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Armed Assault Wiki

The Dingo 2 CZ is an MRAP-class vehicle used exclusively by Czech military forces in ArmA 2. It was added with the release of the Army of the Czech Republic DLC.


  • Roles:
    • Troop transport
    • Reconnaissance
    • Fire support
« ATF Dingo 2 is an advanced heavily armored military infantry mobility vehicle. It is designed to withstand land mines, rifle fire, artillery fragments and NBC-threats. it can be transported by airplane or transport helicopter. Its weapons station with machinegun or grenadelauncher is controlled via a monitor inside the vehicle.
Armoury Description


Premium content logo
This is a premium asset that requires ownership of the Army of the Czech Republic DLC.

The Dingo is an all-terrain, MRAP-type Infantry Mobility Vehicle (IMV) that is primarily designed to serve as a troop carrier, though it can also fulfil reconnaissance, command and control, and cargo transport duties.

It is armed with either a 7.62 mm medium machine gun or 40 mm automatic grenade launcher that is fitted to the roof-mounted FLW 100/FLW 200 Remote Weapons Station (RWS) turret.

A relatively rugged MRAP, the Dingo's layout is fairly straightforward. Its engine and power pack is placed at the front of the vehicle's body, while the crew compartment is located in the centre, and a small cargo section is set at the rear.

The Dingo's chassis is fitted with an armoured body that is specifically designed to provide its passengers with a high level of protection from small arms fire, light anti-tank weapons, and Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs).

As a wheeled vehicle, the Dingo is also easier to immobilise since its tyres can be burst by gunfire. In spite of its MRAP configuration, the Dingo isn't very durable and remains just as susceptible to larger anti-vehicle weapons. It will be quickly destroyed if it takes too much damage, and in the case of powerful anti-tank mines, will be outright destroyed from a single blast.

Crew Capacity
Including the driver and gunner, the Dingo has a maximum seating capacity of six personnel. It can transport up to four passengers at a time.


Baseline variant.

The RWS turret placed atop the roof of the vehicle is armed with a 7.62 mm medium machine gun. The RWS MMG comes pre-loaded with a single 100-round belt box and has another 3 boxes left in reserve (for a combined total of 400 rounds). It can transport up to four passengers.

Identical to the baseline MG variant but the RWS is armed with a 40 mm automatic grenade launcher instead.

The GMG feeds from a pre-loaded 48-round grenade belt and has 3 more belts spare (for a total of 192 grenades). It transports the same number of passengers as the MG variant.


  • Desert: Bright desert tan paint scheme.
  • Woodland: Bright olive green paint scheme with dark green camouflage blobs.


All Dingo variants have base armour values of 40.


The hull can resist up to 40 points of damage.


The engine can only survive 20 points of damage. A damaged engine will prevent the Dingo from being able to attain its top speed.

Fuel tank[]

The fuel tank can incur just 5.6 points of damage before rupturing. Any damage will cause the tank to gradually leak fuel.


The wheels on all Dingo variants can take a meagre 6 points of damage. Destroying them will not affect the Dingo's "health" pool.


The RWS turret on all variants can incur 32 points of damage. Disabling the turret will "lock" its rotation/elevation but does not prevent its weapon systems from being fired.


The gunner position remotely operates the Dingo's turret. They exclusively have control over the GMG 40 mm grenade launcher and MG3A1 7.62 mm machine gun.

For rotation/elevation limits, the turret can be freely adjusted in all directions horizontally but has a maximum elevation of 60 degrees and a depression of 25 degrees. For optics, the turret's camera has variable zoom capability and can switch between regular day, night or black-/white-hot thermal vision modes:



NOTE: Only available on Dingo 2 (GL) variants.

Damage type Base damage value Aerodynamic friction Initial velocity (m/s)
High-Explosive 12 -0.001064 240

40 mm automatic grenade launcher. Fires grenades fitted with high-explosive (HE) warheads.

It can attain a fire rate of up to 150 rounds per minute with a muzzle velocity of 240 m/s. Dispersion is always fixed at 0.006 rad regardless of range. Reloading a new grenade belt takes up to 6 seconds to complete.

The GMG can be zeroed starting from a minimum of 100 m up to a maximum of 1,000 m. Adjustments are made with increments/decrements of 100 m.



NOTE: Only available on Dingo 2 (MG) variants.

Base damage value Aerodynamic friction Initial velocity (m/s)
12 -0.0009324 900

7.62 mm medium machine gun.

It can attain a fire rate of up to 800 RPM and requires 5 seconds to reload a fresh belt. Accuracy-wise, it has a fixed dispersion of 0.0012 rad regardless of distance.

Zeroing ranges are identical to those available on the GMG.


  • At release, the Dingo's default zeroing settings were different, and it was not possible to access the vehicle's inventory unless the user was inside the vehicle (AI units were not affected by this, however). Additionally, the GMG's smoke particle effects were excessively large and obscured the gunner's view.
    • All of these were addressed after the release of the latest Steam version patches (as part of CorePatch).[1]
  • Despite being classified as an MRAP, the in-game Dingo is quite fragile and typical of all vehicles in the series, will violently explode upon incurring severe damage to any of its primary components.
  • Prior to the release of ArmA 3, the Dingo was the first dedicated MRAP-type vehicle in the series.
The information below details unused, pre-release or removed content.
  • Arma2-dingo-02

    Unused German Dingo variants.

    Curiously, there is a hidden third texture (Texture name: karosse_co.paa) that features a woodland camouflage scheme. Based on its appearance, it was clearly intended for German forces.[2]
    • This could suggest that at some point during ACR's development, the KSK faction may have potentially had the Dingo as a usable vehicle. Unfortunately, the vehicles themselves were not implemented in the DLC's final release. Therefore, the only way to make use of the textures are through custom addons or the setObjectTexture scripting command.



  1. Mazzon, M et al. 2019, CorePatch, GitHub, viewed 20 November 2023, <>.
  2. ARMA 2: Army of the Czech Republic 2012 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \ca\wheeled_acr\dingo\data\karosse_co.paa

External links[]

See also[]

Vehicles of comparable role and configuration[]

Vehicles of ArmA 2
Wheeled 9P117 SCUD-BATVBRDM-2* • BTR-40BTR-60BTR-90BM-21 Grad* • Bus* • CarDingo 2 CZHatchbackHMMWV* • GAZJackal 2 MWMIKKamazLada* • LAV-25Military OffroadMotorcycle* (Old moto) • Mountain bike (Old bike) • MTVR* • Offroad* • Pandur II 8x8 CZPickup* • RM-70S1203SedanStryker (MGS) • SUV (Armored SUV) • T810TractorTouring CarTowing TractorUAZ-469* • Ural* • V3S* • Vodnik
Tracked 2S6M TunguskaAAVP-7A1BMP-2BMP-3BVP-1FV510 WarriorM1 Abrams* (M1A2 TUSK*) • M113M2 BradleyM270 MLRS* • T-34* • T-55T-72* (T-72M4 CZ) • T-90ZSU-23-4*
Rotor-wing AH-1ZAH-6J Little Bird (AH-6X) • AH-11 WildcatAH-64D* (AH-1) • CH-47F Chinook (Chinook HC4) • Ka-52Ka-60Ka-137Merlin HC3MH-6J Little BirdMi-8MTV-3* (Mi-17*) • Mi-24P (Mi-24D*, Mi-24V*) • UH-1Y (UH-1H) • UH-60 Black Hawk (MH-60S)
Fixed-wing A-10 Thunderbolt II* • An-2AV-8B HarrierC-130J Hercules* • F-35 Lightning IIL-159 ALCAL-39ZA (L-39C) • MQ-9 Reaper* • MV-22 OspreyPchela-1TSu-39 (Su-25*) • Su-34
Aquatic CRRCFishing BoatPBXRHIBSmall Boat
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* indicates partial DLC dependency.
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces | Private Military Company | Army of the Czech Republic
Arma2-factionicon-acr ACR - Vehicles (ArmA 2)
Wheeled ATVBRDM-2Dingo 2 CZHMMWV GPKMilitary OffroadPandur II 8x8 CZRM-70T810UAZ-469
Tracked BMP-2T-72M4 CZ
Rotor-wing Mi-171ShMi-24V
Fixed-wing L-159 ALCAL-39CL-39ZA
Aquatic PBX
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Operation Arrowhead | Army of the Czech Republic