This is not meant as a slight to you Sergeant, our people need to see their own army in control of the situation. These are famous, notorious men, they must be seen to come with us, not you Marines.
Prior to civil war breaking out between government forces and the ChDKZ, he was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant and was given charge of a small platoon. It is not known when exactly he "turned", but at some point, he was lured into joining the insurgency by his own volition.
Operation Harvest Red (2009)[]
One month after the civil war's outbreak, the U.S. Marines from the 27th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) intervene in the country to assist the beleaguered CDF. During the Battle of Chernogorsk, a Force Recon team callsigned Razor Team, manage to capture several prominent leaders of the insurgency, including its leader Gregori Lopotev and second-in-command, Mikola Bardak.[2]
Desperate to prevent Lopotev and the other officers from being handed over into government custody, Nikitin proceeds to trick Razor Team into thinking that Lopotev had to be "shown" as having been apprehended by the CDF and not by the Marines.[3]
Good job Razor team. In the name of Chernarussian government I thank you for you outstanding cooperation in finding these prisoners, we will take them from here.
Nikitin "orders" Razor Team to stand down and have Lopotev handed over
Seemingly convinced by his words, the Marines' team leader, Patrick Miles, agrees to hand over the ChDKZ captives to Nikitin, but only on the condition that they also be permitted to escort them back to CDF lines.[4]
Driving back to CDF lines, the truck they're riding in is suddenly caught in an explosion after they divert to an apparently "safer" route outside of the city.[5] The Marines are knocked unconscious by the blast and are immediately restrained by Nikitin's men and another ChDKZ insurgent known only by his alias of "Kostey".[6]
Nikitin: Oh, sorry to leave you so soon Razor Team. I thought we were becoming friends. Rodriguez: Nikitin you filthy motherfucker! I should've fucking known!
Chad Rodriguez' suspicions of Nikitin being a traitor are vindicated
Their team leader is executed at the hands of Lopotev, who fires a bullet directly into his head.[7] Lopotev orders Kostey to stay behind and finish off the rest of the Marines, while Nikitin and the others quickly fled from the city.[8]
Nikitin goes into hiding along with the other senior leaders of the ChDKZ, and by October 16th[2], had already relocated to the remote (and ChDKZ-friendly) northern regions of South Zagoria. Under direct orders from Lopotev, he is given command over his own "sotnya" group and helps to establish a hidden base deep in the forests around the Krasnostav area, launching constant raids against pro-government towns and villages in order to drive out their supporters and anti-ChDKZ guerillas.[9][10]
Not long after, Nikitin's base is discovered by the 27th MEU.[11] The attack on the base is led by the members of none other than Razor Team, the very same Marines whom he had betrayed in Chernogorsk.[12][13]
During the battle, they manage to mortally wound Nikitin. While searching through the rubble and corpses, they hear his faint cry for help, and move closer to find Nikitin writhing on the ground from his gunshot wounds. With the Marines seeking vengeance for Miles' death, they quickly identified him as the bases' commander. Nikitin tries to plead to the Marines to save him, but the disgusted (and somewhat satisfied) members of Razor Team ignore his pleas.[14]
Nikitin: Please! Oh god-oh god-oh god! Have mercy! Don't kill me! Oh god no! I don't want to die! Please no! Cooper: Like your pals had for Miles? Forget it Niktin, you're a dead man.
Nikitin begs the Marines to spare his life
Rather than waste a bullet on him, the Marines simply proceed to search his body for intel and find the signed operational orders in his pockets. A few minutes later, Nikitin finally dies after he succumbs to his wounds.[10]
Personality and Appearance[]
A middle-aged Slavic male, Nikitin has a moderately bearded face with a greying, black head of hair. He also has two faint scars streaked across his right eye and forehead.
His usual attire while working undercover with the CDF was that of an officer, consisting of a TTsKO-camouflaged uniform and field cap. Under his true identity as a ChDKZ leader however, Nikitin wore Kamyshovy risunok (podlesok)-camouflaged fatigues, fingerless gloves, an olive green-coloured shemagh, chest rig, and a Flora-camouflaged field cap.
Nikitin was a conniving person who could deceive even observant individuals like Miles. He appeared to take great pleasure in assuming all the credit for Lopotev's "capture", and enjoyed the fact that he was openly mocking (the rightly outraged) Chad Rodriguez mere moments before his planned betrayal. However, this would all later turn out to be a facade. As he laid on ground bleeding from his fatal wounds, he begged his would-be killers for mercy; demonstrating that for all his arrogance and duplicity, Nikitin was nothing more than an opportunistic coward.
Nikitin's real appearance as a ChDKZ officer.
↑ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Razor Two, "The ChDKZ (Chedaki) warlords Andry 'Akula' Lopotev, Mikola Bardak and Kostey (known only by his alias) escaped CDF/USMC custody following CDF officer Nikola Nikitin's betrayal. Responsible for the death USMC MSgt Miles they are currently at large in Chernarus, possibly trying to leave the country. They must be found and brought to trial by any means. Their escape is an affront to both the USMC and the CDF."
↑ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Harvest Red, "Good job Razor team. In the name of Chernarussian government I thank you for you outstanding cooperation in finding these prisoners, we will take them from here. [...] Sergeant, this entire operation is under Chernarussian command, they are ours to question. Please, stand down. [...] This is not meant as a slight to you Sergeant, our people need to see their own army in control of the situation. These are famous, notorious men, they must be seen to come with us, not you Marines. [...] Please, we have a URAL outside, we will take them from here."
↑ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Harvest Red, "MILES: I want my men in the truck as well Nikitin, for security. That's my condition. NIKITIN: As you wish Master Sergeant. Come, let's get going."
↑ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Harvest Red, "RODRIGUEZ: Why'd we turn off there anyway? Hey! Hey driver, what's the deal? NIKITIN: There's still fighting going on all over, the road isn't safe, we're going another route, don't worry my friends! RODRIGUEZ: Huh, OK whatever you say Patch... COOPER: Patch? RODRIGUEZ: Yeh you know, guy's called Nikitin... ah come on... Nikitin, nicotine... Ah forget it."
↑ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Harvest Red, "BARDAK: What about these? Where's is their leader? [...] NIKITIN: Haha! What shall we do with these clowns Akula? LOPOTEV: This!"
↑ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Harvest Red, "NIKITIN: We should be moving, the area is not safe. The Marines will already be missing these filth. Oh, sorry to leave you so soon Razor Team. I thought we were becoming friends. [...] LOPOTEV: Have fun with them, Kostey, but don't take too long. The Americans could be here any minute. KOSTEY: Oh I can make it quick Akula, erm, but I'm sorry, I can't do painless. Haha!"
↑ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Manhattan, "The area of operation is still seeing heavy counter-insurgency fighting between the CDF, ChDKZ and NAPA guerilla groups. The NAPA group's attitude towards the USMC and CDF is unclear; but they are hostile toward the Chedaki. Approach them with caution. The ChDKZ are operating from the forests, popping up for occasional hit and run strikes on weak targets. They have one main base and several sentry points. [...] After the rapid collapse of much of the ChDKZ command infrastructure many units are regressing back to their pre-war 'Sotnya' groups (large guerilla formations spread across a wide area). Sotnya command is always centralized around a key figure. Razor must identify and eliminate the leader of the Krasnostav guerrilla group. He will most likely be found at the main command camp. Razor must confirm his identity before taking him out."
↑ 10.010.1ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Manhattan, "Swordsman this is Razor, message over. [...] Captain we just nailed our old friend Nikitin in a firefight, over. [...] Swordsman this is Razor, we found some signed op-orders on him. Looks like he was in charge up here. I think he could've been our top Chedaki man, Captain. Over."
↑ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Manhattan, "Anyway maybe we shouldn't talk about this sort of thing. But listen, I don't want to say too much but maybe I can help you. I... hear things... from people I know. Look if you're still after those smugglers I know for a fact they pass by the main base. We... I mean I don't know where the base is, but I know the gun-runners pass close to it. I also know the Chedaki only have six sentry camps outside their main camp. Please, don't ask me too much. Just trust me. OK?"
↑ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Manhattan, "COOPER: Swordsman this is Razor, I think we've located the main Chedaki base camp, over. SHAFTOE: Razor this is Swordsman, copy that. Have you had eyes on the commander? Is he home? Over. COOPER: Copy that Swordsman. There's something familiar about him too, over. SHAFTOE: Copy that. Do not engage, I say again do not engage until callsign Boomerang has arrived to back you up, understood?"
↑ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Manhattan, "BOOMERANG: Razor this is Boomerang, we are in position and ready to rock on your order, over. COOPER: Boomerang this is Razor, copy that, good to have you with us. Good luck Marines. Get some! Out."
↑ARMA 2 2009 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., Operation Harvest Red, Manhattan, "NIKITIN: Help. Please... COOPER: How does it feel asshole? NIKITIN: Please! Ohgod-ohgod-ohgod! Have mercy! COOPER: Like your pals had for Miles? Forget it Niktin you're a dead man. NIKITIN: Don't kill me! Oh god no! I don't want to die! Please no!"