Armed Assault Wiki

The Mountain bike is an off-road bicycle used by both the U.S. Marines and Chernarussian civilians in ArmA 2.


  • Roles:
    • Recreational cycling
    • Long range reconnaissance
« The US army mountain bike. Can be used for personal transportation, for messengers, or for scouting missions.
Armoury Description


The Mountain bike is a rugged, single-seat bicycle that is designed to be ridden across rough and uneven terrain.

As a mechanically powered vehicle it naturally does not require fuel to operate, which makes it ideal for long distance patrols where refuelling options are either limited or unavailable. It is also extremely silent to operate, and aside from the rider choosing the make their presence known by ringing the bike's bell, will be almost impossible to hear from afar.

A consequence of its mechanical operation is that travelling uphill is more difficult since the bike's "power" is dependent on the rider themselves. Additionally, since the bike itself does not have any armour plating or overhead cover, the rider is left completely exposed to enemy fire.

Likewise, colliding with hard objects may cause injury or even death if the rider is careless, so caution should always be taken when going off-road. As even though the Mountain bike is intended for use on rough terrain, there is always a high risk of the bike itself being flipped by uneven surfaces.

Crew Capacity
The Mountain bike can only transport its driver and is unable to carry any passengers.


Mountain Bikes have base armour values of 5.


Either of the Mountain Bike's tyres can only withstand 5 points of damage before they burst.


  • ArmA 2's Mountain bike is directly based on the "Paratrooper" folding bike designed by Montague Bikes, a company located in the state of Massachusetts, U.S.A.
  • The four bikes seen secured onto the cutscene-only version of the AAVP-7A1 in the main campaign are actually a part of this specific AAV's model and are not attached via script.


External links[]

See also[]

Bicycles of comparable role and configuration[]

Vehicles of ArmA 2
Wheeled 9P117 SCUD-BATVBRDM-2* • BTR-40BTR-60BTR-90BM-21 Grad* • Bus* • CarDingo 2 CZHatchbackHMMWV* • GAZJackal 2 MWMIKKamazLada* • LAV-25Military OffroadMotorcycle* (Old moto) • Mountain bike (Old bike) • MTVR* • Offroad* • Pandur II 8x8 CZPickup* • RM-70S1203SedanStryker (MGS) • SUV (Armored SUV) • T810TractorTouring CarTowing TractorUAZ-469* • Ural* • V3S* • Vodnik
Tracked 2S6M TunguskaAAVP-7A1BMP-2BMP-3BVP-1FV510 WarriorM1A1 Abrams* (M1A2 TUSK*) • M113M2A3 Bradley (M2A2, M6) • M270 MLRS* • T-34* • T-55T-72* (T-72M4 CZ) • T-90ZSU-23-4*
Rotor-wing AH-1Z ViperAH-6J Little Bird (AH-6X) • AH-11 WildcatAH-64D Apache Longbow* (AH-1) • CH-47F Chinook (Chinook HC4) • Ka-52Ka-60Ka-137Merlin HC3MH-6J Little BirdMi-8MTV-3* (Mi-17*) • Mi-24P (Mi-24D*, Mi-24V*) • UH-1Y Venom (UH-1H) • UH-60M Black Hawk (MEV, MH-60S)
Fixed-wing A-10 Thunderbolt II* • An-2AV-8B HarrierC-130J Hercules* • F-35B Lightning IIL-159 ALCAL-39ZA (L-39C) • MQ-9 Reaper* • MV-22 OspreyPchela-1TSu-39 (Su-25*) • Su-34
Aquatic CRRCFishing BoatPBXRHIBSmall Boat
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* indicates partial DLC dependency.
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces | Private Military Company | Army of the Czech Republic
Arma2-factionicon-usmc USMC - Vehicles (ArmA 2)
Wheeled HMMWVLAV-25MotorcycleMountain bikeMTVRTowing Tractor
Tracked AAVP-7A1M1A1 Abrams (M1A2 TUSK) • M270 MLRS
Rotor-wing AH-1Z ViperAH-64D Apache LongbowUH-1Y VenomMH-60S Seahawk
Fixed-wing A-10 Thunderbolt IIAV-8B HarrierC-130J HerculesF-35B Lightning IIMQ-9 ReaperMV-22 Osprey
(Parenthesis) denote variants.