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« Make an important decision
Mission Description

Decision is the eleventh mission of ArmA 2's Operation Black Gauntlet campaign.


« I'm no goddamned economist; I'm no goddamned politician - who the hell am I to know the repercussions of a situation that I can barely get my head around? My gut tells me one thing - but - who's to say..? I'm just a man who gets the job done.

The Chinese have got their hands all over this. They've made their underhand play in the region - trying to strike a blow against both Russia and the U.S. - and now it's blown up in their own faces..

It seems like there's so much at stake: international relations, the domestic jobs market - hell, my whole future back in Cali could be defined by my actions in this backwater of humanity. Can I do this? I trust Reynolds - I mean, I thought I did. I just don't know what's going on. Where do these orders come from? ION? Vrana Corp Industries? Reynolds acting alone as a loose cannon? Hell, I don't know what's better right now - or what's worse.


The players control ION mercenaries Brian Frost and Henry Asano. Although Team Sword and the UN inspectors have safely returned to Zargabad, Reynolds has been contacted by a new client and has changed the terms of their contract. Team Sword must now make a monumental decision: will they choose to protect the truth, or prioritise their own personal wellbeing and silence the inspectors?


Default loadouts:

There are no alternate pieces of equipment to choose from.



  • (1) Quick Decision




  • Frost and Asano must survive


Primary 1: Quick Decision[]

You have one of two options to make:

The mission will eventually end either way no matter what choice you make. Just be aware that if you choose to side with Reynolds, you will also need to kill your fellow mercenaries Roland Saunderson and James Eckersley. They will immediately open fire on you the moment Dixon bites the dust.


  • If siding with Reynolds, make sure the player who intends to kill Dixon lines up a headshot BEFORE opening fire. His shotgun can and will instantly kill either Frost/Asano with just one volley of buckshot pellets.


  • As revealed in the alternate (non-canonical) ending, Reynolds' mysterious client is indeed a government official from the People's Republic of China.

See also[]

Playable missions in ArmA 2
Operation Harvest Red First To FightInto The StormAmphibious AssaultHarvest RedRazor TwoOne Week LaterManhattanBitter Chill (Delaying The Bear) • Badlands (CDF/NAPA) • Dogs of War (CDF/NAPA) • War That Never Was (Newborn RepublicSetting SailMissing In ActionRevelation)
Eagle Wing Eagle WingEnd of the WorldEmpty Wasteland
Operation Arrowhead BackstabGood Morning T-stanPathfinderColtan BluesOpen SeasonSandstorm (From Hell) • Eye of the Hurricane (Finishing TouchOperation Phoenix) • Press Conference
Operation Crimson Lance Blue JamLancersHeatMountain Lair
Silver Lion War CriminalPatrolMan's Best FriendFireworksWind StormDum Spiro SperoThunderstormThere Will Be Flood
Operation Black Gauntlet InceptionReceptionVocationConfirmationTransportationEliminationMalfunctionRetaliationPreparation (Operation Black Gauntlet)Aviation (Operation Black Gauntlet)DecisionDeception (Termination)
Missions are listed in order of left-to-right based on chronological order.
(Parenthesis) indicate route-specific and/or alternate non-canon missions.