« | The AKS is slightly modified version of the AK-47 rifle. It features a downward-folding metal stock to adapt this weapon for use in vehicles and for paratroops. Armoury Description
» |
The AKS is a 7.62 mm assault rifle used by several BLUFOR, REDFOR and INDFOR factions in ArmA 2.
The AKS is simply a modified variant of the AKM assault rifle that uses a folding stock as opposed to a fixed wooden stock. The AKS is chambered to fire the same 7.62×39 mm round as its parent weapon.
Like the AKM, it loads from 30-round curved steel magazines[CfgWp 12] and has the same rate of fire (600 rounds per minute)[CfgWp 13][Formula 1] and muzzle velocity (715 m/s).[CfgMa 2] However, its stock is purely cosmetic and doesn't actually affect the weapon's handling, recoil or carrying weight. As such, it is completely identical to the baseline AKM rifle in every way.
The AKS allows for a minimum zeroing of 100 metres and a maximum zeroing of up to 800 metres (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800).[CfgWp 14] By default, the AKS is set to utilise a zeroing of 100 metres.[CfgWp 15]
Recoil curves[]
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title: {
text: 'recoil_auto_primary_4outof10'
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Charts/graphs are not available on mobile. Please switch to desktop mode in order to see them.
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Charts/graphs are not available on mobile. Please switch to desktop mode in order to see them.
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Charts/graphs are not available on mobile. Please switch to desktop mode in order to see them.
title: {
text: 'recoil_auto_primary_prone_5outof10'
tooltip: {
trigger: 'axis',
axisPointer: {
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Charts/graphs are not available on mobile. Please switch to desktop mode in order to see them.
- Black: Standard black metal finish with wooden furniture.
- Gold: Gold-plated metal finish with chromed wood furniture.
Ammo parameter | 7.62 mm (Ball) [ AKM ] |
7.62 mm (Ball) [ SA58 ] |
Base damage value | 9[CfgAm 1] | 9[CfgAm 1] |
Aerodynamic friction | -0.00195[CfgAm 2] | -0.00195[CfgAm 2] |
Muzzle velocity (m/s) | 715[CfgMa 2] | 705[CfgMa 3] |
Expected velocity (m/s) | 710[CfgAm 3][note 1] | 710[CfgAm 3][note 1] |
Deflection angle (degrees) | 10°[CfgAm 4] | 10°[CfgAm 4] |
The AKS can only load two types of magazines.[CfgWp 12] Both magazines will occupy one[CfgMa 4][CfgMa 5] primary weapon magazine inventory slot:
AKM Mag.[]

Standard 30-round curved steel magazine loaded with 7.62 mm ball ammunition.[CfgMa 6]
Does not contain visible tracer rounds.
SA58 Mag.[]

Alternate 30-round magazine used primarily by the Sa-58. It is also loaded with 7.62 mm ball ammunition.[CfgMa 7]
None of the rounds fired will emit visible tracers.
It should be noted that rounds fired from this magazine specifically have a lower muzzle velocity of 705 m/s.[CfgMa 3]
Magazine compatibility[]
Weapon name (Classname) |
AKM Mag.![]() |
SA58 Mag.![]() |
AKS (AK_47_S) |
✔ | ✔ |
✔ | ✔ |
- Just like Colonel Muhammad Aziz' gold-plated .45 revolver in Operation Arrowhead, the AKS is also available in a separate variant that is exclusively wielded by Gregori Lopotev.
- However, Lopotev's golden-plated AKS does not have the folding stock seen on standard AKS rifles.
- Prior to the latest Steam version patches, the AKS had worse accuracy when compared to the baseline AKM and its sight picture was also incorrectly depicted. The release of the CorePatch updates subsequently fixed both issues.[1]
Config/script references[]
- ↑ Mazzon, M et al. 2019, CorePatch, GitHub, viewed 23 April 2023, <https://github.com/Goliath86/CorePatch/blob/master/Changelog.txt>.
External links[]
See also[]
Weapons of comparable role and configuration[]
- AK-12 (Modern Syndikat counterpart, ArmA 3: Apex only)
- AK-47 (Outdated Nogovan Partisans counterpart, ArmA: CWA only)
![]() | |
Handguns | Makarov 9 mm |
Carbines | AKS-74U 5.45 mm |
Assault rifles | AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • AKS 7.62 mm |
Sniper rifles | SVD Dragunov 7.62 mm |
Squad automatic weapons | RPK-74 5.45 mm |
Machineguns | PKM 7.62 mm |
Launchers | 9K32 Strela-2 • RPG-7V |
Static | AGS-30 • D-30 • DShKM • 2B14 Podnos • Searchlight • SPG-9 • ZU-23 |
(Parenthesis) denote variants. |
![]() | |
Handguns | Makarov 9 mm |
Carbines | AKS-74U 5.45 mm |
Assault rifles | AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • AKM 7.62 mm • AKS 7.62 mm |
Sniper rifles | CZ 550 9.3 mm • SVD Dragunov 7.62 mm |
Squad automatic weapons | RPK-74 5.45 mm |
Machine guns | PKM 7.62 mm |
Launchers | 9K32 Strela-2 • RPG-7V |
Static | AGS-30 • D-30 • DShKM • 2B14 Podnos • Searchlight • SPG-9 • ZU-23 |
(Parenthesis) denote variants. |
![]() | |
Carbines | AKS-74U 5.45 mm |
Assault rifles | AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • AKM 7.62 mm • AKS 7.62 mm |
Sniper rifles | CZ 550 9.3 mm • SVD Dragunov 7.62 mm |
Squad automatic weapons | RPK-74 5.45 mm |
Machineguns | PKM 7.62 mm |
Launchers | 9K32 Strela-2 • FIM-92F Stinger • RPG-7V |
Static | DShKM • 2B14 Podnos • Searchlight • SPG-9 • ZU-23 |
(Parenthesis) denote variants. |