Armed Assault Wiki

ArmA: Mobile Ops is a free-to-play base building strategy game.


Mobile Ops is a spin-off title that was first released on June 28th, 2016[1], by Bohemia Interactive.

It is designed to be played on Android and iOS devices and features a single player campaign. Prior to its closure, online multiplayer features included a Player versus Player (PvP) Global Conflict and a Faction Wars game mode. Both of the latter game modes used a global leaderboard to measure player skill and ranking.

Mobile Ops is entirely free to download and play but does offer premium in-app purchases. These micro transactions do not provide any gameplay advantages to players and only speed up the construction/training times for base buildings and units.[1][2]

Support for Mobile Ops' online features was officially terminated on May 4th, 2022. The single player campaign can still be accessed but its online multiplayer modes are no longer functional.[3]


Liberator of Lignos

Main article: Liberator of Lignos

Set on the fictional Mediterranean island of Atida, a powerful group of high-tech guerillas have taken control of the nation after a successful coup against its civilian leadership. A multi-national unit has been deployed into the country to liberate it from the guerillas.


Characters of ArmA: Mobile Ops
Task Force Colonel MartinThe "Commander"John Preston
Guerrillas General Kostas


Sophia Angelis


Unlike its spin-off predecessor and the other main games in the series, Mobile Ops is a military strategy game that focuses entirely on base macromanagement, and uses 2.5D graphics with a bird's eye perspective rather than a first/third person camera view.

Instead of controlling a single unit, players assume the role of a commander and manage their own base or alternatively go on the offensive themselves. Players are able to construct fortifications, static defences, and various non-defensive buildings. Units can be trained up and deployed for offensive battles and will gradually rank up after each successful battle that they survive, which improves their durability and effectiveness in future battles.

Although all combat is automated, players must first plan out how each of their units will behave in combat before a raid begins; from what direction they'll be attacking from, to what targets to prioritise (resources or defences), as well as whether they automatically activate their special ability. During a raid, players can also support their troops in battle by calling in off-map supports such as artillery barrages, airstrikes, or EMP blasts for example.

Like most conventional strategy games, Mobile Ops also uses a (albeit simplified) resource system in the form of three types: Fuel, Supplies, and Command Points. These limit the number of units, structures, and upgrades that can be obtained at a time, which necessitates that players choose their actions wisely.

For its online modes, Mobile Ops was fully cross-platform compatible, with players being able to challenge each other regardless of whether they were playing on the Android or iOS versions.

Game modes

Playable game modes in ArmA: Mobile Ops
Singleplayer Storyline Campaign
Multiplayer Faction WarsGlobal Conflict
Italics denote defunct game modes.


Structures of ArmA: Mobile Ops
Defences AA TowerAPERS MineAT LauncherAutocannonDavy CrockettDrone TrapDrone LaunchpadHidden CannonMachine GunMortarPillboxRailgun TowerWall
Base Alliance CentreBarracksComms CentreHeadquarters* • OfficeOperation Planning
Facilities Firing RangeFlagMemorialSignToilets
Resources Fuel DepositFuel PlantSupply DepositSupply Plant
* indicates cannot be manually built by players.


Units of ArmA: Mobile Ops
Infantry Fire TeamHeavy TeamForce ReconEngineer Team
Vehicles Wheeled UGVLight UGVTracked UGV
Aircraft Hexacopter DroneHelicopter DroneX35 Jet
Entries are listed in order of left-to-right, based on the current upgrade level of the player's Office.


PLATFORM Android (4.3 or higher)
iOS (8.0 or higher)
MEMORY 122 MB free space
OTHER Compatible with iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
Available in the following languages: English, Czech, French, German, Italian, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Spanish, and Traditional Chinese

Accurate as of January 2018[4][5]




  • Mobile Ops is the second major spin-off title to be released by Bohemia Interactive after Tactics.
  • The online game servers were officially shut down on May 4th, 2022.[3]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2016, 'Bohemia Interactive releases Arma Mobile Ops', Developer's Blog, 28 June, viewed 13 May 2022, <>.
  2. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2016, Arma Mobile Ops, Arma Mobile Ops, viewed 27 January 2018, <>.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2022, Dear Commanders, We have a rather sad announcement to make. Due to a lack of internal resources, we are unable to update the game to meet the required standards on a mobile platform, therefore we have decided to discontinue the game's support for good. More info in the thread, 4 May, viewed 3 September 2022, <>.
  4. Apple Inc. 2016, Arma Mobile Ops on the App Store, App Store, viewed 27 January 2018, <>.
  5. Google LLC 2016, Arma Mobile Ops - Apps on Google Play, Google Play, viewed 27 January 2018, <>. (archived link)

External links

See also

ARMA series
Main games Arma3-game-arma3-logoReforger-logoArma4-logo
Legacy games OFP-game-coldwarassault-logoArma1-game-armedassault-logoArma2-game-arma2-logo
Expansion packs Arma1-dlc-queensgambit-logoArma2-dlc-operationarrowhead-logoArma3-dlc-apex-logoArma3-dlc-contact-logo
DLC Arma2-dlc-britisharmedforces-logoArma2-dlc-privatemilitarycompany-logoArma2-dlc-armyoftheczechrepublic-logoArma3-dlc-karts-logoArma3-dlc-helicopters-logoArma3-dlc-marksmen-logoArma3-dlc-jets-logoArma3-dlc-lawsofwar-logoArma3-dlc-tacops-logoArma3-dlc-tanks-logo
Spin-off Tactics-logoMobileOps-logo
Entries are listed in order of release dates from left-to-right.