Armed Assault Wiki

Msta (Russian: Мста) is a remote settlement located in South Zagoria, Chernarus.


A sedentary farming village located to the east of Staroye, Msta lies at the base of the Pustoy Khrebet mountain.

Towards the end of the September Crisis of 2009, Msta was used by insurgents from the so-called "Chernarussian Movement of the Red Star" (ChDKZ) as their Main Operating Base (MOB) for the province.[1] It was destroyed after a joint coalition force consisting of troops from the Chernarussian Defence Forces (CDF), the National Party (NAPA), and U.S. Marines from the 27th Marine Expeditionary Unit (27th MEU) attacked the village in a combined arms assault.[2]


On October 19th, 2009[2], the CDF and guerilla fighters from NAPA conducted a province-wide offensive aimed at liberating territory that the Chernarussian government had been forced to cede to the ChDKZ under the terms of a Russian-negotiated ceasefire two days prior.[3]

Within hours of launching their offensive, the CDF and NAPA succeeded in retaking many settlements throughout the province. The government had also secretly managed to secure a complete withdrawal of all Russian military forces from the country after their peacekeeping mandate was unanimously revoked by the UN Security Council.[4][5] With their departure, Marines from the 27th MEU were cleared to redeploy into the country to help the CDF/NAPA retake the province.[6][7]


The joint CDF/NAPA/USMC force launches their attack against the ChDKZ MOB (2009)

Scouts eventually pinpointed and discovered the main ChDKZ base at Msta. At this stage, the last of the ChDKZ's units were holed up at the village and were preparing to muster their defences against the inevitable assault.

However, they were simply unable to withstand the pressure from all three forces attacking Msta simultaneously. With the destruction of their MOB, the ChDKZ were decisively broken as a fighting force and would scatter once more into isolated cells (as "sotnyas"). Remnants of the insurgency continued to fight on for a few more days, but they would eventually be wiped out by the end of October 22nd.[2][8]


Main base[]


The ChDKZ's main base of operations is set up in the open fields to the west of the village. It serves as the primary logistical hub for its fighters, vehicles and leaders of the movement.[1]

The insurgency movement's Mobile Headquarters (MHQ) vehicle, light vehicle assembly point, barracks, and heavy vehicle assembly point are situated here. An anti-air radar was also set up next to the village, away from the MHQ and main base itself.


  • Msta is actually featured first in the alternate, non-canonical mission Delaying The Bear, whereupon the outskirts of the village is used as a rally point for NAPA's fighters after they are ambushed by the Russian military.[9]


Config references[]


  1. CfgWorlds >> Chernarus >> Names >> vill_Msta >> position[] >> {11333.79,5421.3999}


  1. 1.0 1.1 ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "There is a ChDKZ main base somewhere in Chernarus which serves as their chief logistical hub for troops, vehicles and key insurgency commanders. Your task is to locate it and orchestrate an attack which will neutralise the base, preferably reducing it to a heap of smoldering rubble."
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Mořický, K et al. 2011, Armaverse Timeline, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 29 June 2023, <>.
  3. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "The CDF hold positions around Zelenogorsk, securing a route of retreat into the rest of Chernarus. The Russians are holding positions around Vybor airport. NAPA forces will attack from their currently established rally point. The Chedaki hold the majority of the territory, mostly the eastern part of the province."
  4. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "Russians are in full withdrawal. Lopotev is fucked. God know what they'll do to him. It was General Shagarov's report that really swung it for us though. We're lucky Karelin's rescue attempt went down like it did. So now it's just a clean-up operation. Retake the Chedaki held territory, save the day. How we go about that is up to you... commander. Swordsman out."
  5. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, War That Never Was, "The Russian government withdrew its forces from Chernarus after receiving conclusive evidence that the Moscow bombing was orchestrated in Russia and executed by 'Chedaki' personnel."
  6. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "CDF command just gave us the news. Congratulations on retaking Chernogorsk Cooper. I think you already know the UN bought all that evidence you've been gathering. Now, the Russians still aren't backing down, but the rest of the Permanent Members are convinced. They want us back on Chernarussian soil. And now that you've bagged Cherno, there's nothing stopping us. Over."
  7. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Dogs of War, "Honey I'm ho-ome! Get your ass to Chernogorsk marines, the MEU just made land! Be advised marines, task force is now setting up a base in Chernogorsk harbor. I suggest you get your sorry butt here ASAP. Someone's got to assume command, over."
  8. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, War That Never Was, "After the capture, handover and bungled rescue attempt of Lopotev, Russian forces have been thrown into disarray. Peace is re-established and Chedaki conspirators are considered the only threat now by both sides. Razor is being transferred to the Khe Sanh. The details of the campaign are now considered top secret."
  9. ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Delaying The Bear, "COOPER: Shit! Incoming BMP, northwest, we gotta get out of here! Little John, we were ambushed by a BMP, need evac! MICHALKOV: Copy Razor, can you get north of Msta? Alternative transport will be waiting!"

See also[]

Settlements on Chernarus
Cities ChernogorskElektrozavodsk
Towns BerezinoGorkaKamyshovoKrasnostavNadezhdinoNovy SoborOrlovetsPolanaSolnichniyStaroyeStary SoborVyborZelenogorsk
Villages BalotaBorDolinaDrozhinoDubrovkaGrishinoGuglovoGvozdnoKabaninoKamenkaKhelmKomarovoKozlovkaLopatinoMogilevkaMstaMyshkinoNizhnoyeOlshaPavlovoPetrovkaPogorevkaPrigorodkiPulkovoPustaPustoshkaRogovoShakhovkaSosnovkaTulgaVyshnoye
Military installations Balota airstripFOB ManhattanFOB ReforgerKrasnostav airstripVybor airportZelenogorsk forward outpost