Armed Assault Wiki

NOTE: This article is about the DShKM HMG in the main ARMA games. For other similarly named articles, you may wish to use the following links instead:

The DShKM is a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun featured in both ArmA: Armed Assault and ArmA 2.

ArmA: Armed Assault[]

« The DShK (Degtyarev-Shpagin Large Calibre) is a Soviet heavy machine gun firing 12.7mm (.50 in) Soviet cartridges. DShKM is modernised version introduced in 1946. It has been largely replaced by modern NSV and Kord machineguns, but still finds its place in armies and resistance groups the worldover.
Library Description

The DShKM is used exclusively by the SLA in ArmA: Armed Assault.


The DShKM is a heavy machine gun that is chambered to fire the 12.7×108 mm round.

It feeds from 50-round belt boxes and can attain fire rates of up to 600 rounds per minute, with a muzzle velocity of 850 m/s. The DShKM does not have any optics mounted on it, and relies on a simple circular ironsight for aiming. It has an effective firing range of up to 1,200 metres, and can be mounted onto either lowered or raised tripods.

A rugged HMG, the DShKM is available both as a standalone static turret and as a vehicle-mounted weapon on T-72 tanks and UAZ LUVs.

It was initially designed to serve as an anti-aircraft platform but also found its use in other roles as well. Though relatively outdated by modern standards, it continues to serve as a reliable anti-infantry/light vehicle weapon. Due to firing the powerful 12.7×108 mm round, it is capable of punching through the armour of even light/medium-armoured vehicles like the M113 and Stryker APCs.

Compared to the American M2, the DShKM has identical dispersion against targets located beyond 1,000 metres but it suffers from having 50 less rounds per belt (versus the M2's 100).

The DShKM's main advantage is its higher rate of fire; it has a total output of 600 RPM compared to the M2's ~ 545 RPM. In all other aspects however, it is virtually identical to the M2 in every way.


Base damage value Initial velocity (m/s)
28 850

DShKMs are restricted to a single "magazine":


Standard 50-round belt box used on both static and vehicle-mounted versions of the DShKM.

Does not contain any visible tracer rounds.


ArmA 2[]

« The DShK (Degtyarev-Shpagin Large Calibre) is a Soviet heavy machine gun firing 12.7mm (.50 in) Soviet cartridges. The 'modernized' DShKM version was introduced in 1946. It has been largely replaced by modern NSV and Kord machine guns, but still finds its place in armies and resistance groups the world over.
Armoury Description

The DShKM is used by several BLUFOR, REDFOR and INDFOR factions in ArmA 2.


The DShKM returns in ArmA 2 but is no longer REDFOR-exclusive and is now utilised by multiple factions.

It has an identical fire rate and muzzle velocity like its predecessor in Armed Assault. The man-portable version of the DShKM can now be disassembled or unpacked into/from a backpack form however, which allows weapons teams to set up a defensive position at any location at a moment's notice.

Ammunition capacity-wise, its loadout now depends on the platform that it is being used as; standalone static DShKMs are usually pre-loaded to feed from a single 50-round belt box and have a further three more in reserve.

Vehicle-mounted DShKMs on the other hand feed from 150-round boxes instead, with the amount of spare boxes varying depending on the vehicle (i.e. Offroads or T-72s).

Unlike the modernised Russian-made KORD HMG however, the DShKM's accuracy leaves much to be desired and has extremely high dispersion the further out a target is. Even the American M2HB has far better accuracy than the DShKM despite being the "older" HMG between the two.

Last but not least, its fire rate is also lower - being only capable of outputting 600 RPM compared to the KORD's 697. Altogether, these drawbacks make the DShKM by far the worst HMG out of the three available in ArmA 2.


Base damage value Aerodynamic friction Initial velocity (m/s)
28 -0.0006 850

DShKMs feed from two types of "magazines":


Standard 50-round belt box used by both static and some vehicle-mounted DShKMs. Every third round fired will be a visible green tracer.

The last four rounds of the belt always consist exclusively of tracers.


Employed exclusively on heavy vehicles (i.e. T-72 tanks). It is identical to regular 50-round belt boxes save for its increased capacity.


  • Along with all pre-Operation Arrowhead static heavy weapons, in-game ChDKZ/CDF DShKMs cannot be repacked into a man-portable backpack form.
    • This is because the ability to dismantle/reassemble static weapons was only added with the release of the expansion pack, and was not retroactively applied to the original ArmA 2 static weapons (as none of the pre-expansion pack units are able to carry backpacks in the first place).
  • Czech military forces operating in Takistan oddly have access to the raised tripod DShKM but not the lowered tripod variant. This inconsistency has not been addressed even with the latest Steam version patches.


External links[]

See also[]

Static weapons of comparable role and configuration[]

Weapons of ArmA: Armed Assault
Handguns M9 9 mmMakarov 9 mm
Submachine guns MP5A5 9 mm (SD6)
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mmM4A1 5.56 mm (M4A1 GL, M4, M4 GL)
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 + GP-25, AKS-74 PSO) • G36 series (G36, G36C, G36K) • M16A2 5.56 mm (M203) • M16A4 5.56 mm (GL)
Designated marksman rifles Mk12 SPR 5.56 mm
Sniper rifles KSVK 12.7 mmM107 .50M24 7.62 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons M249 SAW 5.56 mm
Machineguns M240 7.62 mmPKM 7.62 mm
Grenade launchers 6G30
Launchers 9K32 StrelaFIM-92F StingerJavelin LauncherM136RPG-7V
Static AA PodAT TripodAGS-30D-30DShKMM2M119A1Mk. 19Searchlight
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Queen's Gambit
Arma1-factionicon-sla SLA - Armoury (ArmA: Armed Assault)
Handguns Makarov 9 mm
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm*
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 + GP-25, AKS-74 PSO)
Sniper rifles KSVK 12.7 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Grenade launchers 6G30
Machineguns PKM 7.62 mm*
Launchers RPG-7V* • Strela-2 9K32
Static AA PodAT TripodAGS-30D-30DShKMSearchlight§
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* denotes weapons also used by the Resistance sub-faction.
§ denotes campaign-exclusive weapons.
Queen's Gambit
Weapons of ArmA 2
Handguns CZ 75 9 mmG17 9 mmM1911 .45M9 9 mmMakarov 9 mmRevolver .45
Submachine guns CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1 9 mmMP5 9 mmPDW 9 mmPP-19 Bizon 9 mmSa-61 Scorpion .32
Shotguns M1014Saiga 12KAA-12
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm* • G36 series* (G36C*, G36K*) • M4A1 5.56 mm (M4A1 M203, M4A3, M4A3 M203) • Mk16 CQC 5.56 mmXM8 Compact 5.56 mm
Assault rifles AK-107 5.45 mm (AK-107 GP-25) • AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25*, AKS-74*) • AKM 7.62 mmAKS 7.62 mm* • CZ 805 BREN A1 5.56 mm (CZ 805 A1 G1, CZ 805 BREN A2, CZ 805 B1 G1) • FN FAL 7.62 mmG36A 5.56 mm* • L85A2 5.56 mm (L85A2 UGL) • M16A2 5.56 mm* (M16A2 M203*) • M16A4 5.56 mm (M16A4 M203) • SCAR series (Mk16, Mk16 EGLM, Mk17, Mk17 EGLM) • Sa-58 7.62 mmXM8 series (XM8, XM8 M320)
Designated marksman rifles DMR 7.62 mmL86A2 LSW 5.56 mmM14 7.62 mmMk12 SPR 5.56 mmMk17 Sniper 7.62 mmVSS Vintorez 9 mmXM8 Sharpshooter 5.56 mm
Sniper rifles AS50 12.7 mmCZ 550 9.3 mmCZ 750 S1 M1 .308KSVK 12.7 mm* • Lee-Enfield .303LRR .338M107 .50* • M110 7.62 mmM24 7.62 mm* (M40A3) • SVD Dragunov 7.62 mm*
Squad automatic weapons L110A1 5.56 mmM249 SAW 5.56 mm* • MG36 5.56 mm* • RPK-74 5.45 mmXM8 Automatic Rifle 5.56 mm
Machineguns L7A2 GPMG 7.62 mmMk 48 Mod 0 7.62 mm* • M240 7.62 mm* • M60E4 7.62 mmPKP 7.62 mmPKM 7.62 mmUK-59 7.62 mm
Grenade launchers M32M79Mk13
Launchers 9K32 Strela-29K38 Igla9K115-2 Metis-MFGM-148 JavelinFIM-92F StingerM136M47 DragonMAAWSNLAWRPG-7VRPG-18SMAW
Static AGS-30D-30DShKMIgla AA PodKORDL111A1L134A1M119A1M2M252Mk19Metis AT-132B14 PodnosRBS-70SearchlightSPG-9StingerTOWZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* indicates partial DLC dependency.
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces | Private Military Company | Army of the Czech Republic
Arma2-factionicon-acr ACR - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Handguns CZ 75 9 mmG17 9 mm
Submachine guns CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1 9 mm
Carbines M4A3 5.56 mm (M4A3 M203)
Assault rifles CZ 805 BREN A1 5.56 mm (CZ 805 A1 G1, CZ 805 BREN A2, CZ 805 B1 G1) • Sa-58V 7.62 mm (Sa-58P)
Sniper rifles CZ 750 S1 M1 .308SVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons M249 Para 5.56 mm
Machineguns M60E4 7.62 mmUK-59 7.62 mm
Launchers MAAWSRPG-7V
Static 2B14 PodnosDShKMRBS-70
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Operation Arrowhead | Army of the Czech Republic
Arma2-factionicon-cdf CDF - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Handguns Makarov 9 mm
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • AKS 7.62 mm
Sniper rifles SVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machineguns PKM 7.62 mm
Launchers 9K32 Strela-2RPG-7V
Static AGS-30D-30DShKM2B14 PodnosSearchlightSPG-9ZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Arma2-factionicon-chdkz ChDKZ - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Handguns Makarov 9 mm
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • AKM 7.62 mmAKS 7.62 mm
Sniper rifles CZ 550 9.3 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machine guns PKM 7.62 mm
Launchers 9K32 Strela-2RPG-7V
Static AGS-30D-30DShKM2B14 PodnosSearchlightSPG-9ZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Arma2-factionicon-napa NAPA - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • AKM 7.62 mmAKS 7.62 mm
Sniper rifles CZ 550 9.3 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machineguns PKM 7.62 mm
Launchers 9K32 Strela-2FIM-92F StingerRPG-7V
Static DShKM2B14 PodnosSearchlightSPG-9ZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants.