Armed Assault Wiki

The AGS-30 is a 30 mm automatic grenade launcher featured in both ArmA: Armed Assault and ArmA 2.

ArmA: Armed Assault[]

« AGS-30 automatic grenade launcher has been developed as a lightweight alternative to the already proven and successful AGS-17. This weapon is used mostly for infantry fire support, and can be installed on vehicles.
Library Description

The AGS-30 is used exclusively by the SLA in ArmA: Armed Assault.


The AGS-30 is a static automatic grenade launcher that is designed to launch caseless 30 mm grenade rounds.

It can attain a fire rate of up to 150 rounds per minute[A1CfgW 2][Formula 1] and has a muzzle velocity of 185 m/s.[A1CfgM 2] It takes at least 6 seconds to reload the AGS-30 with a new grenade belt.[A1CfgW 3] The AGS-30's optical sight has variable zoom capability and can be looked through even while the operator is wearing night vision goggles.

Static AGS-30 AGLs always feed from a single pre-loaded 29-round high-explosive (HE) grenade drum, and have a further five more drums to spare for a combined total of 174 grenades.[A1CfgV 1] The tripod allows for the AGS-30 to be freely swivelled in any direction horizontally[A1CfgV 2][A1CfgV 3], but is vertically restricted to a maximum elevation of 7 degrees[A1CfgV 4] and a maximum depression of 10 degrees.[A1CfgV 5]

The AGS-30 is essentially the direct counterpart to the American Mk. 19. Both have the exact same dispersion, rate of fire and a similar maximum effective range of 1,500 metres. The main difference with the AGS-30 is that it fires smaller 30 mm grenade rounds that hit harder[A1CfgA 1], though the difference is practically negligible. Its grenade rounds do travel slower however, mostly due to the AGS-30's lower muzzle velocity of just 185 m/s[A1CfgM 2] versus the Mk. 19's 240 m/s.




Parameter Value
Base damage value 13[A1CfgA 1]
Splash damage value 10[A1CfgA 2]
Warhead type High-Explosive
Blast radius (metres) 5[A1CfgA 3]
Muzzle velocity (m/s) 185[A1CfgM 2]

AGS-30s feed exclusively from one[A1CfgW 4] type of "magazine":


Standard 29-round grenade belt drum. The grenades are fitted with HE warheads.[A1CfgM 3]

The grenades have a blast radius of 5 metres.[A1CfgA 3] The grenade's fuse will automatically detonate the grenade if it does not come into contact with a hard surface 20 seconds after being launched.[A1CfgA 4]


  • Alongside the Mk. 19, the AGS-30 was one of the first two static AGL turrets in the series.


ArmA 2[]

« AGS-30 automatic grenade launcher was developed as a lightweight alternative to the already proven and successful AGS-17. This weapon is used mostly for infantry fire support and can be installed on vehicles.
Armoury Description

The AGS-30 is used by several BLUFOR, REDFOR and INDFOR factions in ArmA 2.


Returning from Armed Assault, the ArmA 2 AGS-30 continues to serve as a simple static AGL mounted onto a low tripod.

The AGS-30 retains the same statistics as its predecessor, having an identical muzzle velocity, the same amount of time to rearm a fresh grenade drum (6 seconds)[A2CfgW 2], and right down to the same number of grenade drums available.[A2CfgV 1]

The four main differences are that it can now be disassembled into backpack form and unpacked at a different location (provided that it is set up on a flat surface). When it comes to fire rate, the AGS-30 has also gained a significant boost and can launch grenades at a rate of 400 RPM.[A2CfgW 3][Formula 2] Its optics also no longer have variable zoom capability and use a fixed magnification.[A2CfgV 2][A2CfgV 3]

Rotation arcs are also slightly different as it is no longer possible to freely rotate the tripod in any direction horizontally (it is capped to a maximum of 180 degrees).[A2CfgV 4][A2CfgV 5] Likewise, vertical elevation has been increased to 70 degrees[A2CfgV 6], though depression remains unchanged at 10 degrees.[A2CfgV 7]

Unlike taller static weapons, the AGS-30 always uses a low-mount tripod which greatly reduces the gunner's profile and makes them harder to see from afar (and harder to hit as well). Consequently the gunner's firing arc is hampered and their vision will be obstructed if the AGS-30 is assembled behind tall objects.



The AGS-30's optical sight allows for zeroing to be manually adjusted, starting from a minimum of 100 metres up to a maximum of 1,100 metres (100, 200, 300, 400, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100).[A2CfgV 8] By default, it is set to a zeroing of 300 metres.[A2CfgV 9]

The sight itself does not have the ability to toggle enhanced vision modes. However, it is possible for the user to wear night vision goggles to be worn while looking through it.


Parameter Value
Base damage value 13[A2CfgA 1]
Splash damage value 10[A2CfgA 2]
Warhead type High-Explosive
Blast radius (metres) 5.5[A2CfgA 3]
Muzzle velocity (m/s) 185[A2CfgM 2]

AGS-30s feed exclusively from one[A2CfgW 4] type of "magazine":


Standard 29-round grenade belt drum. The grenades are fitted with HE warheads[A2CfgM 3] that have a blast radius of 5.5 metres.[A2CfgA 3]

They have a minimum fuse range of 15 metres. Grenades impacting the terrain under this distance will not explode.[A2CfgA 4] The fuse also has a maximum timer of 20 seconds; the grenade will automatically explode if it does not hit a hard surface within that timeframe.[A2CfgA 5]


  • Like most pre-Operation Arrowhead static weapons, AGS-30s used by in-game CDF and Russian forces cannot be disassembled into a man-portable backpack form.
    • This is because the ability to dismantle/reassemble static weapons was only added with the release of the expansion pack, and was not retroactively applied to the original ArmA 2 static weapons (as none of the pre-expansion pack units are able to carry backpacks in the first place).
  • The in-game AGS-30 (at least for Russian military forces) is incorrectly referred to by its manufacturer name instead of using its GRAU index code of 6S9.[1]
  • As part of the latest Steam version patches, the AGS-30's fire rate was boosted to 400 RPM and is now on par with the MK19 (up from its initial ROF of 150 RPM).[2]


Config/script references[]

CfgAmmo (ArmA: Armed Assault)

  1. 1.0 1.1 CfgAmmo >> G_30mm_HE >> hit
  2. CfgAmmo >> G_30mm_HE >> indirectHit
  3. 3.0 3.1 CfgAmmo >> G_30mm_HE >> indirectHitRange
  4. CfgAmmo >> G_30mm_HE >> timeToLive

CfgMagazines (ArmA: Armed Assault)

  1. CfgMagazines >> 29Rnd_30mm_AGS30 >> count
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 CfgMagazines >> 29Rnd_30mm_AGS30 >> initSpeed
  3. CfgMagazines >> 29Rnd_30mm_AGS30 >> ammo >> "G_30mm_HE"

CfgWeapons (ArmA: Armed Assault)

  1. CfgWeapons >> AGS30 >> dispersion
  2. CfgWeapons >> AGS30 >> reloadTime
  3. CfgWeapons >> AGS30 >> magazineReloadTime
  4. CfgWeapons >> AGS30 >> magazines[] >> {"29Rnd_30mm_AGS30"}

CfgVehicles (ArmA: Armed Assault)

  1. CfgVehicles >> AGS >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> magazines[] >> {"29Rnd_30mm_AGS30","29Rnd_30mm_AGS30","29Rnd_30mm_AGS30","29Rnd_30mm_AGS30","29Rnd_30mm_AGS30","29Rnd_30mm_AGS30"}
  2. CfgVehicles >> AGS >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> minTurn
  3. CfgVehicles >> AGS >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> maxTurn
  4. CfgVehicles >> AGS >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> maxElev
  5. CfgVehicles >> AGS >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> minElev

CfgAmmo (ArmA 2)

  1. CfgAmmo >> G_30mm_HE >> hit
  2. CfgAmmo >> G_30mm_HE >> indirectHit
  3. 3.0 3.1 CfgAmmo >> G_30mm_HE >> indirectHitRange
  4. CfgAmmo >> G_30mm_HE >> fuseDistance
  5. CfgAmmo >> G_30mm_HE >> timeToLive

CfgMagazines (ArmA 2)

  1. CfgMagazines >> 29Rnd_30mm_AGS30 >> count
  2. CfgMagazines >> 29Rnd_30mm_AGS30 >> initSpeed
  3. CfgMagazines >> 29Rnd_30mm_AGS30 >> ammo >> "G_30mm_HE"

CfgWeapons (ArmA 2)

  1. CfgWeapons >> AGS30 >> dispersion
  2. CfgWeapons >> AGS30 >> magazineReloadTime
  3. CfgWeapons >> AGS30 >> reloadTime
  4. CfgWeapons >> AGS30 >> magazines[] >> {"29Rnd_30mm_AGS30"}

CfgVehicles (ArmA 2)

  1. CfgVehicles >> AGS_base >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> magazines[] >> {"29Rnd_30mm_AGS30","29Rnd_30mm_AGS30","29Rnd_30mm_AGS30","29Rnd_30mm_AGS30","29Rnd_30mm_AGS30","29Rnd_30mm_AGS30"}
  2. CfgVehicles >> AGS_base >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> ViewOptics >> minFov
  3. CfgVehicles >> AGS_base >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> ViewOptics >> maxFov
  4. CfgVehicles >> AGS_base >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> minTurn
  5. CfgVehicles >> AGS_base >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> maxTurn
  6. CfgVehicles >> AGS_base >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> maxElev
  7. CfgVehicles >> AGS_base >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> minElev
  8. CfgVehicles >> AGS_base >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> discreteDistance[] >> {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100}
  9. CfgVehicles >> AGS_base >> Turrets >> MainTurret >> discreteDistanceInitIndex >> "2"


  1. 60 / reloadTime = 60 / 0.4
  2. 60 / reloadTime = 60 / 0.15


  1. Federal Service for Military-Technical Cooperation 2023, AGS-30 (6S9 Index), ФСВТС России, viewed 11 June 2024, <>. (archived link)
  2. Mazzon, M et al. 2019, CorePatch, GitHub, viewed 20 March 2020, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Static weapons of comparable role and configuration[]

Weapons of ArmA: Armed Assault
Handguns M9 9 mmMakarov 9 mm
Submachine guns MP5A5 9 mm (SD6)
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mmM4A1 5.56 mm (M4A1 GL, M4, M4 GL)
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 + GP-25, AKS-74 PSO) • G36 series (G36, G36C, G36K) • M16A2 5.56 mm (M203) • M16A4 5.56 mm (GL)
Designated marksman rifles Mk12 SPR 5.56 mm
Sniper rifles KSVK 12.7 mmM107 .50M24 7.62 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons M249 SAW 5.56 mm
Machineguns M240 7.62 mmPKM 7.62 mm
Grenade launchers 6G30
Launchers 9K32 StrelaFIM-92F StingerJavelin LauncherM136RPG-7V
Static AA PodAT TripodAGS-30D-30DShKMM2M119A1Mk. 19Searchlight
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Queen's Gambit
Arma1-factionicon-sla SLA - Armoury (ArmA: Armed Assault)
Handguns Makarov 9 mm
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm*
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 + GP-25, AKS-74 PSO)
Sniper rifles KSVK 12.7 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Grenade launchers 6G30
Machineguns PKM 7.62 mm*
Launchers RPG-7V* • Strela-2 9K32
Static AA PodAT TripodAGS-30D-30DShKMSearchlight§
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* denotes weapons also used by the Resistance sub-faction.
§ denotes campaign-exclusive weapons.
Queen's Gambit
Weapons of ArmA 2
Handguns CZ 75 9 mmG17 9 mmM1911 .45M9 9 mmMakarov 9 mmRevolver .45
Submachine guns CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1 9 mmMP5 9 mmPDW 9 mmPP-19 Bizon 9 mmSa-61 Scorpion .32
Shotguns M1014Saiga 12KAA-12
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm* • G36 series* (G36C*, G36K*) • M4A1 5.56 mm (M4A1 M203, M4A3, M4A3 M203) • Mk16 CQC 5.56 mmXM8 Compact 5.56 mm
Assault rifles AK-107 5.45 mm (AK-107 GP-25) • AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25*, AKS-74*) • AKM 7.62 mmAKS 7.62 mm* • CZ 805 BREN A1 5.56 mm (CZ 805 A1 G1, CZ 805 BREN A2, CZ 805 B1 G1) • FN FAL 7.62 mmG36A 5.56 mm* • L85A2 5.56 mm (L85A2 UGL) • M16A2 5.56 mm* (M16A2 M203*) • M16A4 5.56 mm (M16A4 M203) • SCAR series (Mk16, Mk16 EGLM, Mk17, Mk17 EGLM) • Sa-58 7.62 mmXM8 series (XM8, XM8 M320)
Designated marksman rifles DMR 7.62 mmL86A2 LSW 5.56 mmM14 7.62 mmMk12 SPR 5.56 mmMk17 Sniper 7.62 mmVSS Vintorez 9 mmXM8 Sharpshooter 5.56 mm
Sniper rifles AS50 12.7 mmCZ 550 9.3 mmCZ 750 S1 M1 .308KSVK 12.7 mm* • Lee-Enfield .303LRR .338M107 .50* • M110 7.62 mmM24 7.62 mm* (M40A3) • SVD Dragunov 7.62 mm*
Squad automatic weapons L110A1 5.56 mmM249 SAW 5.56 mm* • MG36 5.56 mm* • RPK-74 5.45 mmXM8 Automatic Rifle 5.56 mm
Machineguns L7A2 GPMG 7.62 mmMk 48 Mod 0 7.62 mm* • M240 7.62 mm* • M60E4 7.62 mmPKP 7.62 mmPKM 7.62 mmUK-59 7.62 mm
Grenade launchers M32M79Mk13
Launchers 9K32 Strela-29K38 Igla9K115-2 Metis-MFGM-148 JavelinFIM-92F StingerM136M47 DragonMAAWSNLAWRPG-7VRPG-18SMAW
Static AGS-30D-30DShKMIgla AA PodKORDL111A1L134A1M119A1M2M252Mk19Metis AT-132B14 PodnosRBS-70SearchlightSPG-9StingerTOWZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* indicates partial DLC dependency.
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces | Private Military Company | Army of the Czech Republic
Arma2-factionicon-cdf CDF - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Handguns Makarov 9 mm
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • AKS 7.62 mm
Sniper rifles SVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machineguns PKM 7.62 mm
Launchers 9K32 Strela-2RPG-7V
Static AGS-30D-30DShKM2B14 PodnosSearchlightSPG-9ZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Arma2-factionicon-russianarmedforces Russian Armed Forces - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Handguns Makarov 9 mm
Submachine guns PP-19 Bizon 9 mm
Shotguns Saiga 12K
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm
Assault rifles AK-107 5.45 mm (AK-107 GP-25)
Designated marksman rifles VSS Vintorez 9 mm
Sniper rifles KSVK 12.7 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machineguns PKP 7.62 mmPKM 7.62 mm
Launchers 9K38 Igla9K115-2 Metis-MRPG-7VRPG-18
Static 2B14 PodnosAGS-30D-30Igla AA PodKORDMetis AT-13Searchlight
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Arma2-factionicon-chdkz ChDKZ - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Handguns Makarov 9 mm
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • AKM 7.62 mmAKS 7.62 mm
Sniper rifles CZ 550 9.3 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machine guns PKM 7.62 mm
Launchers 9K32 Strela-2RPG-7V
Static AGS-30D-30DShKM2B14 PodnosSearchlightSPG-9ZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Arma2-factionicon-takistaniarmy Takistani Army - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Handguns Makarov 9 mmRevolver .45
Submachine guns PDW 9 mm
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mmM4A1 5.56 mm
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • FN-FAL 7.62 mmM16A2 5.56 mm (M16A2 M203)
Sniper rifles KSVK 12.7 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machineguns M240 7.62 mmPKM 7.62 mm
Launchers 9K32 Strela-2Metis-M 9K115-2RPG-7VRPG-18
Static AGS-30D-30Igla AA PodKORDMetis AT-132B14 PodnosSearchlightSPG-9ZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants. | Operation Arrowhead
Arma2-factionicon-unitednations United Nations - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74)
Sniper rifles SVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machineguns PKM 7.62 mm
Launchers RPG-7V
Static AGS-30KORDSearchlight
(Parenthesis) denote variants.