Armed Assault Wiki
Armed Assault Wiki
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Explosives are placeable ordnance devices.



Russian Spetsnaz operative setting up an Explosive Satchel (ArmA 3)

Throughout the ARMA series, explosive devices range from small plastic explosives to the more powerful satchel charges, which are capable of destroying heavily armoured vehicles such as Main Battle Tanks or reinforced, multi-level structures (if planted in bulk).

Unlike landmines which can be autonomously activated by their trigger mechanisms, explosives are always remotely triggered by the user or optionally, be set on a timer. Because of this, simply neutralising the triggerman who planted the device is sufficient to prevent explosives from being set off - unless their timers were activated in which case, disarming the device will be necessary.

In Cold War Assault up to ArmA 3, only Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) classes like demolition specialists, sappers/saboteurs and engineers, are able to safely disarm explosives (repair specialists cannot disarm them). For ArmA 3 specifically, the user must also possess a Toolkit within their inventory in order to dispose of them.

If there are no EOD units available, explosives can be cleared by shooting at them with small arms fire or chain-detonated with the help of other explosive-based devices (beginning with ArmA 3). As explosives usually have quite a large kill zone radius, it is strongly advised that units keep a safe distance away from the device or take cover behind large objects before attempting to detonate them in this way (minimum 50 metres or more).

ArmA: Cold War Assault[]

In ArmA: Cold War Assault, two types of explosive devices are available to both U.S. and Soviet military forces: Satchel Charges and Time bombs. U.S. black ops and Soviet Spetsnaz saboteurs carry at least three Satchel Charges as part of their default loadout.


A U.S. black ops saboteur disarms a cluster of armed Satchel Charges.

Any planted explosives can be disarmed by U.S./Soviet military engineers. U.S. black ops and Soviet Spetsnaz operatives can also disarm explosives even if they are set to a time-delayed fuse. Once an explosive has been disarmed, it can be retrieved and freely planted elsewhere.

Explosive name Base damage value Splash damage value Kill zone radius (metres)
Satchel Charges 700[CWACfgA 1] 700[CWACfgA 2] 7[CWACfgA 3]
Time bomb 700[CWACfgA 4] 700[CWACfgA 5] 7[CWACfgA 6]

Satchel Charges[]

« Satchel Charges are, by definition, improvised charges that are made out of several smaller units of explosives and placed in an easily transportable bag. They have two possible methods of detonation - a 30 second countdown timer, and a radio-transmitted command signal.
Item description

Satchel Charges are used primarily by U.S. black ops and Soviet Spetsnaz operatives, as well as in limited numbers with Nogovan resistance fighters. They have a kill zone radius of 7 metres.[CWACfgA 3]

Satchel Charges can be triggered either remotely by command detonation or by setting a time-delayed fuse. Satchel Charges will always use a default timer of 30 seconds. This timer can be extended for as long as necessary by continually adding another 30 seconds.

Time bomb[]

The Time bomb is used in limited numbers by both U.S. black ops and Soviet Spetsnaz operatives.

They also have a kill zone radius of 7 metres.[CWACfgA 6] Unlike Satchel Charges, the Time bomb cannot be command detonated and can only be armed with a 30 second timer. This timer can similarly extended indefinitely by 30 second increments.

Aside from this trigger restriction, the Time bomb remains statistically identical to Satchel Charges.

ArmA: Armed Assault[]

In ArmA: Armed Assault, only one type of explosives are available in the form of Satchel Charges. Satchel Charges are used by U.S. Army special operations, the SLA's Especas saboteurs, and commandos of the RACS' Royal Guards.

Functionally, explosives in Armed Assault remain identical. The main differences stem from their significantly increased explosive damage and reduced blast radius. Whereas explosives in Cold War Assault have a large blast radius but lower damage, Armed Assault's explosives deal almost ~ 52% more damage at the cost of a ~ 54% reduction to their blast radius.


A U.S. Army SF Recon operator disarms an activated Satchel Charge.

Engineers on all sides (BLUFOR/REDFOR/INDFOR) similarly retain the ability to disarm planted explosives even if they have been set to a timer. Specops-type infantry (U.S. SOF/SLA Especas/RACS Commandos) can also disarm activated explosives, and just like in Cold War Assault, Armed Assault's explosives can be retrieved for reuse.

Explosive name Base damage value Splash damage value Kill zone radius (metres)
Satchel Charges 1,200[A1CfgA 1] 1,100[A1CfgA 2] 4[A1CfgA 3]

Satchel Charges[]

« Remotely controled or time fused charge used for demolitions and sabotage operations. The preferred weapon of unconventional forces who want to inflict maximum damage with minimal effort.
Item description

Satchel Charges are used by U.S. Army special operations units, SLA Especas saboteurs, and RACS Royal Guards commandos.

Satchel Charges have a kill zone radius of 4 metres.[A1CfgA 3] They can either be remote-detonated or set to a timer with a delay of 30 seconds. If Satchel Charges are armed with a timer, its detonation can be delayed for a further 30 seconds by extending its timer. This can be repeated for as many times as necessary to continue delaying its detonation.

ArmA 2[]

In ArmA 2, two types of explosives are available once again: Satchel Charges and Time bombs. They are used by several BLUFOR (USMC/CDF/U.S. Army/British Army/KSK/ACR), REDFOR (Russian Armed Forces/ChDKZ/Takistani Army/Militia) and INDFOR (NAPA/Takistani Rebels/ION) factions.

Both functionally and statistically, ArmA 2's explosives are unchanged from their predecessors in Armed Assault. Explosives can be disarmed by engineer-type infantry classes and specops soldiers, whether that be U.S. demolition specialists, Russian military engineers, guerilla saboteurs and/or mercenary field technicians.


A U.S. Army 1st SFOD-D operator unpacks several Satchel Charges from his backpack.

The only difference is that with the introduction of wearable backpacks, it is now feasible for regular soldier classes and specops-type units to carry several explosives in their inventory (occupying primary weapon magazine slots) while hauling anywhere from between four up to six additional explosives in their backpack depending on its size.

Explosive name Base damage value Splash damage value Kill zone radius (metres)
Satchel Charges 1,200[A2CfgA 1] 1,100[A2CfgA 2] 4[A2CfgA 3]
Time bomb 1,200[A2CfgA 4] 1,100[A2CfgA 5] 4[A2CfgA 6]

Satchel Charges[]

« A pipe bomb is an Improvised Explosive Device which contains one or more pipes filled with explosive material.
Even with easily obtained explosives like black powder the pipe bomb can produce a relatively large explosion.
Item description

Satchel Charges are used by almost every faction on BLUFOR, REDFOR and INDFOR.

Satchel Charges have a kill zone radius of 4 metres.[A2CfgA 3] It is possible to detonate Satchel Charges either by remotely trigger them or setting them to explode after a period of time (30 seconds). If Satchel Charges are set to use timers, their detonation can be delayed by extending the timer by 30 seconds. Extending the fuse's timer can repeated as many times as the user wants to.

Time bomb[]

« A time bomb is a generic term for a simple explosive device fitted with a timer. It can be detonated at any given time set by the user.
Item description

The Time bomb is not used by any of the factions. Time bombs are statistically identical to regular Satchel Charges. The only difference is that they cannot be command detonated and can only be set to a 30 second timer.

However just like Satchel Charges, it is still possible to manually extend the timer by a further 30 seconds. This can be repeated for as many times as the user needs to delay its detonation.

ArmA 3[]

« Charges and IEDs can be detonated remotely or set with a timer. If you have an IED in your inventory, an item will appear in your action menu.
Field Manual

In ArmA 3, two types of explosives are available: Explosive Satchels and Explosive Charges. Both explosive types are universally shared amongst the majority of BLUFOR (NATO/CTRG/FIA), REDFOR (CSAT/Viper/Russian Spetsnaz) and INDFOR (AAF/Syndikat/LDF) factions.

ArmA 3 is the first game in the series to introduce less powerful but lighter to carry plastic explosives. Unlike satchels, their blast radius is smaller and they inflict only a third of the damage but many more can be carried at a time. In addition, they possess the advantage of being storable inside the user's vest pouches whereas satchels can only fit inside a backpack.


A CTRG operative detects a series of concealed Explosive Satchels and Explosive Charges with the help of a Mine Detector.

When carrying a Mine Detector or utilising a remote-controlled UGV/UAV, both explosives will appear as red triangles once they get within range of the sensor. Humans can manually identify the explosive by "reporting" them, though it is still recommended to keep a fair distance away from the device to avoid being caught in the blast radius should the triggerman be hiding nearby.


Left: A heavy machine gun-armed MRAP detonates an Explosive Charge by shooting at it three times.
Right: An automatic grenade launcher-armed APC triggers an Explosive Satchel after four 40 mm grenades explode near it.

Additionally, it is now possible to destroy planted explosives by using other high-explosive (HE) based munitions to chain-detonate them or by shooting at them several times.

However, there is now an extra requirement for the disarmament of explosives. In addition to the user needing to be a engineer-type soldier or demolitions specialist/EOD-capable infantry class, the user must have a Toolkit in their inventory. If the user isn't carrying a Toolkit, they will not be able to disarm the explosive even though they possess the skills to do so.

Explosive name Base damage value Splash damage value Kill zone radius (metres)
Explosive Satchel 3,000[A3CfgA 1] 3,000[A3CfgA 2] 5[A3CfgA 3]
Explosive Charge 1,000[A3CfgA 4] 1,000[A3CfgA 5] 3[A3CfgA 6]

Explosive Satchel[]

« An explosive satchel is a charge placeable on the ground. It can be set to detonate either by using the built-in timer or a remote detonator. They are stronger than an explosive charge, capable of destroying whole buildings, but easier to spot.
Item description

Explosive Satchels are used by almost every faction on BLUFOR, REDFOR and INDFOR. They have a weight of 80 "mass" units.[A3CfgM 2]

Explosive Satchels have a kill zone radius of 5 metres[A3CfgA 3] and can be triggered either remotely (via command detonation)[A3CfgA 7] or set to a 40 second timer. This timer can be extended by a further 40 seconds.[A3CfgT 1] This can be repeated for as many times needed to delay the Explosive Satchel's detonation.

It should be noted that Explosive Satchels are restricted to backpacks only. It is not possible to carry an Explosive Satchel with just the wearer's uniform and/or vest.[A3CfgM 1]

Furthermore, Explosive Satchels cannot be triggered by simply shooting at them. They can only be chain-detonated by explosive munitions (e.g. 40 mm GMG grenades) or other explosives.

Explosive Charge[]

« An explosive charge is placeable on the ground. It could be set to detonate either by the built-in timer or a remote detonator.
Item description

Explosive Charges are used by most BLUFOR, REDFOR and INDFOR factions. They have a weight of 20 "mass" units.[A3CfgM 4] Unlike Explosive Satchels, Explosive Charges can be carried within the wearer's backpack and/or vest.[A3CfgM 3]

Explosive Charges have a smaller kill zone radius of only 3 metres.[A3CfgA 6] However, they still retain two types of triggers: either command detonation[A3CfgA 8] or a 40 second timer. It is also possible to extend the timer's duration by 40 seconds (and more if necessary).[A3CfgT 1]

However, Explosive Charges are not immune to gunfire and can be detonated by simply shooting at it or chain-detonating it with an explosive munition. Depending on the calibre of the projectile, it may take anywhere from one up to six rounds to trigger the Explosive Charge with only gunfire.

ARMA Reforger[]

« To orchestrate an ambush, conduct a sabotage operation, or clear an obstacle, soldiers will often use explosive charges. These come in various shapes and sizes, with different explosive fillers. They can be attached to most surfaces - be it on structures or vehicles.
Field Manual

ARMA Reforger features placeable explosives in the form of the M112 Demolition Block (for BLUFOR) and 400g TNT Demolition Block (for REDFOR/INDFOR).


A U.S. Recon Scout connects an M112 Demolition Block to their M34 Blasting Machine.

Unlike in ArmA 3 and all prior games, explosives in Reforger now require a dedicated detonator device in order to trigger the explosives remotely once they have been set down and armed (using either the U.S. M34 Blasting Machine or Soviet KPM-3U1 Detonator). If a detonator device is not available, explosives can still be armed with time-delayed fuses. Another change with Reforger's explosives is that the timer is no longer restricted to 20 second increments and can now be freely adjusted from a minimum of 20 seconds up to a maximum of 120 seconds.


Left: Invalid placement location
Right: Valid placement location

Furthermore, as opposed to how explosives were placed down in ArmA 3, it is now possible to determine the exact location of where an explosive gets planted, whether it be on the ground or attached to the walls of a structure/sides of a vehicle. Whenever an explosive is equipped, a small 3D silhouette of the explosive's model will appear in front of the user. If the user is too far from the placement position or the placement location is deemed to be invalid, the silhouette will appear red. If the placement location is valid, then the silhouette will appear blue instead.

Lastly, explosives no longer require a dedicated engineer/EOD-type class to disarm. Regardless of whether an explosive has been armed with a timer or has a remote detonator inserted, any soldier or civilian can approach the device and deactivate it by removing the explosive's fuse. Once the explosive's fuse has been removed, the explosive can then be picked up and reused.

400g TNT Demolition Block[]

Parameter Primary explosion Secondary explosion Fragmentation Explosion impulse
Base damage value
Damage radius (metres)
Explosion effect speed (m/s)
Damage falloff curve
Charge weight (grams)
« An explosive charge containing a block of TNT.
Item description

The 400g TNT Demolition Block is used by both Soviet military forces and FIA guerillas. It has a weight of 0.4 kg[RfCmpE 2], occupies 1x1 inventory slots[RfCmpE 1], and has a volume of 200 cm3.[RfCmpE 3]

TNT blocks can be armed with a time-delayed or a remote detonation fuse. By default, TNT blocks can only be armed with a time-delayed fuses. The timer can be set to explode the TNT block after 20 seconds have passed.[RfCmpW 1] Alternately, this can be delayed up to a maximum of 120 seconds.[RfCmpW 2] Adjustments to the timer can be made with 1 second increments/decrements.[RfCmpW 3]

In order to trigger the TNT block's detonation remotely, a dedicated detonator device will need to be connected to the TNT block first. Although they are meant to be connected to Soviet KPM-3U1s, U.S. M34s can also be used to arm TNT blocks (there is no side restriction).

M112 Demolition Block[]

Parameter Primary explosion Secondary explosion Fragmentation Explosion impulse
Base damage value
Damage radius (metres)
Explosion effect speed (m/s)
Damage falloff curve
Charge weight (grams)
« An explosive charge containing a block of C-4.
Item description

The M112 Demolition Block is used exclusively by U.S. military forces. It has a weight of 0.57 kg[RfCmpE 5], occupies 1x1 inventory slots[RfCmpE 4], and has a volume of 400 cm3.[RfCmpE 6]

M112s can be armed with a timed or remote detonation fuse. By default, M112s can only be armed with a timed fuse. The timer can be set to explode after 20 seconds[RfCmpW 4] or up to a maximum of 120 seconds.[RfCmpW 5] Adjustments to the timer can be made with 1 second increments/decrements.[RfCmpW 6]

It is also possible to connect a remote fuse with the help of a detonator device. There is no side restriction to the type of detonator that can be connected; U.S. M34s and Soviet KPM-3U1s alike can be used to trigger the M112 remotely.


  • Prior to Patch 1.06, it was possible for satchels in Armed Assault to not damage vehicles if they were detonated on bridges.[1]
  • After the release of ArmA 3's Laws of War DLC (as part of Game Update 1.76), both explosive types were given unique planting and arming sound effects.[2] Before the patch, the same generic planting/beeping sounds would be played whenever an explosive ordnance device was armed.
  • ArmA 3 was the first main title in the series to feature real-world explosives rather than generic satchel bags. The Explosive Satchel is based on the U.S. Navy's "M183 Demolition Charge Assembly" while Explosive Charges are modelled after the U.S. Army's "M112 Demolition Block".
  • Initially, Reforger did not have usable explosives when the game was first launched in Early Access (nor were they present after the game left EA with Update 1.0). Explosive charges were only added after the game's 1.2 patch.[3]
  • Reforger's explosives were originally scheduled for inclusion in the game's Final Strike development milestone.[4] However, they were released much earlier in the Air Assault milestone instead (as part of Update 1.2's content).[3]

Config/script references[]

CfgAmmo (ArmA: Cold War Assault)

  1. CfgAmmo >> PipeBomb >> hit
  2. CfgAmmo >> PipeBomb >> indirectHit
  3. 3.0 3.1 CfgAmmo >> PipeBomb >> indirectHitRange
  4. CfgAmmo >> TimeBomb >> hit
  5. CfgAmmo >> TimeBomb >> indirectHit
  6. 6.0 6.1 CfgAmmo >> TimeBomb >> indirectHitRange

CfgWeapons (ArmA: Cold War Assault)

  1. CfgWeapons >> PipeBomb >> magazineType >> "2 * 256"
  2. CfgWeapons >> TimeBomb >> magazineType >> "2 * 256"

CfgAmmo (ArmA: Armed Assault)

  1. CfgAmmo >> PipeBomb >> hit
  2. CfgAmmo >> PipeBomb >> indirectHit
  3. 3.0 3.1 CfgAmmo >> PipeBomb >> indirectHitRange

CfgMagazines (ArmA: Armed Assault)

  1. CfgMagazines >> PipeBomb >> type >> "2 * 256"

CfgAmmo (ArmA 2)

  1. CfgAmmo >> PipeBomb >> hit
  2. CfgAmmo >> PipeBomb >> indirectHit
  3. 3.0 3.1 CfgAmmo >> PipeBomb >> indirectHitRange
  4. CfgAmmo >> TimeBomb >> hit
  5. CfgAmmo >> TimeBomb >> indirectHit
  6. CfgAmmo >> TimeBomb >> indirectHitRange

CfgMagazines (ArmA 2)

  1. CfgMagazines >> PipeBomb >> type >> "2 * 256"
  2. CfgMagazines >> TimeBomb >> type >> "2 * 256"

CfgAmmo (ArmA 3)

  1. CfgAmmo >> SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo >> hit
  2. CfgAmmo >> SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo >> indirectHit
  3. 3.0 3.1 CfgAmmo >> SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo >> indirectHitRange
  4. CfgAmmo >> DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo >> hit
  5. CfgAmmo >> DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo >> indirectHit
  6. 6.0 6.1 CfgAmmo >> DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo >> indirectHitRange
  7. 7.0 7.1 CfgAmmo >> SatchelCharge_Remote_Ammo >> mineTrigger >> "RemoteTrigger"
  8. 8.0 8.1 CfgAmmo >> DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo >> mineTrigger >> "RemoteTrigger"

CfgMagazines (ArmA 3)

  1. 1.0 1.1 CfgMagazines >> SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag >> allowedSlots[] >> {901}
  2. 2.0 2.1 CfgMagazines >> SatchelCharge_Remote_Mag >> mass
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 CfgMagazines >> DemoCharge_Remote_Mag >> allowedSlots[] >> {901, 701}
  4. 4.0 4.1 CfgMagazines >> DemoCharge_Remote_Mag >> mass

CfgMineTriggers (ArmA 3)

  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 CfgMineTriggers >> RemoteTrigger >> timerStep

Explosive components (ARMA Reforger)

  1. 1.0 1.1 >> SCR_ExplosiveChargeInventoryItemComponent >> CustomAttributes >> m_Size >> "SLOT_1x1"
  2. 2.0 2.1 >> SCR_ExplosiveChargeInventoryItemComponent >> Attributes >> ItemPhysAttributes >> Weight
  3. >> SCR_ExplosiveChargeInventoryItemComponent >> Attributes >> ItemPhysAttributes >> ItemVolume
  4. 4.0 4.1 >> SCR_ExplosiveChargeInventoryItemComponent >> CustomAttributes >> m_Size >> "SLOT_1x1"
  5. 5.0 5.1 >> SCR_ExplosiveChargeInventoryItemComponent >> Attributes >> ItemPhysAttributes >> Weight
  6. >> SCR_ExplosiveChargeInventoryItemComponent >> Attributes >> ItemPhysAttributes >> ItemVolume

Weapon components (ARMA Reforger)

  1. >> ActionsManagerComponent >> additionalActions >> SCR_ArmExplosiveChargeWithTimedFuzeAction >> SCR_AdjustTimedFuzeAction >> Min value
  2. >> ActionsManagerComponent >> additionalActions >> SCR_ArmExplosiveChargeWithTimedFuzeAction >> SCR_AdjustTimedFuzeAction >> Max value
  3. >> ActionsManagerComponent >> additionalActions >> SCR_ArmExplosiveChargeWithTimedFuzeAction >> SCR_AdjustTimedFuzeAction >> m_fAdjustmentStep
  4. >> ActionsManagerComponent >> additionalActions >> SCR_ArmExplosiveChargeWithTimedFuzeAction >> SCR_AdjustTimedFuzeAction >> Min value
  5. >> ActionsManagerComponent >> additionalActions >> SCR_ArmExplosiveChargeWithTimedFuzeAction >> SCR_AdjustTimedFuzeAction >> Max value
  6. >> ActionsManagerComponent >> additionalActions >> SCR_ArmExplosiveChargeWithTimedFuzeAction >> SCR_AdjustTimedFuzeAction >> m_fAdjustmentStep

Entity catalogs (ARMA Reforger)



  1. Španěl, M et al. 2007, ArmA: Armed Assault: Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 2 September 2023, <>.
  2. van 't Land, J.J. 2017, SPOTREP #00073, Arma 3, viewed 2 September 2023, <>.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2024, 1.2 Update, Arma Reforger, viewed 26 June 2024, <>.
  4. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2023, Roadmap, Arma Reforger, viewed 14 October 2023, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Non-lethal BinocularsChemical DetectorChemlightCompassDetonatorEntrenching ToolFlaresFlashlightFuel ContainerGPSInfrared StrobeLandmine MarkerLaser DesignatorMine DetectorNight Vision GogglesParachuteRadioRangefinderRepair ToolResupply PackSmoke GrenadeSpectrum DeviceToolkitUAV TerminalWatch
Lethal ExplosivesHand GrenadesLandminesUnderbarrel grenade launcher (Cold War Assault, Armed Assault, ArmA 2, ArmA 3, Reforger)
Medical BandageFirst Aid KitMedikitMorphine InjectorSaline SolutionTourniquet