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« There was this one really blond guy, Russian for sure. "Are you Razor? Where is Cooper?" He flipped when we wouldn't tell him, just went down the line and knifed us, one, two, three, like that.
Sergeant Ian Simmons warns Razor Team about "Karelin"

"Karelin" (Russian: Карелин[4]) is one of the main antagonists of ArmA 2's Operation Harvest Red campaign.


Not much is known about Karelin's past, aside from the fact that he became a Spetsnaz team leader at some point prior to or during the Soviet Union's collapse. He fervently opposes Chernarussian independence and seeks nothing more than (what he sees) a rightful return of all former USSR territories back into Russia's fold.

Operation Harvest Red (2009)[]

Without knowledge from either the Russian government or the military, Karelin eventually foments a plot to incite civil war in the upstart nation, supplying arms, funding, and equipment to anti-government groups. The largest of these opposition groups, the so-called Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star (ChDKZ)[5], would be the perfect catalysts. Already, the group had attempted to overthrow the Chernarussian government but had failed miserably due to a lack of support.[6][7][8]

Karelin personally contacted the leaders of the rebel organisation - Gregori Lopotev and Mikola Bardak, and through his contacts in the Kremlin, arranged to have arms smugglers and other sympathetic groups support them. Members of Karelin's own Spetsnaz team would also be providing support by training and leading ChDKZ into battle.[9][10]

For two months, Karelin and his men would continue bide time and slowly stockpile the ChDKZ's manpower and resources until the moment to strike against the Chernarussian government presented itself. On September 1st, 2009[1], Karelin instructed Lopotev to carry out a second uprising.[11][12]

Unlike their first failed attempt, this uprising was successful in overthrowing the regional government largely due to Karelin's leadership. Within weeks, all of South Zagoria would fall under ChDKZ control.[11] Lopotev would soon announce his intention to integrate the province into the Russian Federation. All that was left now was to wait for the Kremlin to act.[1][12][13]

However, the Kremlin was still reluctant to intervene directly or outright back Lopotev's announcement.[13] It didn't help that the U.S. government was also meddling in the crisis, and would soon be invading South Zagoria in support of the Chernarussian government.[14][15]

As the American-backed offensive allowed the Chernarussians to reclaim territory, time was running out for Karelin. The ChDKZ were losing ground rapidly and Bardak had also been captured.[16][17][18][19] Left with no choice, Karelin initiated "Operation Cobalt", a plan to have ChDKZ operatives carry out a terrorist attack in the heart of the capital's Red Square. Chernarussian extremists would be blamed for the attack, and force the Kremlin to intervene in the crisis.[20]

Operation Cobalt succeeds and two hundred Russians are killed in the attack with countless more being injured.[21] The Americans are forced to withdraw from South Zagoria[20][22], and the Chernarussians are to relinquish retaken territory back into the hands of the ChDKZ.[1][23]

However, Karelin had also received ill-news that "Spukayev", one of the ChDKZ operatives involved in Operation Cobalt, was planning to betray the organisation and reveal the truth behind the bombing.[20] Two American Force Reconnaissance teams, Razor and Sabre, were looking into the man's case; he had to stop them before they could manage to extract Spukayev. Karelin knew the identity of one of the Marines, Matthew Cooper, but was unable to track him down just yet.[24]

Karelin's team bided their time and waited for Sabre to bring back Spukayev to their camp. Once Spukayev was in place, Karelin's team struck it with full force and in a single stroke, annihilated the traitor and most of Sabre with mortars and gunfire. Only a handful of survivors were left now. Karelin interrogated them one-by-one and demanded to know where Cooper was hiding. They refused to answer him. In exchange, Karelin cut their throats.[1][24]

Karelin continued to focus on supporting the ChDKZ by helping them to track down NAPA extremists wherever possible.[25] However, Razor Team was still on the run and so as long as they remained alive, they were a loose end that could jeopardise everything.[24]


Lopotev is eventually captured by the Americans.[26] To make matters worse, his contacts in the Kremlin revealed that a secret deal would be taking place. In exchange for both Lopotev and his testimony over the ChDKZ's involvement in Operation Cobalt, the Russian military would withdraw from South Zagoria and abandon the ChDKZ to its fate.[27]

Karelin couldn't let that happen, even if he had to kill Russian soldiers to save Lopotev. He personally led his team to the exchange point just south of the Vybor airbase. Once his team was in place, Karelin commenced the attack.[28]

However, in the fierce but brief firefight that followed, his team and even Karelin himself were killed. The Russian commander had also managed to flee with Lopotev.[1][2]

« Razor Team! Come, look at this. Your man is correct, they were Spetsnaz..
The Russian officer identifies Karelin's corpse

His identity is visually confirmed by one of the Russian officers who remained behind at the scene. The officer quickly relays information of the rogue Spetsnaz operative's involvement in the Red Square bombing and conspiracy back to the Russian government.[3][29][30]

Combined with the evidence gathered by Razor Team, this eventually culminates in the Russian military's withdrawal from the country and the final destruction of the ChDKZ, putting an end to Karelin's conspiracy once and for all.[1][29][30][31]

Personality and Appearance[]

Karelin appears as a blond-haired, middle-aged Slavic male who wears the standard gear of a Spetsnaz officer, complete with a red beret, Kora-Kulon body armour vest, and a Gorka mountain suit.

Not much is known about Karelin himself, save for his obvious extremist goal of bringing Russia back to the glory of its Soviet days. He is stated to have a brutal, almost borderline delusional personality and will gladly eliminate anyone who he deems expendable for his plans; regardless of whether they're American, Chernarussian, or even his own countrymen.[24][25]

« Some blond bastard named Karelin was in charge. He was a madman! Kept raving about Lopotev being too soft! He was just about to knife us all in cold blood when you attacked the city!
Karelin's involvement is confirmed at last by the NAPA guerillas after Novy Sobor's liberation

This is particularly evident by how he coldly executes every single one of the remaining Force Recon Marines from Sabre Team one by one with a knife when they refused to tell him the whereabouts of Razor Team.[24] Or by how he tortured NAPA collaborators in order to punish them for supporting the guerillas.[25] Even during the final ambush to save Lopotev, he guns down Shagarov's personal detail without hesitation.[28]

All of this eventually leads to his own downfall, however. Ironically, it brings about the one conclusion that he didn't want to see happen: Chernarus moving away from Russia's sphere of influence and becoming firmly pro-West.


  • It is never specified as to whether "Karelin" is merely his operating codename or is a part of his real name.
    • Internally, he does have what appears to be a real name and is called "Ivan Nikolayevich".[32] However, since this is never actually mentioned in-game, whether or not this is his canonical real name remains unclear.
  • Karelin is one of the few antagonists throughout the entire series that lacks a speaking role despite being behind most of the campaign's events.
    • In spite of being mentioned continuously both by name and appearance throughout Harvest Red, his first and only physical appearance is in the latter stages of the final mission for the campaign. Even then, the player will most likely only catch a glimpse of his corpse - assuming that they manage to locate it amongst the corpses of the other Spetsnaz team members.



  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 Mořický, K et al. 2011, Armaverse Timeline, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 22 September 2024, <>.
  2. 2.0 2.1 ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "RODRIGUEZ: That's it! Think we got 'em. Did anyone see what happened to Lopotev? COOPER: Shagarov got him away."
  3. 3.0 3.1 ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "RUSSIAN OFFICER: Razor Team! Come, look at this. You're man is correct, they were Spetsnaz. COOPER: The blond guy... This is Karelin? RODRIGUEZ: Hah! Believe us now mother fucker? COOPER: Quiet. Quiet! OK comrade now what? This kind of proves our point don't you think RUSSIAN OFFICER: I can't say. Look I'm staying here, I'll call support. We need time to think. COOPER: Yeah, yeah, fine you think about it... Come on guys let's get back to base. Shaftoe's gonna love this..."
  4. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \ca\languagemissions\stringtable.xml, str_lopotev_attacked_c_4
  5. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2009, ChDKZ, Arma 2, viewed 22 September 2024, <>.
  6. ARMA2official 2009, Arma 2 Faction Update No.4 - CDF, 27 July, viewed 22 September 2024, <>.
  7. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Razor Two, "Name: Andrey Lopotev aka 'Akula' ('Shark' or 'The Shark') Date/Place of Birth July 24th 1965, Solnichniy, Chernarus (then CSSR). Position: Leader and co-founder of the The Chernarussian Red Star Movement (ChDKZ). Background: In 1997 Lopotev formed the 'Working Man's Defence Alliance' pseudo-union along with other employees of the Solnichniy Quarry Corporation. In 1999 he organized a participated in a violent protest over pay and conditions that lead to at least three deaths, unconfirmed injuries (figures vary from 10s to 100s) and a dozen prosecutions. Later he formed the ChDKZ along with several previous members of the Working Man's Defence Alliance. The party's main line is that of reintegration with the Russian Federation. The attempted coup (see September Crisis) and failed reunification talks with Moscow have left 'The Shark' and his party politically isolated in recent months despite official recognition of their political and military wings by the Kremlin (if not the western world)."
  8. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Razor Two, "Name: MikolaBardak Date/Place of Birth September 3rd 1969, Solnichniy, Chernarus (then CSSR). Position: Shadow Justice Secretary and co-founder of the The Chernarussian Red Star Movement (ChDKZ). Background: Although officially Shadow Justice Secretary for the ChDKZ Bardak is more commonly known as the head of 'Sotnya Syem' (Group Seven), the ChDKZ secret police organization. A former Solnichniy Quarry Corporation employee Bardak was one of the original members of Andrey Lopotev's 'Working Man's Defence Alliance' naturally becoming a powerful figure in the party after his release from prison following the riots of 1999. On the surface Bardak is cosmopolitan, seen as far more of a 'statesman' than Lopotev, even among the party loyalists. He is well-traveled and educated and is often seen as a more 'rational' and viable leader than 'The Shark' by those fortunate enough not to be familiar with his Group Seven activities."
  9. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Manhattan, "Weapons smuggling is rife in the area despite our checkpoints. We've picked up some very accurate intel pointing toward a white closed-top pick up truck being used to ferry guns and munitions for a militia operation out of Krasnostav (see photographs). You are free to engage this target should you come across it. Use any force necessary to stop those weapons being delivered."
  10. ARMA 2: Army of the Czech Republic 2012 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Silver Lion, Man's Best Friend, "Everything is clear after Radan Miyović's interrogation. Names and descriptions have been confirmed. According to available information Aslan Radajev is a Chechen weapons dealer. Other important subjects are Dragan Kasun and Borz Kazbekov. It is assumed their escape from the country is planned for this night and it looks they will try to go down the river in the south."
  11. 11.0 11.1 ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, First To Fight, "We're now facing balls-out conventional civil warfare, so listen up. An estimated 12,000 strong force of the Chernarus Red Star Movement - the 'Chedaki' as the locals call 'em - have seized control of key areas all over north-eastern Chernarus. Take a look at the photo here, note the star symbol. Check out this group. The guy in the middle is 'Akula' Lopotev. Means 'Shark'. Along with his henchmen here, they terrorise and torture Chernarussian civilians. If you happen to meet them, report the contact immediately. We want those men alive if possible."
  12. 12.0 12.1 Mořický, K 2009, Chernarussian Crisis Intensifies, AAN Online, viewed 22 September 2024, <>.
  13. 13.0 13.1 Mořický, K 2009, Chernarussian PM Executed, AAN Online, viewed 22 September 2024, <>.
  14. Mořický, K 2009, US Marines reportedly inside Chernarus, AAN Online, viewed 22 September 2024, <>.
  15. Mořický, K 2009, US confirms Marine incursion, AAN Online, viewed 22 September 2024, <>.
  16. Mořický, K 2009, Marines retake Chernagorsk – mass graves discovered, AAN Online, viewed 22 September 2024, <>.
  17. Mořický, K 2009, ChDKZ’ leaders captured?, AAN Online, viewed 22 September 2024, <>.
  18. Mořický, K 2009, ‘Conventional’ war over?, AAN Online, viewed 22 September 2024, <>.
  19. Mořický, K 2009, Chernarus crisis nearing end as USMC advance, AAN Online, viewed 22 September 2024, <>.
  20. 20.0 20.1 20.2 ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, "Sure. OK listen up Marines, we caught a break. One of the Lopotev's under-lieutenants wants to defect and spill his guts about the ChDKZ, Moscow and all the rest. Spukayev, that's the guy, can confirm the involvement of ChDKZ operatives in what they call 'Operation Cobalt', the Moscow bombing. Now by rights his evidence, along with the other documents we have, should convince the Russians that the ChDKZ are the real threat here. But Spukayev is worried. The Russians have moved so fast on this thing everyone's left guessing who to trust."
  21. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Manhattan, "РГР - Радио 'Голос России' Более 50 человек погибло и почти 500 получили ранения разной степени тяжести во время взрыва, прогремевшего сегодня на Красной площади в Москве. Число жертв уточняется. Взрывом также серьезно повредило собор Василия Блаженного. Представитель РПЦ заявил, что 'это свидетельствует о том, что у террористов нет уважения ни к Богу, ни к культурному наследию, как и к жизням людей.' Хотя Кремль пока воздерживается от обвинений, эксперты сходятся во мнении, что взрыв - дело рук известной террористической организации НАПА. Несколько дней назад внимание всего мира было приковано к Черноруссии, где НАПА устроила чудовищную резню среди мирного населения. Ранее в анонимном интервью РГР один из высокопоставленных офицеров ВС РФ обвинил США в том, что они не способны контролировать ситуацию в Черноруссии: 'Их действия только больше дестабилизируют ситуацию в регионе. Мы должны позаботиться о мире в Черноруссии.' Наш долг - защитить Россию и помочь народу Черноруссии.' Президент пока отказывается от комментариев, но наши источники подтверждают, что внутри Кремля склоняются к принятию решения о необходимости прямого вмешательства в войну в Черноруссии. Мы будем следить за развитием ситуации. До встречи в эфире. [RVR Russian Voice Radio. Over fifty people have been murdered and nearly five hundred injured in the blast that devastated the heart of the capital, Red Square in Moscow today. The death toll is almost certain to rise. The bombing also destroyed part of St. Basil's Cathedral, a spokesperson for the Church, who was uninjured, said this was "an indication that the terrorists who caused the explosion care as little for God or world heritage as they do for human life." Although the Kremlin is understandably reluctant to accuse any particular group at this stage, the vast body of expert opinion supports the idea that the infamous NAPA terrorist organization is behind the terrible attack. NAPA made the headlines earlier this week in war-torn Chernarus for the torture and murder of Civilians in the North of that troubled country. Earlier in this programme a high ranking Russian Ground Forces officer, who wishes to remain anonymous, told RVR "It has become clear that the Americans cannot control Chernarus. Their incompetence is destabilizing the region and we must act to restore the balance. It is our duty to both protect Russia, and to aid the people of Chernarus." The President would not comment, but insiders tell us there is growing impatience at the Kremlin for direct action in our fracturing neighbor-state. RVR will be back with more as the situation develops.]", Russian Voice Radio
  22. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, "The 27th MEU is leaving Chernarussian territory today, 17. October 2009 at 1700hrs, to be replaced by Russian Federation peacekeepers. The Kremlin claimed that USMC forces were incapable of controlling terrorist organizations - namely NAPA - convincing the UN to rescind it's approval. Many feel the Russians would have invaded anyway and that the UN complied so as not to seem toothless should the Federation act unilaterally. Without UN backing, the US feel forced to abandon Chernarus to the Russians. After the attack on Moscow sympathy and support for this position is widespread, with global public opinion and many national governments supporting the move. Razor Team will secure FOB Manhattan until it is dismantled and will then transfer directly to the Khe Sanh, leaving the region via the Khardaran strait. The transition from US to Russian control will of necessity be chaotically swift, USEUCOM has ordered there be no contact between the two powers."
  23. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, "If we allow it, by this time tomorrow all of Chernarus will be in the hands of these Russian 'peacekeepers' and when they have it, do you think they'll let go? They are cooperating with the Chedaki! We know this! How can any peace ever come from such deception? No! There can be no peace while the Russian military walks our lands. We demand our sovereign rights! This is our country and we have been pushed around long enough."
  24. 24.0 24.1 24.2 24.3 24.4 ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, "Razor, over here... [...] God, do I look that bad? Cooper, Spukayev's dead. The Chedaki jumped the base. Fucking cowards waited until the others cleared out. They came for us. I didn't even get a shot off. I was on the horn to you, heard a bunch of thumps, then it started raining grenades. When I came round most of the guys were dead, there were 'dakis picking through the mess. Some of them looked like Russian Spetsnaz too. Right gear, right face. Should've guessed the Reds would fuck us. [...] Of course I'm right dumbass! I was here! They were asking for you! By your damn names. You guys are so fucked! There was this one really blond guy, Russian for sure. "Are you Razor? Where is Cooper?" He flipped when we wouldn't tell him, just went down the line and knifed us, one, two, three, like that. I'm pretty screwed, right Scarlet?"
  25. 25.0 25.1 25.2 ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Badlands, "MICHAL: The Russians caught us. We were trying to retake the city, flush them out. COOPER: Russians did this to you? Not Chedaki? MICHAL: Well, they were in uniform. Some blond bastard named Karelin was in charge. He was just about to knife us all in cold blood when you attacked the city! [...] COOPER: Shit we got 'em guys. They reckon Lopotev is working with the Russians through Karelin, the blond guy."
  26. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "Holy shit! That's Lopotev! It's him for sure! Listen up everyone the Fox is here! I have Lopotev in sight! Don this is Razor, we've found Lopotev! I repeat Lopotev is here. He's on the island, over! [...] Lopotev's down! We've gotta get him outta here alive!"
  27. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "Well the Russians may not be as big a problem as we thought. USEUCOM and our intelligence think they'll stay out of any direct confrontation. They say as long as we don't attack the Russians, they won't attack us. [...] USEUCOM say we're close to convincing Moscow that NAPA had nothing to do with the bombing. Without that the Russians've got no reason to be here."
  28. 28.0 28.1 ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "SYKES: I got Spetsnaz in the treeline, Cooper! RODRIGUEZ: You double-crossing assholes! SHAGAROV: What? What's going on? COOPER: General! Get Lopotev out! Go! Now! SHAGAROV: What's happening?"
  29. 29.0 29.1 ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "Russians are in full withdrawal. Lopotev is fucked. God know what they'll do to him. It was General Shagarov's report that really swung it for us though. We're lucky Karelin's rescue attempt went down like it did. So now it's just a clean-up operation. Retake the Chedaki held territory, save the day. How we go about that is up to you... commander. Swordsman out."
  30. 30.0 30.1 ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, War That Never Was, "The Russian government withdrew its forces from Chernarus after receiving conclusive evidence that the Moscow bombing was orchestrated in Russia and executed by 'Chedaki' personnel."
  31. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, War That Never Was, "After the capture, handover and bungled rescue attempt of Lopotev, Russian forces have been thrown into disarray. Peace is re-established and Chedaki conspirators are considered the only threat now by both sides. Razor is being transferred to the Khe Sanh. The details of the campaign are now considered top secret."
  32. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \ca\missions\config.bin, CfgIdentities >> Karelin >> name >> "Ivan Nikolayevich Karelin"

See also[]

Characters of ArmA 2
USMC 27th MEU Carl DresslerDavid ArmstrongEd Winter* • John MaddoxShaftoe
Force Recon Brian O'HaraChad Rodriguez† • Ian Simmons† • Matthew CooperMartin Zelmanski† • Patrick Miles† • Peter Adamson† • Randolph SykesRobert Johnson† • Sanjeev Raj† • Steve Kaminski
U.S. Army Task Force Knight Ben HerreraC.F. KaneGarry PierceHoward Drake
Delta Force Terry Graves
ACR Bohuslav KoubaJan KristekTomáš VybíralZabu
CDF BegunovR.A. StavovichTomas Marny
ChDKZ Gregori Lopotev* • Kostey† • Mikola Bardak* • Nikola Nikitin
Russian Armed Forces Karelin† • Lev Zotkin* • Mikhail Istcov* • Shagarov
NAPA Prizrak† • Little JohnYidashYuri Olegich
British Army Jack GallagherJames IrvinePhilip Stephenson
Bystrican Militia Andrej KasunBorz KazbekovDragan KasunRadan Miyović
Smugglers Aslan Radayev
ION Brian FrostFrank "Tanny" Radcliffe† • Henry AsanoJames Eckersley† • Mark ReynoldsPatrick Dixon† • Roland Saunderson
Takistani Army Abdul Mussawir Ghafurzai† • Muhammad R. Aziz


Anita BakerAntonia LagushinaIvan Ruce† • Joe Harris† • Josef Sova† • Rita EnslerValentina Galkina† • Vojtech Hladik
indicates deceased characters | * indicates character status is unknown
DLCs that the character was first introduced in:
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces | Private Military Company | Army of the Czech Republic