Armed Assault Wiki

The LST (full name: Landing Ship Tank) is a troop ship used exclusively by U.S. military forces in ArmA: Cold War Assault.


  • Roles:
    • Troop transport
    • Vehicle munitions rearmament
« Landing ship, tank (LST), are naval ships specially designed to transport and deploy troops, vehicles, and supplies onto foreign shores for the conduct of offensive military operations.
Vehicle Description


The LST is a large troop transport ship that is designed to deploy troops into battle from the shore and can also act as a multi-role logistics support vessel.

The LST is able to carry up to fifty-one soldiers at a time; an impressive feat that is unmatched by any other troop carrier in Cold War Assault.[CfgVh 1] It also features a landing pad in the rear of the ship that helicopters can land or hover near to automatically rearm their weapon systems (up to 10,000,000 units of ammunition can be resupplied).[CfgVh 5]

By default, LSTs are completely immobile and cannot be refuelled. As a result, they are essentially nothing more than floating resupply pads since the passengers won't be able to go anywhere even if the ship is manned by a human crew.

Crew Capacity
The LST only requires a driver to operate. It is able to transport up to fifty passengers.[CfgVh 1]


The LST has 10,000 points worth of armour plating.[CfgVh 6]


  • LSTs have no fuel and normally cannot be "driven", but it is possible to "give" the LST fuel so that it can be moved without needing to use scripting commands. However, this requires the usage of custom addons since fuel trucks are unable to refuel the ship in regular gameplay.
  • Despite being modelled onto the island's tower, the twin naval guns are purely cosmetic additions and cannot be operated.
  • Amusingly enough, the LST is almost nigh indestructible to conventional weapons, with multiple direct hits from the A-10's laser guided bombs or almost a hundred satchel charges required to sink it.
  • Depending on the ship's heading, a bug could potentially cause the LST to wobble uncontrollably whenever the ship was in motion prior to Patch 1.95 for Operation Flashpoint: Resistance (the original name of the game's expansion pack before its re-release as Cold War Assault).[1]
  • If the LST is modified with custom addons to have a fuel capacity defined, it remains as the sole movable ship in the entire series and was also the largest surface vessel until the introduction of the USS Khe Sanh LHD in ArmA 2 (albeit only as a static and undrivable ship).
    • It is also the only "vehicle" that is capable of transporting up to fifty passengers. Even the largest VTOL aircraft in the series to date - the Infantry Transport variant of the V-44X Blackfish used by NATO forces in ArmA 3, is capable of carrying only thirty-two passengers at a time.


Config/script references[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 CfgVehicles >> CarrierW >> transportSoldier
  2. CfgVehicles >> CarrierW >> transportMaxWeapons
  3. CfgVehicles >> CarrierW >> transportMaxMagazines
  4. CfgVehicles >> CarrierW >> fuelCapacity
  5. CfgVehicles >> CarrierW >> transportAmmo
  6. CfgVehicles >> CarrierW >> armor


  1. The LST has no fuelCapacity value defined by default. Unless an external force pushes the ship, it cannot be "driven" in regular gameplay.


  1. Raedor_bi_wiki et al. 2006, Operation Flashpoint: Resistance Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 2 September 2023, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Vehicles of ArmA: Cold War Assault
Wheeled BikeBRDMBusHMMWVMotorcyclePV3SJeepSCUDSkodaSmall carSports carTrabantTractorTruck 5TUAZUral
Tracked BMP-1BMP-2M1A1M113 (Vulcan) • M60A3M2A2 BradleyShilkaT-55T-72T-80
Rotor-wing AH-1 CobraAH-64CH-47DKa-50Mi-17Mi-24OH-58UH-60
Fixed-wing A-10PlaneSopwith F.1 CamelSu-25
Aquatic BoatLSTMark II PBR
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
OFP-factionicon-unitedstates United States - Vehicles (ArmA: Cold War Assault)
Wheeled HMMWVJeepTruck 5T
Tracked M1A1M113 (Vulcan) • M60A3M2A2 Bradley
Rotor-wing AH-1 CobraAH-64CH-47DOH-58UH-60
Fixed-wing A-10Sopwith F.1 Camel
Aquatic LSTMark II PBR
(Parenthesis) denote variants.