA 3.


  1. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2016, FREE ADR-97 WEAPON PACK ON ARMA 3 STEAM WORKSHOP, Arma 3, viewed 5 July 2017, <>.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Kužel, O 2018, SPOTREP #00082, Arma 3, viewed 4 December 2018, <>.
  3. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2016, ADR-97 Weapon Pack (Official Mod), Steam, viewed 25 March 2023, <>.
  4. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2018, ARMA 3 WARLORDS UPDATE IS LIVE, Arma 3, viewed 25 March 2023, <>.
  5. Horyna, J 2018, Today is my last day in Bohemia Interactive. 11y of development on A2 and A3 is over for me. It was pleasure to work on such awesome game with cool people, thanks for all. Long live to ARMA., 31 May, viewed 1 June 2018, <>.
  6. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2018, New intel suggests that #Arma3 Update 1.86 (also known as the Warlords Update) is scheduled for release this Wednesday November 28 (ETA between 12:00-18:00 UTC). Highlights: large-scale MP mode, ADR-97 weapon pack, and more., 27 November, viewed 22 October 2020, <>.
  7. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2018, Attention! Update 1.86 can unfortunately not be released today. This is due to a newly discovered issue that breaks mod compatibility. It's being resolved, and we're hopeful that the update will be ready soon. Please stand by for further intel. Our apologies for the delay!, 28 November, viewed 22 October 2020, <>.

External links

See also

DLC (ArmA 3)
Premium Main KartsHelicoptersMarksmenApexJetsLaws of WarTac-OpsTanksContact
Creator (Armaverse) Western SaharaReaction ForcesExpeditionary Forces
Creator (Cold War) Global Mobilization - Cold War GermanyS.O.G. Prairie FireCSLA Iron Curtain
Creator (WW2) Spearhead 1944
Free ZeusMaldenArt of War
Official Addon ADR-97 Weapon Pack* • Czech Veterans Pack
Entries are listed in order of release from left (oldest) to right (newest)
* deprecated/incorporated as official content.