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« On the way to FOB Manhattan
Mission Description

Manhattan is the seventh mission of ArmA 2's Operation Harvest Red campaign.


The players control the four operatives of USMC Force Recon fireteam callsign Razor.



CDF has control of the majority of the country, thanks to the swift and decisive involvement of the USMC. However, insurgency is on the increase in the Krasnostav region. Forward Operating Base 'Manhattan' has been established south of the town of Krasnostav in this area. Immediate USMC intervention is needed to assist the CDF who lack the counter-insurgency training.


  • (1) Report to Cpt. Shaftoe


  • All members of Razor must survive
  • Avoid collateral damage/friendly fire
  • Do not leave the AO


Razor Team is dropped into the are by an Osprey VTOL. Your first task is to report to Captain Shaftoe. After disembarking the VTOL, you ask a officer at the gate for direction. He tells you the Captain is in the base at the top of the hill. You should jump into the nearby Humvee to make your trip easier.

FOB Manhattan serves as your main base of operation in this area. You will find here some vehicles you can use, a UAV terminal for recon, several weapon and ammo crates, supply trucks to resupply and fuel vehicles and your transport helicopter is stationed here.


  • UAV is accessible at the base, just behind Cptn. Shaftoe. Press Middle Mouse Button to see the option in the context menu
  • It moves in a circular pattern. Once connected, you can specify the area to patrol using the map
  • It is able to detect enemy vehicles from a kilometer away. If you're struggling to find the base or the weapong smugglers, just use the UAV to highlight them
  • UAV is equiped with 8 heath-seeking Hellfire missiles, useful against enemy vehicles

See also[]

Playable missions in ArmA 2
Operation Harvest Red First To FightInto The StormAmphibious AssaultHarvest RedRazor TwoOne Week LaterManhattanBitter Chill (Delaying The Bear) • Badlands (CDF/NAPA) • Dogs of War (CDF/NAPA) • War That Never Was (Newborn RepublicSetting SailMissing In ActionRevelation)
Eagle Wing Eagle WingEnd of the WorldEmpty Wasteland
Operation Arrowhead BackstabGood Morning T-stanPathfinderColtan BluesOpen SeasonSandstorm (From Hell) • Eye of the Hurricane (Finishing TouchOperation Phoenix) • Press Conference
Operation Crimson Lance Blue JamLancersHeatMountain Lair
Silver Lion War CriminalPatrolMan's Best FriendFireworksWind StormDum Spiro SperoThunderstormThere Will Be Flood
Operation Black Gauntlet InceptionReceptionVocationConfirmationTransportationEliminationMalfunctionRetaliationPreparation (Operation Black Gauntlet)Aviation (Operation Black Gauntlet)DecisionDeception (Termination)
Missions are listed in order of left-to-right based on chronological order.
(Parenthesis) indicate route-specific and/or alternate non-canon missions.