« | Stay alive. Escape Altis. Mission Description
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Game Over is the alternate, non-canon final mission to ArmA 3's The East Wind campaign.
« | You can no more win a war than you can win an earthquake. Jeanette Rankin, Congressional Speech (April 1917)
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« | All hell's broken loose. CSAT has made a massive counter-attack and the whole island is in flames. It feels like it's the beginning of a global war. We thought that the whole conflict would be over in the next few hours - that the AAF would simply surrender - but, instead, it's escalated beyond control. I don't know exactly what that 'thing' I handed to Miller was, but CSAT certainly seems to value it highly. I've got to get out of here. |
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The player controls disavowed U.S. Army infantryman Sergeant Ben Kerry. Kerry has decided to hand over the mysterious device to CTRG Captain Scott Miller. But in response to its capture, CSAT has seemingly launched a massive counterinvasion of the island in an attempt to reclaim it.
With Colonel Armstrong dead, the 111th Infantry Division has been thrown into complete disarray and most of its forces have been wiped out. As Miller abandons him despite his earlier promise he will get Kerry out, Kerry must now find a way to get off the island as World War III begins...
Kerry's role/class:
- Infantry / Rifleman
Default loadout:
- Primary weapon: Weapon from previous mission
- Secondary weapon: Weapon from previous mission
- Equipment: Equipment from previous mission
- Backpack: Backpack from previous mission
The briefing loadout menu is not available for this mission.
- (1) Wait for Miller
- (2) Escape from Altis
- (3) Investigate Dome
- (4) Join FIA
- (5) Join NATO
Primary 1: Wait for Miller[]
You start off at the Amphitheatre. Wait for the conversation with Miller to end and the objective will automatically be marked as complete.
Primary 2: Escape from Altis[]
Now comes the "fun" part. You must get off the island by any means necessary. There are CSAT soldiers everywhere, so be extremely cautious whenever you step foot near a town, military installation or large settlement.
You can either grab a boat from one of the naval ports, any of the helicopters from airports/airstrips or alternately if you're feeling particularly silly, literally swim away (expect to spend 20 minutes or more even with time acceleration enabled). The entire island is opened up for you to roam; there is no absolute route which you must take to "beat" this mission.
Last but not least, you can even have Kerry commit suicide to "finish" the campaign. But where's the fun in that?
Optional 3: Investigate Dome[]
Remember the unmarked research facility from the last mission where you retrieved the truck? Go back to the base and head inside the biggest dome in the centre of the facility. You will find numerous corpses of deceased scientists and SOF operatives, and what appears to be research data for the device you stole for Miller.
« | What's all this seismic shit about?! SGT Ben "WTF" Kerry
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Simply take a look at the laptop/whiteboard charts and Kerry will throw out his usual profanity-filled one liners. The objective will be marked as complete shortly afterwards (...and provide absolutely zero answers to the device's origin).
Optional 4: Join FIA[]
At the centre of the saltwater swamp (due east of Charkia) lies a four-man group of FIA guerillas trapped by minefields on all sides. They're currently holed up inside a small group of shacks, and they've requested your help. They will join you once you manage to link up with them successfully.
Your main threat for this objective are the landmines. Each minefield contains a mixture of regular pressure-based and magnetic anti-vehicle mines (though there's less of the latter).
You can either:
- Detonate them from afar manually.
- You will need to have sharp eyes as some of the mines are placed near the swamp's edge and blend in very well with the terrain. Any weapon will do so as long as you have a steady aim and are using something that has an effective firing range of 200 metres or more (this is the safest minimum distance which you should be at to remain unharmed from the blast).
- Run over them with a vehicle.
Of course, you could also just choose to ignore the guerillas altogether but again, where's the fun in that?
Optional 5: Join NATO[]
Extremely easy objective.
Due south of the research facility/Amphitheatre (and north of Paros) lies an unfinished building/construction site with a three-man group of NATO soldiers. You only need to walk within proximity of the team and they'll automatically join you straight away.
Since you'll mostly likely be passing through their place while getting to the guerillas in the swamp anyway, you may as well grab these guys before heading out. Just remember to bring a vehicle with you so that you won't need to wait on them to chase after your tail.
- You cannot save on this mission no matter your difficulty settings, so make your every move count! If you want to revert, you'll have to restart from the beginning of the mission again.
- It is entirely possible - though extremely tedious, to clear the entire island of CSAT forces and salvage every unlocked vehicle. You will absolutely need the help of both NATO and FIA remnants as many of the larger cities and places like the Altis International Airport are chock full of tanks and IFVs, which cannot be taken on alone without multiple heavy AT launchers being used simultaneously.
- Since it isn't possible to save, this requires an enormous amount of time and effort and is largely a waste of energy; that is...unless you're feeling particular masochistic or enjoy the tension...
- Several self-propelled gun vehicles can be salvaged provided you manage to eliminate the crew without destroying the vehicles. Having either of the FIA/NATO remnants occupy the gunner positions can be extremely helpful in clearing the more heavily fortified CSAT installations in the south-east and central parts of the island.
- Every Man for Himself
- Unlocked once you finish the mission, regardless of the method you choose to go for.
- Game Over is regarded as non-canon in the timeline since its events directly contradict three other canon campaigns: Apex Protocol, Altis Requiem and Remnants of War.[1][2]
- None of the friendly NATO squads that you encounter alive in some of the settlements (i.e. Charkia) will join you even if you eliminate the CSAT soldiers attacking them.
- Presumably, the HMS Proteus submarine placed off the coast of Altis (as "seen" in the previous mission) served as Miller's extraction point. Whether or not he and his remaining team members were ultimately successful in getting away with the device remains unclear however, as his final radio transmission is cut off before Kerry can interject any further.
- ↑ Mořický, K 2018, The ending where you help Miller is not canon, as explained in the Apex Protocol campaign., 24 April, viewed 30 October 2023, <https://twitter.com/KarelMoricky/status/988523083043672066>.
- ↑ Mořický, K et al. 2011, Armaverse Timeline, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 30 October 2023, <https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Armaverse_Timeline>.