Armed Assault Wiki

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The Makarov is a 9 mm handgun featured in both ArmA: Armed Assault and ArmA 2.

ArmA: Armed Assault[]

« For nearly forty years, the venerable PM Makarov has served with the Soviet Red Army, and now the Russian Federation Armed Forces. Renowned for its simple and extremely reliable design, the Makarov can be found in abundance across the globe. Although the magazine capacity is low by present-day standards, the small 8-round magazine gives the pistol a narrow profile.
Library Description
The Makarov PM 9 mm handgun.

The Makarov PM is exclusively used by the SLA in ArmA: Armed Assault.


The Makarov PM is a semi-automatic handgun chambered to fire the 9×18 mm round.

It loads from 8-round box magazines, and can attain a fire rate of up to 400 rounds per minute with a muzzle velocity of 320 m/s. The Makarov lacks the ability to mount accessories but does have a sub-variant that has a muzzle suppressor attached.

Essentially the SLA's counterpart to the RACS/U.S. M9 pistol, the Makarov has the same accuracy and recoil.

Its only real drawback stems from its unergonomic sights, which can be rather difficult to aim with against targets located beyond 35 metres. In all other aspects it isn't too different from the M9.


Makarov Silenced[]

The Makarov Silenced 9 mm handgun.

The Makarov Silenced is a suppressed version of the standard Makarov pistol carried by the SLA's elite Especas units.

Its muzzle velocity is slightly lower, clocking in at only 310 m/s but others remain virtually unchanged from the regular Makarov pistol.

Like its parent weapon, it is also chambered to fire the same 9×18 mm round but features an integral suppressor. Handling-wise, its recoil is no different to the base pistol as changes to performance (if any) are solely dependent on the loaded magazine.



Both the Makarov and Makarov Silenced share the same ironsights.


Round name Base damage value Initial velocity (m/s)
9×18 mm 8 320
9×18 mm SD 8 310

Both variants of the Makarov support being loaded with two types of magazines. They each take up one inventory slot:

Makarov Mag.[]

8-round magazine loaded with regular 9 mm ball ammunition. Does not contain any tracers.

MakarovSD Mag.[]

Special ammunition with reduced velocity and sound. Remains otherwise identical to regular 9 mm rounds.


  • Prior to Patch 1.04, the camera offset when aiming in first person was angled differently compared to the post-1.04 Makarov pistol.[1]


ArmA 2[]

« In use for nearly forty years the venerable PM Makarov served the Soviet Red Army and now serves the Russian Federation Armed Forces. Renowned for its simple and extremely reliable design, the Makarov can be found in abundance across the globe. Although the small, 8-round capacity is low by present-day standards, it gives the pistol a narrow profile. Equipped with a suppressor the silenced Makarov PM is an ideal weapon for special forces and assassins.
Armoury Description
The Makarov 9 mm handgun.

The Makarov is used by several BLUFOR and REDFOR factions, as well as with Chernarussian law enforcement officers in ArmA 2.


Returning in ArmA 2, the Makarov now serves as the primary sidearm of multiple factions.

It continues to feed from 8-round box magazines but has a lower fire rate only 400 RPM, with its muzzle velocity also being reduced to 320 m/s. The Makarov lacks the ability to mount accessories but does have a sub-variant that has a muzzle suppressor attached.

Light and compact to carry, the Makarov serves as the standard-issue sidearm of the Russian military, ChDKZ insurgents, the CDF, and Chernarussian law enforcement. It has a decent rate of fire and relatively low recoil which makes it easy to wield in most situations.

Its main drawbacks are its difficult-to-use ironsights which makes it hard to aim at targets beyond 25 metres (the Makarov has an actual effective range of 50 metres) as well as the low damage of its 9 mm round.


Makarov SD[]

The Makarov SD 9 mm handgun.

The Makarov SD also returns in ArmA 2 and remains as a suppressed sub-variant.

It is only carried by Russian Spetsnaz and Takistani elite guards. Its muzzle velocity has also been dropped to 310 m/s, though the ammunition itself has not been changed and can be negated by simply loading regular 8-round magazines.

In all other aspects, it remains completely unchanged to the baseline Makarov pistol.


The Makarov's ironsights cannot be zeroed.

The Makarov SD's ironsights cannot be zeroed.


Round name Base damage value Aerodynamic friction Initial velocity (m/s)
9×18 mm 5 -0.002751 320
9×18 mm SD 5 -0.001893 310

Both Makarov pistols are able to load two types of magazines. Each magazine will require at least one free secondary inventory slot:

Makarov Mag.[]

8-round magazine loaded with regular 9 mm ball ammunition. Does not contain any tracers.

Makarov SD Mag.[]

Special ammunition with reduced velocity and sound. Remains otherwise identical to regular 9 mm rounds.


  • Although portrayed as the primary sidearm of the Russian military, in-game Makarov pistols used by Russian units are incorrectly referred to by its manufacturer name instead of being designated with its real GRAU index code (56-A-125 for the baseline pistol[2], 6P9 for SD variant[3]).
  • On release, the 9 mm rounds fired by both variants of the Makarov could inflict much higher damage. The Operation Arrowhead expansion pack subsequently lowered the base damage (from 6 down to 4) of both rounds, though it remains unclear as to why it was reduced in the first place.
    • This was subsequently corrected again in the Steam release of the game, with CorePatch updates increasing the damage of both rounds to 5 instead of 4.[4]
    • The CorePatch updates have also buffed the Makarov's accuracy. Prior to the latest patches, both Makarov pistols had significantly greater dispersion values (0.02 radians versus the final 0.004).[4]
  • At launch, the Makarov's ironsights were modelled with smaller rear sights (like in Armed Assault). This was adjusted after the release of Patch 1.07 to its current appearance.[5]



  1. Španěl, M et al. 2007, ArmA: Armed Assault: Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 12 July 2023, <>.
  2. Royal Armouries Museum 2003, CENTREFIRE SELF-LOADING PISTOL - MAKAROV PM - MADE1976, Royal Armouries, viewed 21 February 2024, <>.
  3. Popenker, M 2003, PB intergrally suppressed (silenced) pistol (USSR/Russia), Modern Firearms, viewed 21 February 2024, <>.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Mazzon, M et al. 2019, CorePatch, GitHub, viewed 12 July 2023, <>.
  5. .kju et al. 2009, Arma 2: Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 27 November 2023, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Weapons of comparable role and configuration[]

Weapons of ArmA: Armed Assault
Handguns M9 9 mmMakarov 9 mm
Submachine guns MP5A5 9 mm (SD6)
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mmM4A1 5.56 mm (M4A1 GL, M4, M4 GL)
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 + GP-25, AKS-74 PSO) • G36 series (G36, G36C, G36K) • M16A2 5.56 mm (M203) • M16A4 5.56 mm (GL)
Designated marksman rifles Mk12 SPR 5.56 mm
Sniper rifles KSVK 12.7 mmM107 .50M24 7.62 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons M249 SAW 5.56 mm
Machineguns M240 7.62 mmPKM 7.62 mm
Grenade launchers 6G30
Launchers 9K32 StrelaFIM-92F StingerJavelin LauncherM136RPG-7V
Static AA PodAT TripodAGS-30D-30DShKMM2M119A1Mk. 19Searchlight
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Queen's Gambit
Arma1-factionicon-sla SLA - Armoury (ArmA: Armed Assault)
Handguns Makarov 9 mm
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm*
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 + GP-25, AKS-74 PSO)
Sniper rifles KSVK 12.7 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Grenade launchers 6G30
Machineguns PKM 7.62 mm*
Launchers RPG-7V* • Strela-2 9K32
Static AA PodAT TripodAGS-30D-30DShKMSearchlight§
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* denotes weapons also used by the Resistance sub-faction.
§ denotes campaign-exclusive weapons.
Queen's Gambit
Weapons of ArmA 2
Handguns CZ 75 9 mmG17 9 mmM1911 .45M9 9 mmMakarov 9 mmRevolver .45
Submachine guns CZ Scorpion Evo 3 A1 9 mmMP5 9 mmPDW 9 mmPP-19 Bizon 9 mmSa-61 Scorpion .32
Shotguns M1014Saiga 12KAA-12
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm* • G36 series* (G36C*, G36K*) • M4A1 5.56 mm (M4A1 M203, M4A3, M4A3 M203) • Mk16 CQC 5.56 mmXM8 Compact 5.56 mm
Assault rifles AK-107 5.45 mm (AK-107 GP-25) • AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25*, AKS-74*) • AKM 7.62 mmAKS 7.62 mm* • CZ 805 BREN A1 5.56 mm (CZ 805 A1 G1, CZ 805 BREN A2, CZ 805 B1 G1) • FN FAL 7.62 mmG36A 5.56 mm* • L85A2 5.56 mm (L85A2 UGL) • M16A2 5.56 mm* (M16A2 M203*) • M16A4 5.56 mm (M16A4 M203) • SCAR series (Mk16, Mk16 EGLM, Mk17, Mk17 EGLM) • Sa-58 7.62 mmXM8 series (XM8, XM8 M320)
Designated marksman rifles DMR 7.62 mmL86A2 LSW 5.56 mmM14 7.62 mmMk12 SPR 5.56 mmMk17 Sniper 7.62 mmVSS Vintorez 9 mmXM8 Sharpshooter 5.56 mm
Sniper rifles AS50 12.7 mmCZ 550 9.3 mmCZ 750 S1 M1 .308KSVK 12.7 mm* • Lee-Enfield .303LRR .338M107 .50* • M110 7.62 mmM24 7.62 mm* (M40A3) • SVD Dragunov 7.62 mm*
Squad automatic weapons L110A1 5.56 mmM249 SAW 5.56 mm* • MG36 5.56 mm* • RPK-74 5.45 mmXM8 Automatic Rifle 5.56 mm
Machineguns L7A2 GPMG 7.62 mmMk 48 Mod 0 7.62 mm* • M240 7.62 mm* • M60E4 7.62 mmPKP 7.62 mmPKM 7.62 mmUK-59 7.62 mm
Grenade launchers M32M79Mk13
Launchers 9K32 Strela-29K38 Igla9K115-2 Metis-MFGM-148 JavelinFIM-92F StingerM136M47 DragonMAAWSNLAWRPG-7VRPG-18SMAW
Static AGS-30D-30DShKMIgla AA PodKORDL111A1L134A1M119A1M2M252Mk19Metis AT-132B14 PodnosRBS-70SearchlightSPG-9StingerTOWZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* indicates partial DLC dependency.
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces | Private Military Company | Army of the Czech Republic
Arma2-factionicon-cdf CDF - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Handguns Makarov 9 mm
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • AKS 7.62 mm
Sniper rifles SVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machineguns PKM 7.62 mm
Launchers 9K32 Strela-2RPG-7V
Static AGS-30D-30DShKM2B14 PodnosSearchlightSPG-9ZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Arma2-factionicon-russianarmedforces Russian Armed Forces - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Handguns Makarov 9 mm
Submachine guns PP-19 Bizon 9 mm
Shotguns Saiga 12K
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm
Assault rifles AK-107 5.45 mm (AK-107 GP-25)
Designated marksman rifles VSS Vintorez 9 mm
Sniper rifles KSVK 12.7 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machineguns PKP 7.62 mmPKM 7.62 mm
Launchers 9K38 Igla9K115-2 Metis-MRPG-7VRPG-18
Static 2B14 PodnosAGS-30D-30Igla AA PodKORDMetis AT-13Searchlight
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Arma2-factionicon-chdkz ChDKZ - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Handguns Makarov 9 mm
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mm
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • AKM 7.62 mmAKS 7.62 mm
Sniper rifles CZ 550 9.3 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machine guns PKM 7.62 mm
Launchers 9K32 Strela-2RPG-7V
Static AGS-30D-30DShKM2B14 PodnosSearchlightSPG-9ZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Arma2-factionicon-takistaniarmy Takistani Army - Armoury (ArmA 2)
Handguns Makarov 9 mmRevolver .45
Submachine guns PDW 9 mm
Carbines AKS-74U 5.45 mmM4A1 5.56 mm
Assault rifles AK-74 5.45 mm (AK-74 GP-25, AKS-74) • FN-FAL 7.62 mmM16A2 5.56 mm (M16A2 M203)
Sniper rifles KSVK 12.7 mmSVD Dragunov 7.62 mm
Squad automatic weapons RPK-74 5.45 mm
Machineguns M240 7.62 mmPKM 7.62 mm
Launchers 9K32 Strela-2Metis-M 9K115-2RPG-7VRPG-18
Static AGS-30D-30Igla AA PodKORDMetis AT-132B14 PodnosSearchlightSPG-9ZU-23
(Parenthesis) denote variants. | Operation Arrowhead