Armed Assault Wiki

The Krasnostav airstrip is a military airbase located in South Zagoria, Chernarus.


Located to the north-east of Krasnostav, the airstrip is solely used by the Chernarussian military. The airstrip can be accessed via the main road leading directly from Krasnostav from the south-west or from the dirt trail to its east (through a security checkpoint).

Its rough grassy airstrip is catered to rugged close air support jets, though it also provides support facilities for gunships and transport helicopters. However, as with most of the CDF's airstrips throughout the province, Krasnostav's facilities are run-down and are poorly protected.[1]


W Length Width E
11 → 750 m 30 m ← 29


In early September 2009, the airstrip was abandoned for three weeks after it was captured by anti-government insurgents from the so-called "Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star" (ChDKZ) at the height of the civil war. It would be reclaimed by October 16th after government forces were able to militarily wrest control of the airstrip and surrounding region.[2]

However, in the span of less than 48 hours, the CDF would again be forced to abandon it on October 17th, reverting control of the airstrip to ChDKZ insurgents as part of the Russian-enforced peacekeeping deal.[3] The airstrip would stay under ChDKZ control until they were routed and dissolved as a military faction by the end of October 22nd.[2][4][5]


Control tower[]

The control tower was built on the eastern side of the airstrip. In addition to air traffic control, the tower was used as a command post for the airstrip's garrison.


Two large hangars are located along the centre of the airstrip next to the main entrance (facing south).


Three helipads painted with chalk markings are set up along the airstrip (facing north).

Security checkpoint[]

At the height of Operation Harvest Red, a security checkpoint was established along the crossroads east of the airbase. It was manned by U.S. Marines from the 27th Marine Expeditionary Unit (27th MEU).


Config references[]


  1. CfgWorlds >> Chernarus >> Names >> Local_Airstrip >> position[] >> {12034.32,12788.44}


  1. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2009, Military zones, Arma 2, viewed 25 June 2023, <>.
  2. 2.0 2.1 Mořický, K et al. 2011, Armaverse Timeline, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 25 June 2023, <>.
  3. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Bitter Chill, "The UN Security Council has withdrawn their USMC peacekeeping mandate, replacing them with Russian Federation Forces. The 27th MEU is to pull out from Chernarus. FOB Manhattan is being dismantled and the last troops await transportation to Elektrozavodsk before returning to the USS Khe Sanh."
  4. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "Russians are in full withdrawal. Lopotev is fucked. God know what they'll do to him. It was General Shagarov's report that really swung it for us though. We're lucky Karelin's rescue attempt went down like it did. So now it's just a clean-up operation. Retake the Chedaki held territory, save the day. How we go about that is up to you... commander. Swordsman out."
  5. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, War That Never Was, "The Russian government withdrew its forces from Chernarus after receiving conclusive evidence that the Moscow bombing was orchestrated in Russia and executed by 'Chedaki' personnel."

See also[]

Settlements on Chernarus
Cities ChernogorskElektrozavodsk
Towns BerezinoGorkaKamyshovoKrasnostavNadezhdinoNovy SoborOrlovetsPolanaSolnichniyStaroyeStary SoborVyborZelenogorsk
Villages BalotaBorDolinaDrozhinoDubrovkaGrishinoGuglovoGvozdnoKabaninoKamenkaKhelmKomarovoKozlovkaLopatinoMogilevkaMstaMyshkinoNizhnoyeOlshaPavlovoPetrovkaPogorevkaPrigorodkiPulkovoPustaPustoshkaRogovoShakhovkaSosnovkaTulgaVyshnoye
Military installations Balota airstripFOB ManhattanFOB ReforgerKrasnostav airstripVybor airportZelenogorsk forward outpost