Armed Assault Wiki

The MTVR (full name: Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement[1]) is a logistics truck used by several BLUFOR factions in ArmA 2.


  • Roles:
    • Troop transport
    • Ground vehicle repair
    • Refuelling
    • Vehicle munitions rearmament
« The MTVR (Medium Tactical Vehicle Replacement) is a 6x6 all-terrain vehicle Used by the US Marine Corps and US NAVY. It is capable of transporting up to 7 tons of cargo in most terrain and up to 15 tons on good roads.
Armoury Description


The MTVR is a multipurpose utility truck that uses a 6x6 wheel configuration, with its engine located underneath a forward fibreglass bonnet. The roof of the cab has a hinged aluminium windscreen, and the door frames can be folded down to reduce overall height.

Forming an integral part of the U.S. military's logistical backbone, the MTVR serves as the primary utility truck of the U.S. Army/Marine Corps and the British Army. The MTVR is available in up to six configurations:

  • The baseline troop transport truck
  • Fuel tanker that can refuel nearby ground vehicles and landed aircraft
  • An ammunition resupply truck variant
  • A mobile repair vehicle variant
  • A salvage truck designed to scrap destroyed vehicle wrecks[note 1]
  • A supply truck designed exclusively to transport supplies[note 1]

With a top speed of 94 km/h on turbo, the MTVR is quite fast for a truck and possesses surprisingly decent handling and a good acceleration rate. Though its turn rate is mediocre[CfgVh 23] and it suffers from a speed penalty while going off-road[CfgVh 24], its stability is much better compared to the Russian-made Kamaz. Compared to the Kamaz, it doesn't face as much of risk of rollovers when turning at high speeds.

As an unarmoured truck, the MTVR remains vulnerable to any kind of anti-vehicle weapon and small arms fire. Unlike the Czech Army's T810, no variant of the MTVR is outfitted with any kind of armament. As a result, the driver won't be able defend themselves or their passengers against hostiles. Unless it's absolutely necessary, the MTVR should never be brought anywhere close to areas where enemies are to be expected as it will not last long under fire.

Crew Capacity
The MTVR only requires a single driver to operate the truck. Troop carrier MTVRs can transport up to twelve passengers[CfgVh 1], while logistics-oriented MTVRs are limited to just two cab passengers.[CfgVh 4][CfgVh 5][CfgVh 6] Only the wreck salvagers/supply carrier trucks specifically support just one passenger in the cab (alongside the driver).[CfgVh 2][CfgVh 3]



Baseline variant. Can transport up to twelve passengers.[CfgVh 1] Serves as a troop transport that has a flatbed section in the rear that is covered with a tarpaulin which can hide troops from view (note that the tarpaulin does not provide ballistic protection).

Visually identical to the baseline variant but cannot actually transport any troops (other than one passenger in the cab).[CfgVh 2] It will automatically be dispatched from the closest forward base to a nearby town to increase its "supply" value.

Visually identical to the Repair variant but cannot actually repair ground vehicles or aircraft and can only transport a single passenger in the cab.[CfgVh 3] It will automatically be dispatched from the closest forward base to disassemble destroyed vehicle wrecks on the battlefield.

(*) These variants are completely non-functional in normal gameplay and only work in Capture The Island (CTI) scenarios created with the Warfare module.


Carries spare parts, tools, and additional components that can repair nearby land vehicles and grounded aircraft within a radius of 7.5 metres[CfgVh 25] (up to 200,000,000 points of damage can be restored).[CfgVh 26] Has only three seats for the driver and two cab passengers.[CfgVh 4]

It should be noted that this variant specifically has a small cargo space that only allows for 10× weapons[CfgVh 17] and 50× magazines[CfgVh 19] to be stored, though the number of slots available for storing backpacks remains unchanged (8×).[CfgVh 21]

Visually identical to the baseline variant but cannot transport troops as the rear flatbed is occupied by ammunition crates instead. It can rearm nearby land vehicles and grounded aircraft within a radius of 2.5 metres[CfgVh 27] (up to 300,000 units of ammunition).[CfgVh 28] It can transport the same number of passengers as the Repair variant (two).[CfgVh 5]

Has a large fuel tanker attached to the rear flatbed section. It can refuel nearby land vehicles and grounded aircraft within a radius of 6.3 metres[CfgVh 29] (up to 3,000 units worth of fuel).[CfgVh 30] It can transport the same number of passengers as the Repair variant (two).[CfgVh 6]

It should be noted that this variant specifically has a small cargo space that only allows for 10× weapons[CfgVh 16] and 50× magazines[CfgVh 18] to be stored, though the number of slots available for storing backpacks remains unchanged (8×).[CfgVh 20]


  • Desert: Flat desert sand/desert tan paint scheme with a mud brown tarpaulin. Used by both U.S. Army and British Army MTVRs.
  • Woodland: Three-colour woodland paint scheme with an dark green tarpaulin. Used by USMC MTVRs.

Protection: Hitpoints[]

All variants of the MTVR share the same base armour value of 32.[CfgVh 31]

Successful strikes to any of the following highlighted sections will inflict full damage to the component:


Green = Body
Orange = Engine
Violet = Fuel tanks

All MTVR variants share the same component hit zones regardless of their intended role.


The truck's body can withstand up to 32 points of damage.[CfgVh 32][Formula 1] Depletion of the body's integrity will always result in the truck's destruction.[CfgVh 33]


The truck's engine can take a maximum of 12.8 points of damage before it fails.[CfgVh 34][Formula 2] At least 20% of incoming damage will always be shared with the truck's main "health" pool. Destruction of the engine can potentially result in the MTVR blowing up if it is at critical "health" status.[CfgVh 35]

Fuel tank[]

The MTVR's fuel tanks can take up to 44.8 points of damage before they rupture.[CfgVh 36][Formula 3] 100% of incoming damage will always be shared with the truck's main "health" pool. Destroying the fuel tank is likely to result in the MTVR outright blowing up if it is at critical "health" status.[CfgVh 37]


The MTVR's wheels can each withstand a maximum of 9.6 points of damage before their tyres burst.[CfgVh 38][CfgVh 39][CfgVh 40][CfgVh 41][Formula 4] At least 30% of incoming damage upon any of the wheels will be shared with the truck's main "health" pool. Depending on how many wheels are destroyed at the same time, the MTVR can potentially explode if it is at critical "health" status.[CfgVh 42][CfgVh 43][CfgVh 44][CfgVh 45]

Protection: Armour[]


Teal = armor_3mm_plate.bisurf
Purple = armor_7mm_plate.bisurf
Yellow = armor_11mm_plate.bisurf

.bisurf Parameter armor_3mm_plate.bisurf armor_7mm_plate.bisurf armor_11mm_plate.bisurf
Density[2] 7800 7800 7800
Thickness[2] 3 7 11
bulletPenetrability[3] 200 200 200
bulletPenetrabilityWithThickness[3] 13 13 13

The truck's cab, bonnet and parts of the body/rear flatbed are protected by metal armour plates with a thickness of 3 millimetres.[rvmat 1][bisurf 1] The exhaust pipes and parts of the lower body utilise plates with a thickness of 7 millimetres.[rvmat 2][bisurf 2] Lastly, the truck's chassis is protected by plates with a thickness of 11 millimetres.[rvmat 3][bisurf 3]

Defensive sensors[]

No variant of the MTVR is equipped with defensive sensors. The truck's crew will not be alerted if a guided weapon or projectile is attempting to acquire a lock onto the vehicle[CfgVh 46], nor will there be an alert if a projectile has successfully locked onto the truck and is inbound towards it.[CfgVh 47]


  • The MTVR is erroneously portrayed as a U.S. Army vehicle. In actuality, the Marine Corps is the only branch of the U.S. military that uses the MTVR series of trucks.[1]
  • Following the release of the latest Steam version patches, two lingering bugs from ArmA 2's launch were fixed:[5]
    • The proxy point for the driver's seat was readjusted so that the driver no longer clips into their seat.
    • The "threat" array values for the MTVR were changed so that AI-controlled infantry units will no longer prioritise attacking the MTVR over every other target. As an example of this, the "threat" value of the MTVR to infantry units was originally set to 1.[6] This meant the MTVR was considered to be an extremely dangerous target for infantry units even though it was clearly an unarmoured truck that poses no real threat.
      • This is no longer the case after CorePatch's fixes, as CorePatch made it so that the MTVR now has a threat value of zero (adjusting it to be in line with every other utility truck in ArmA 2).[7]


Config/script references[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> transportSoldier
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 CfgVehicles >> WarfareSupplyTruck_USMC >> transportSoldier
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 CfgVehicles >> WarfareSalvageTruck_USMC >> transportSoldier
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 CfgVehicles >> MtvrRepair >> transportSoldier
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 CfgVehicles >> MtvrReammo >> transportSoldier
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 CfgVehicles >> MtvrRefuel >> transportSoldier
  7. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> transportMaxWeapons
  8. CfgVehicles >> WarfareSupplyTruck_USMC >> transportMaxWeapons
  9. CfgVehicles >> MtvrReammo >> transportMaxWeapons
  10. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> transportMaxMagazines
  11. CfgVehicles >> WarfareSupplyTruck_USMC >> transportMaxMagazines
  12. CfgVehicles >> MtvrReammo >> transportMaxMagazines
  13. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> transportMaxBackpacks
  14. CfgVehicles >> WarfareSupplyTruck_USMC >> transportMaxBackpacks
  15. CfgVehicles >> MtvrReammo >> transportMaxBackpacks
  16. 16.0 16.1 CfgVehicles >> MtvrRefuel >> transportMaxWeapons
  17. 17.0 17.1 CfgVehicles >> MtvrRepair >> transportMaxWeapons
  18. 18.0 18.1 CfgVehicles >> MtvrRefuel >> transportMaxMagazines
  19. 19.0 19.1 CfgVehicles >> MtvrRepair >> transportMaxMagazines
  20. 20.0 20.1 CfgVehicles >> MtvrRefuel >> transportMaxBackpacks
  21. 21.0 21.1 CfgVehicles >> MtvrRepair >> transportMaxBackpacks
  22. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> fuelCapacity
  23. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> turnCoef >> "5"
  24. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> terrainCoef >> "2.5"
  25. CfgVehicles >> MtvrRepair >> supplyRadius
  26. CfgVehicles >> MtvrRepair >> transportRepair
  27. CfgVehicles >> MtvrReammo >> supplyRadius
  28. CfgVehicles >> MtvrReammo >> transportAmmo
  29. CfgVehicles >> MtvrRefuel >> supplyRadius
  30. CfgVehicles >> MtvrRefuel >> transportFuel
  31. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> armor
  32. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitBody >> armor
  33. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitBody >> passThrough
  34. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitEngine >> armor
  35. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitEngine >> passThrough
  36. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitFuel >> armor
  37. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitFuel >> passThrough
  38. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitLFWheel >> armor
  39. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitRFWheel >> armor
  40. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitLBWheel >> armor
  41. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitRBWheel >> armor
  42. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitLFWheel >> passThrough
  43. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitRFWheel >> passThrough
  44. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitLBWheel >> passThrough
  45. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> HitPoints >> HitRBWheel >> passThrough
  46. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> lockDetectionSystem >> "0"
  47. CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> incommingMisslieDetectionSystem >> "0"


  1. \ca\data\penetration\armor_3mm_plate.rvmat
  2. \ca\data\penetration\armor_7mm_plate.rvmat
  3. \ca\data\penetration\armor_11mm_plate.rvmat


  1. \ca\data\penetration\armor_3mm_plate.bisurf
  2. \ca\data\penetration\armor_7mm_plate.bisurf
  3. \ca\data\penetration\armor_11mm_plate.bisurf


  1. Base vehicle armor value * HitPoint armor value = 32 * 1
  2. Base vehicle armor value * HitPoint armor value = 32 * 0.4
  3. Base vehicle armor value * HitPoint armor value = 32 * 1.4
  4. Base vehicle armor value * HitPoint armor value = 32 * 0.3


  1. 1.0 1.1 This variant only serves a purpose in the Warfare custom game mode. In regular gameplay, it will function as if it were a regular troop transport MTVR with no unique capabilities.


  1. 1.0 1.1 United States Marine Corps 2022, Medium and Heavy Tactical Vehicles, Marine Corps Systems Command, viewed 15 June 2024, <>. (archived link)
  2. 2.0 2.1 Španěl, M et al. 2007, RVMAT – ArmA: Armed Assault, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 16 June 2024, <>.
  3. 3.0 3.1 Foltyn, D et al. 2009, Bullet penetrability, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 16 June 2024, <>.
  4. 2014, Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles (FMTV),, viewed 28 January 2018, <>.
  5. Mazzon, M et al. 2019, CorePatch, GitHub, viewed 15 June 2024, <>.
  6. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \ca\wheeled2\mtvr\config.bin, CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> threat[] >> {1,0.1,0.4}
  7. ARMA 2: Operation Arrowhead 2015 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \corepatch\corepatch_ccp_69133\config.bin, CfgVehicles >> MTVR >> threat[] >> {0,0,0}

External links[]

See also[]

Vehicles of comparable role and configuration[]

Vehicles of ArmA 2
Wheeled 9P117 SCUD-BATVBRDM-2* • BTR-40BTR-60BTR-90BM-21 Grad* • Bus* • CarDingo 2 CZHatchbackHMMWV* • GAZJackal 2 MWMIKKamazLada* • LAV-25Military OffroadMotorcycle* (Old moto) • Mountain bike (Old bike) • MTVR* • Offroad* • Pandur II 8x8 CZPickup* • RM-70S1203SedanStryker (MGS) • SUV (Armored SUV) • T810TractorTouring CarTowing TractorUAZ-469* • Ural* • V3S* • Vodnik
Tracked 2S6M TunguskaAAVP-7A1BMP-2BMP-3BVP-1FV510 WarriorM1A1 Abrams* (M1A2 TUSK*) • M113M2A3 Bradley (M2A2, M6) • M270 MLRS* • T-34* • T-55T-72* (T-72M4 CZ) • T-90ZSU-23-4*
Rotor-wing AH-1Z ViperAH-6J Little Bird (AH-6X) • AH-11 WildcatAH-64D Apache Longbow* (AH-1) • CH-47F Chinook (Chinook HC4) • Ka-52Ka-60Ka-137Merlin HC3MH-6J Little BirdMi-8MTV-3* (Mi-17*) • Mi-24P (Mi-24D*, Mi-24V*) • UH-1Y Venom (UH-1H) • UH-60M Black Hawk (MEV, MH-60S)
Fixed-wing A-10 Thunderbolt II* • An-2AV-8B HarrierC-130J Hercules* • F-35B Lightning IIL-159 ALCAL-39ZA (L-39C) • MQ-9 Reaper* • MV-22 OspreyPchela-1TSu-39 (Su-25*) • Su-34
Aquatic CRRCFishing BoatPBXRHIBSmall Boat
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* indicates partial DLC dependency.
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces | Private Military Company | Army of the Czech Republic
Arma2-factionicon-usmc USMC - Vehicles (ArmA 2)
Wheeled HMMWVLAV-25MotorcycleMountain bikeMTVRTowing Tractor
Tracked AAVP-7A1M1A1 Abrams (M1A2 TUSK) • M270 MLRS
Rotor-wing AH-1Z ViperAH-64D Apache LongbowUH-1Y VenomMH-60S Seahawk
Fixed-wing A-10 Thunderbolt IIAV-8B HarrierC-130J HerculesF-35B Lightning IIMQ-9 ReaperMV-22 Osprey
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Arma2-factionicon-usarmy U.S. Army - Vehicles (ArmA 2)
Wheeled ATVHMMWVMotorcycleMTVRStryker (MGS)
Tracked M1A1 Abrams (M1A2 TUSK) • M2A3 Bradley (M2A2, M6) • M270 MLRS
Rotor-wing AH-6J Little Bird (AH-6X) • AH-64D Apache LongbowCH-47F ChinookMH-6J Little BirdUH-60M Black Hawk (MEV)
Fixed-wing A-10 Thunderbolt IIC-130J HerculesMQ-9 Reaper
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Operation Arrowhead
Arma2-factionicon-britisharmy British Army - Vehicles (ArmA 2)
Wheeled ATVJackal 2 MWMIKMilitary OffroadMTVR
Tracked FV510 Warrior
Rotor-wing Apache AH-1AH-11 WildcatChinook HC4Merlin HC3
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces