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NV Goggles (full name: Night Vision Goggles) are optoelectronic devices.


Arma3 released(2)

CSAT soldier with night vision activated (ArmA 3)

NVGs are head-worn devices designed to intensify existing light. Throughout the series, NVGs have always represented a quintessential technological advantage for any modern army against low-tech enemies.

While night vision is activated, it is possible to see the lasers beams projected by weapon-mounted laser pointers. Likewise, it is also possible to spot the periodic blinking emitted by infrared strobes.

The main downside to NVGs stems from the limited field of view while they remain activated, even if they are of a non-monocular design. Notable exceptions include helmets worn by fixed-wing jet pilots in ArmA 3, as well as any panoramic vision helmets worn by some special operations units.


Cold War Assault NVG first person overlay


Armed Assault NVG first person overlay


ArmA 2 NVG first person overlay


ArmA 3 standard NVG first person overlay


ArmA 3 ENVG-II first person overlay (night vision)


ArmA 3 ENVG-II first person overlay with white-hot thermal vision


ArmA 3 Compact NVG first person overlay

ArmA: Cold War Assault[]

In Cold War Assault, NVGs are seldom available and are only issued to U.S./Soviet vehicle crews and specific special operations units (i.e. U.S. Black Ops and Soviet Spetsnaz).

They offer a significant advantage over conventional grenade launcher flares as only the wearer will not risk exposing themselves unless the opposing side also retains access to NVGs.

It should be noted that Cold War Assault's NVGs technically occupy their own dedicated inventory slot and do not prevent the user from being able to carry a pair of binoculars at the same time.[CWACfgW 1] NVGs can also be equipped while looking through a weapon's optical scope (e.g. M21/SVD), allowing the user to aim clearly under low-light conditions.

ArmA: Armed Assault[]

« Night vision goggles are intended for observation and terrain orientation at night. They work by intensifying the already available light in conditions of low illumination, using, for instance, light from the moon or the stars.
Library Description

In Armed Assault, NVGs are mostly used by U.S. Army soldiers. Some SLA troops, Especas SOF, pilots, and Royal Guards of the RACS do have access to a pair, but they are otherwise solely the domain of U.S. forces.

Functionally, they remain identical to their Cold War Assault predecessors and limit the wearer's field-of-view upon activation. As before, they provide the same advantages over UGL-fired flares, and do not prevent the user from being able to carry a pair of binoculars or a laser designator at the same time. Similarly, there is no restriction to equipping them as NVGs can be freely worn even while looking through a magnified riflescope (e.g. ACOGs).[A1CfgW 1]

ArmA 2[]

« Night vision goggles are intended for observation and terrain orientation at night. They work by intensifying the already available light in conditions of low illumination using, for instance, light from the moon or the stars.
Armoury Description

In ArmA 2, NVGs are more commonly available compared to in Armed Assault and are utilised by all Western BLUFOR factions with the exception of specific non-combat/support troops and less advanced BLUFOR-aligned factions.

Most REDFOR factions (including regular Takistani Army troops) do not have access to NVGs, aside from Russian military officers, team/squad leaders, and Spetsnaz operatives. For the majority of REDFOR units that are not the crews of armoured fighting vehicles, they continue to rely on flares or night vision scopes mounted on certain weapon platforms.

ArmA 2's NVGs now allow the user to see the flashes emitted by infrared strobes. The blinking from IR Marker Strobes can be seen from afar while IR Targeting Strobes can be "detected" by NVG-wearing infantry. Pilots flying aircraft armed with laser-guided bombs can also lock onto the latter provided that they are within range of the strobe.

Additionally, IR beams projected by laser pointers can be seen clearly when NVGs are activated. This can allow friendly forces to visually point out targets, though it runs the risk of exposing the user's location if the opposite side also has access to night vision-capable equipment.

Just like in Armed Assault, NVGs occupy their own dedicated inventory slot and can still be carried alongside a pair of binoculars or a laser designator.[A2CfgW 1] However, one major gameplay change from Armed Assault is that NVGs in ArmA 2 can no longer be freely worn while looking through optical sights and/or handheld optoelectronic devices. For instance, marksman rifles fitted with day scopes like the DMR prevent the user from wearing NVGs while looking through the scope itself.[A2CfgW 2] Likewise, a shoulder-fired launcher like the MAAWS will not allow the user to wear their NVGs whilst aiming in first person with its sights.[A2CfgW 3]

It should be noted that this restriction is not universal. Depending on the type of optic (e.g. Specter riflescopes on Mk17 battle rifles)[A2CfgW 4], it may still be possible to wear NVGs while looking through the optic. On the other hand, most optoelectronic devices like rangefinders have the ability to toggle a night vision mode, thereby eschewing the need for NVGs completely.[A2CfgW 5]

ArmA 3[]

« To use night vision, you need to have night vision optics mounted on a weapon, helmet or vehicle. Use IR flares and laser pointers to mark objects and locations when using night vision. They will remain unseen by the enemy but soldiers with night vision will be able to see them clearly.
Field Manual

In ArmA 3, NVGs are universally available to all BLUFOR, REDFOR, and INDFOR factions with the exception of a few non-state actor groups.

ArmA 3 is the first game in the series to feature multiple NVG variants rather a single universal model. Conventional NATO, AAF and LDF infantry for instance, wear basic binocular-type goggles. On the other hand, both Mediterranean/Pacific CSAT forces and Russian Spetnsnaz operatives utilise the Compact NVG, though it is essentially identical to its basic counterpart in all but appearance.

Fixed-wing aircrews and pilots retain access to helmets with integrated night vision capability.[A3CfgW 1] Unlike their externally-worn counterparts, the helmets provide a full unobstructed field-of-view upon activation. This also applies to CSAT SOF, though they wear ballistic-resistant helmets which offer the same enhanced vision capability that is directly integrated into the helmet itself.[A3CfgW 2]

Lastly, in addition to allowing the user to clearly see IR beams that are being projected from a laser pointer, NVGs also allow the wearer to see "invisible" light sources from IR flashlights.


The standard-issue NVGs are available to all primary factions with the exception of some guerilla sub-factions and conventional Pacific CSAT forces/Russian Spetsnaz operatives.

It has a weight of 20 "mass" units[A3CfgW 3] and comes in four camouflage varieties: Sand, Black, Olive, and Tropical.


Premium content logo
This is a premium asset that requires ownership of the Apex expansion pack.

« ENVG-II - Mark 2 Enhanced Night Vision Goggles are all-in-one goggles used by members of CTRG forces consisting of TI white-hot and NV. They are relatively light and compatible with NATO gear.
Field Manual

NATO special operations units, mainly CTRG black ops and LDF pathfinders, don ENVG-II multi-vision goggles. They are available in three colour schemes: Black, Green or Grey. ENVG-IIs have a weight of 30 "mass" units.[A3CfgW 4]

One major difference to standard-issue NVGs is that they allow the user to switch between a night or white-hot thermal vision mode.[A3CfgW 5][A3CfgW 6] However, ENVG-IIs are not considered to be panoramic and will not provide a full screen view of the wearer's surroundings.

Compact NVG[]

« Next generation CSAT night vision combat googles. They are compatible with common CSAT helmets. They use multiple lenses for greater reliability and their power source can last a long time.
Field Manual

The Compact NVG is a unique CSAT-exclusive derivative that is primarily utilised by Pacific CSAT forces and Russian Spetsnaz operatives.

Compact NVGs have a weight of 20 "mass" units[A3CfgW 7] and are available in four varieties: Arid, Urban, Tropic, and Green. As with the ENVG-II, Compact NVGs are not panoramic and will not provide the wearer with a full screen view of their surroundings.

ARMA Reforger[]

ARMA Reforger currently does not feature NVGs.



  • NVGs in Cold War Assault are based on the real-world "PVS-5A" night vision goggle.[1][2]
    • They are strangely used by all sides, including with Soviet forces. This is completely unrealistic, as it would have made more sense for Soviet troops to be depicted using NVGs manufactured in the Eastern bloc (like the "PNV/PNW-57").[3]
  • The NVGs in Armed Assault and ArmA 2 are directly based on the American-made "PVS-7B".[4] As with NVGs in Cold War Assault, it is universally shared by all BLUFOR, REDFOR and INDFOR factions.
    • This is also highly unrealistic as the Russian military at the time of Armed Assault's release mostly utilised Soviet-era weapon/handheld night vision-enabled optics and binoculars such as the "BN-3" (GRAU index code: 1PN93) or very rarely, the "PNV-10T" head-worn NVG.
    • In addition, the PVS-7B was already phased out of service within the U.S. military in that same time period (2006-2012) and was only delegated to non-frontline units.[4] Both American and British forces operating in Iraq/Afghanistan had already transitioned to the newer "PVS-14" monocular NVG (alternately known as the "HMNVS" in British service).[5]
  • The baseline NVG model shared by conventional NATO, Mediterranean CSAT, as well as the AAF/LDF in ArmA 3, is seemingly inspired by the real "PVS-15" binocular NVG in use with the U.S. military and several Western armies.[6]
    • On the other hand, the Compact NVGs in use with Pacific CSAT troops and Russian Spetsnaz utilise a completely fictional design, though it appears to draw some elements of its design from the real-world "PVS-21" low profile NVG.[7]
    • The ENVG-IIs used by CTRG operatives are also fictitious, with inspiration for its model seemingly inspired by concept artwork created by Alex Jessup.[8]
  • Although they originate from the Apex and Contact expansion packs, Compact NVGs in ArmA 3 are not considered to be premium content and can be equipped without the usual limitations associated with DLC assets.[9]
    • This does not apply to ENVG-IIs, however, as they are still classified as premium assets.[9]
  • At launch, AI units equipped with NVGs in Cold War Assault did not equip them automatically at night and would not unequip them during the day. This was eventually fixed after the release of Patch 1.10.[10]
  • Prior to Patch 1.06, Armed Assault's NVGs used a different reticle.[11]
    • Pausing the game and pressing the Alt-Tab keys to switch in and out of Armed Assault would also reset the player's eye accommodation.[11]
  • Before the release of Patch 1.08 for ArmA 2 (pre-Operation Arrowhead), colour sensitivity and blue shift would not be simulated properly if the player was in a darkened building or a dark night with minimal-to-no moonlight.[12]
  • Early in ArmA 3's Alpha, AI units would activate their NVGs far too early in the evening even when there was plenty of daylight. This was quickly fixed after Game Update 0.60 so that they only equip NVGs later in the evening (closer to dusk).[13]
  • When ArmA 3 initially launched in Alpha and throughout much of the Beta, both NATO and CSAT shared the exact same NVG. This was eventually changed when the game entered full release in Game Update 1.00, with all the main factions being given (at the time) faction-specific variants of the NVG.[14]
  • In ArmA 3, vehicle passengers originally did not have the ability to switch their NVGs on/off properly. This was fixed by the release of Game Update 1.50.[15]
    • However, a follow-up patch in Game Update 1.58 was still required to fully address the bug as it was still possible for both human players and AI-controlled units to be unable to toggle their NVGs.[16]
The information below details unused, pre-release or removed content.
  • Arma3-icon-compactnvgblack

    Unused Compact NVG (Black) icon.

    There is an unused texture[17], models, and icon[18] for a Black version of ArmA 3's Compact NVG (Model names: o_nvgoggles_blk_f.p3d[19], o_nvgoggles_blk_off_f.p3d[20]).
    • Because this Black variant's models were not ported out of Apex's directory, attempting to use the models in a custom addon will classify it as a premium asset (unlike the standard Compact NVGs which are not DLC restricted).

Config/script references[]

CfgWeapons (ArmA: Cold War Assault)

  1. CfgWeapons >> NVGoggles >> weaponType >> "4096"

CfgWeapons (ArmA: Armed Assault)

  1. CfgWeapons >> NVGoggles >> type >> "4096"

CfgWeapons (ArmA 2)

  1. CfgWeapons >> NVGoggles >> type >> "4096"
  2. CfgWeapons >> DMR >> visionMode[] >> {"Normal"}
  3. CfgWeapons >> MAAWS >> visionMode[] >> {"Normal"}
  4. CfgWeapons >> SCAR_H_STD_EGLM_Spect >> OpticsModes >> Specter >> visionMode[] >> {}
  5. CfgWeapons >> Binocular_Vector >> visionMode[] >> {"Normal","NVG"}

CfgWeapons (ArmA 3)

  1. CfgWeapons >> H_PilotHelmetFighter_B >> subItems[] >> {"Integrated_NVG_F"}
  2. CfgWeapons >> H_HelmetO_ViperSP_hex_F >> subItems[] >> {"Integrated_NVG_TI_1_F"}
  3. 3.0 3.1 CfgWeapons >> NVGoggles >> ItemInfo >> mass
  4. 4.0 4.1 CfgWeapons >> NVGogglesB_blk_F >> ItemInfo >> mass
  5. CfgWeapons >> NVGogglesB_blk_F >> visionMode[] >> {"Normal","NVG","TI"}
  6. CfgWeapons >> NVGogglesB_blk_F >> thermalMode[] >> {0}
  7. 7.0 7.1 CfgWeapons >> O_NVGoggles_hex_F >> ItemInfo >> mass


  1. Pike, J, Sherman, R 2000, AN/PVS-7 Night Vision Goggle, Military Analysis Network, viewed 2 February 2024, <>.
  2. Chen, N 2021, 'Friday Night Lights: Dual Tube Spotlight – AN/PVS-5', The Firearm Blog, 4 October, viewed 19 September 2024, <>.
  3. OPTICS TRADE, spol. s r.o., 2021, PNV-57 M (en),, viewed 19 September 2024, <>. (archived link)
  4. 4.0 4.1 Pike, J 2011, AN/PVS-7 Night Vision Goggle,, viewed 2 February 2024, <>.
  5. Pike, J 2011, AN/PVS-14, MONOCULAR NIGHT VISION DEVICE (MNVD),, viewed 2 February 2024, <>.
  6. Chen, N 2020, 'Friday Night Lights: Dual Tube Spotlight – AN/PVS-15', The Firearm Blog, 7 February, viewed 2 February 2024, <>.
  7. Chen, N 2023, 'Friday Night Lights: PVS-21 Revisited, STS Bridged Monoculars & More', The Firearm Blog, 29 September, viewed 2 February 2024, <>.
  8. Jessup, A 2015, Special Forces Helmets, ArtStation, viewed 14 July 2023, <>.
  9. 9.0 9.1 van 't Land, J.J. et al. 2019, Arma 3: DLC Restrictions, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 14 July 2023, <>.
  10. Mcnicoll, J et al. 2006, Operation Flashpoint: Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 2 February 2024, <>.
  11. 11.0 11.1 Španěl, M et al. 2007, ArmA: Armed Assault: Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 2 February 2024, <>.
  12. .kju et al. 2009, Arma 2: Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 2 Feburary 2024, <>.
  13. van 't Land, J.J. 2013, SPOTREP #00005, Arma 3, viewed 2 February 2024, <>.
  14. van 't Land, J.J. 2013, SPOTREP #00010, Arma 3, viewed 2 February 2024, <>.
  15. van 't Land, J.J. 2015, SPOTREP #00047, Arma 3, viewed 2 February 2024, <>.
  16. Kovařič, V 2016, SPOTREP #00054, Arma 3, viewed 2 February 2024, <>.
  17. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\weapons_f_exp\binocular\data\o_nvgoggles_blk_f_co.paa
  18. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\weapons_f_exp\binocular\data\ui\icon_o_nvgoggles_blk_f_ca.paa
  19. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\weapons_f_exp\binocular\o_nvgoggles_blk_f.p3d
  20. ARMA 3: Apex 2016 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., \a3\weapons_f_exp\binocular\o_nvgoggles_blk_off_f.p3d

External links[]

See also[]

Non-lethal BinocularsChemical DetectorChemlightCompassDetonatorEntrenching ToolFlaresFlashlightFuel ContainerGPSInfrared StrobeLandmine MarkerLaser DesignatorMine DetectorNight Vision GogglesParachuteRadioRangefinderRepair ToolResupply PackSmoke GrenadeSpectrum DeviceToolkitUAV TerminalWatch
Lethal ExplosivesHand GrenadesLandminesUnderbarrel grenade launcher (Cold War Assault, Armed Assault, ArmA 2, ArmA 3, Reforger)
Medical BandageFirst Aid KitMedikitMorphine InjectorSaline SolutionTourniquet