Armed Assault Wiki

NOTE: This article is about PSO-1s in the main ARMA games. For other similarly named articles, you may wish to use the following links instead:

The PSO-1 is a low-powered telescopic sight featured in ArmA: Armed Assault, ArmA 2, and ARMA Reforger.

ArmA: Armed Assault[]

The PSO is used exclusively by SLA snipers in ArmA: Armed Assault.


The PSO is intended to be used on marksman rifles and 5.45 mm-chambered assault rifles. It is available on three weapon platforms:

(*) The KSVK uses a modified PSO with larger reticle markings optimised specifically for its 12.7 mm round.

It uses a fixed magnification of 4x zoom on the AKS-74/SVD[A1CfgW 1][A1CfgW 2][Formula 1] and 8x zoom on the KSVK sniper rifle.[A1CfgW 3][A1CfgW 4][Formula 2] Regardless of the weapon it is mounted onto, the PSO features a rangefinder designed to assist in estimating the distance of targets at ranges of up to 1,000 metres away.

The remainder of the reticle comprises of chevrons used for targets located at certain distances. Starting from the centre but excluding the uppermost chevron, each of the chevrons from top to bottom represent 200 metre steps (200, 400, 600, 800, 1,000). The uppermost chevron is used only for targets that are located at less than 200 metres away.

The scope is always zeroed to a fixed range setting of 200 metres across all the weapon platforms that is mounted on:


  • At Armed Assault's release, the reticle markings on the PSO were incorrectly displayed and did not match the ballistics trajectory of any calibre. This was eventually fixed in Patch 1.05, which provided all PSO-fitted weapons with reticles ranged for a default zero of 200 metres.[1]


ArmA 2[]

The PSO-1 is used by several BLUFOR, REDFOR and INDFOR factions in ArmA 2.


Returning in ArmA 2, the PSO is now mounted onto many more weapon platforms, both old and modern:

Unlike its predecessor in Armed Assault, ArmA 2's PSO-1 has a slightly increased magnification of 4.01x zoom.[A2CfgW 1][A2CfgW 2] Additionally, all PSOs now have different (and manually adjustable) minimum/maximum zeroing ranges depending on the weapon and calibre:

  • The AKS-74 PSO has a minimum zeroing of 100 metres and a maximum zeroing of 1,000 metres (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000).[A2CfgW 11] By default, it is set to a zeroing of 300 metres.[A2CfgW 12]
  • Both variants of the AK-107 (AK-107 PSO/AK-107 GL PSO) have a minimum zeroing of 100 metres and a maximum zeroing of 1,000 metres (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000).[A2CfgW 13][A2CfgW 14] They utilise a default zeroing setting of 300 metres.[A2CfgW 15][A2CfgW 16]
  • The KSVK allows for a minimum zeroing of 100 metres up to a maximum of 1,200 metres (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000, 1100, 1200).[A2CfgW 17] By default, it is set to a zeroing of 300 metres.[A2CfgW 18]
  • The SVD's zeroing starts from a minimum of 100 metres up to a maximum of 1,000 metres (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000).[A2CfgW 19] By default, it utilises a zeroing setting of 300 metres.[A2CfgW 20]
  • The VSS Vintorez allows for a minimum zeroing of 100 metres up to a maximum setting of only 400 metres (100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 350, 400).[A2CfgW 21] By default, it is set to a zeroing setting of 200 metres.[A2CfgW 22]

For 5.45 mm and 7.62 mm-chambered firearms, zeroing is possible starting at 100 m up to 1000 m, rising in 100 m increments. 12.7 mm weapons utilise a different PSO designated as the PSO-3, which has a zeroing range that also starts at a minimum of 100 m but have a greater maximum limit of 1200 m instead (with similar in 100 m increments/decrements).

Only PSOs intended for the VSS Vintorez 9 mm marksman rifle feature a distinctly unique zeroing range. It begins at 100 m but rises in 50 m increments, with an absolute maximum of a mere 400 m.

The point of impact is still measured at the tip of the centre (but not uppermost) chevron. By default, it is accurate against targets located at distances of 300 metres (assuming no adjustments made to the weapon's zeroing and excluding the VSS). Furthermore, both PSO variants now allow the user to aim via the weapon's own ironsights as a backup "mode", increasing flexibility for encounters in close quarters.


  • PSOs are by far the most ubiquitous scope attachments in ArmA 2 with almost every main, non-Western faction using them for at least one or more weapon platforms.
  • Following the latest Steam version patches, both the PSO-1/PSO-3 support a backup ironsight mode no matter the weapon.[2]


ARMA Reforger[]

« Side-mounted, Soviet-made, 4×24 fixed power telescopic sight, designed specifically for the SVD semi-automatic marksman's rifle.
Attachment description

The PSO-1 is used by both Soviet military forces and FIA guerillas in ARMA Reforger.


Reforger's PSO-1 remains mostly the same as its previous iteration in ArmA 2 but now uses a fixed magnification of 4x instead.[RfCmpSg 1][RfCmpSg 2] It can only be fitted onto one[RfCmpSg 5] weapon platform:

  • SVD sniper rifle (7.62 mm)

As before, the reticle on Reforger's PSO-1 includes a stadiametric rangefinder that can be used to measure the distance of an idle target from between 200 metres up to 1,000 metres away.

The ten hashes on the horizontal plane are meant to be used for lead estimation for moving targets. For targets beyond 1,000 metres, the three inverted Vs (chevrons) in the centre can be used as holdover points to accurately aim at targets positioned 1,100 metres, 1,200 metres, and 1,300 metres away.

One new addition to Reforger's iteration of the PSO-1 is that its reticle can be switched between the default black and an illuminated red colour for use at nighttime or low-light conditions.[RfCmpSg 6]

If the SVD needs to be used in close quarters, the user can switch to its "backup" sight by aiming with the SVD's ironsights. In this "mode", zeroing ranges from a minimum of 100 m up to a maximum of 1,200 m.[RfCmpWp 1] However, the user's view will be obstructed by the PSO-1 at settings of 1,000 m, 1,100 m and 1,200 m. Therefore, only settings under 900 m are actually viable to use under normal circumstances.

Zeroing starts from a minimum setting of 100 metres[RfCmpSg 7] up to a maximum of 1,000 metres[RfCmpSg 8] (100, 200, 300, 400, 500, 600, 700, 800, 900, 1000).[RfCmpSg 3] By default, the scope utilises a zeroing of 100 metres.[RfCmpSg 9]

Note that attaching the PSO-1 onto a weapon will increase its weight by 0.58 kg[RfCmpSg 4] and volume by 400 cm3.[RfCmpSg 10] The PSO-1 has object dimensions of 10x10x10 cm.[RfCmpSg 11] The PSO-1 will impose a Supply cost of 35 units if it is taken from an Arsenal Box crate.[RfEnCat 1]


  • Reforger's PSO-1 and ART II are the first two scope attachments to make use of a Picture-in-Picture (PIP) system to simulate peripheral awareness instead of using a flat 2D texture outline.
  • Prior to Update 0.9.6, it was not possible to swap back to aiming with the weapon's ironsights unless the user removed the PSO-1. The patch subsequently added the ability to alternate between the PSO-1 and ironsights.[3]


Config/script references[]

CfgWeapons (ArmA: Armed Assault)

  1. 1.0 1.1 CfgWeapons >> aks74pso >> opticsZoomMin >> "0.0625"
  2. 2.0 2.1 CfgWeapons >> aks74pso >> opticsZoomMax >> "0.0625"
  3. 3.0 3.1 CfgWeapons >> ksvk >> opticsZoomMin >> "0.03125"
  4. 4.0 4.1 CfgWeapons >> ksvk >> opticsZoomMax >> "0.03125"
  5. CfgWeapons >> aks74pso >> modelOptics >> "\ca\weapons\optika_snpiere.p3d"
  6. CfgWeapons >> ksvk >> modelOptics >> "\ca\weapons3\ksvk\pso3_optics.p3d"
  7. CfgWeapons >> SVD >> modelOptics >> "\ca\weapons\optika_snpiere.p3d"
  8. CfgWeapons >> aks74pso >> distanceZoomMin
  9. CfgWeapons >> aks74pso >> distanceZoomMax
  10. CfgWeapons >> SVD >> distanceZoomMin
  11. CfgWeapons >> SVD >> distanceZoomMax
  12. CfgWeapons >> ksvk >> distanceZoomMin
  13. CfgWeapons >> ksvk >> distanceZoomMax

CfgWeapons (ArmA 2)

  1. 1.0 1.1 CfgWeapons >> SVD >> OpticsModes >> Scope >> opticsZoomMin >> "0.0623"
  2. 2.0 2.1 CfgWeapons >> SVD >> OpticsModes >> Scope >> opticsZoomMax >> "0.0623"
  3. CfgWeapons >> ksvk >> opticsZoomMin >> "0.0311"
  4. CfgWeapons >> ksvk >> opticsZoomMax >> "0.0311"
  5. CfgWeapons >> AKS_74_pso >> modelOptics >> "\ca\weapons\AK\pso_optics.p3d"
  6. CfgWeapons >> AK_107_pso >> modelOptics >> "\ca\weapons\AK\pso_optics.p3d"
  7. CfgWeapons >> AK_107_GL_pso >> modelOptics >> "\ca\weapons\AK\pso_optics.p3d"
  8. CfgWeapons >> ksvk >> modelOptics >> "\ca\weapons\ksvk\pso3_optics.p3d"
  9. CfgWeapons >> SVD >> modelOptics >> "\ca\weapons\AK\pso_optics.p3d"
  10. CfgWeapons >> VSS_vintorez >> modelOptics >> "\ca\weapons\VSS_vintorez\VSS_optics.p3d"
  11. CfgWeapons >> AKS_74_pso >> OpticsModes >> Scope >> discreteDistance[] >> {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000}
  12. CfgWeapons >> AKS_74_pso >> OpticsModes >> Scope >> discreteDistanceInitIndex >> "2"
  13. CfgWeapons >> AK_107_pso >> OpticsModes >> Scope >> discreteDistance[] >> {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000}
  14. CfgWeapons >> AK_107_GL_pso >> OpticsModes >> Scope >> discreteDistance[] >> {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000}
  15. CfgWeapons >> AK_107_pso >> OpticsModes >> Scope >> discreteDistanceInitIndex >> "2"
  16. CfgWeapons >> AK_107_GL_pso>> OpticsModes >> Scope >> discreteDistanceInitIndex >> "2"
  17. CfgWeapons >> ksvk >> discreteDistance[] >> {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200}
  18. CfgWeapons >> ksvk >> discreteDistanceInitIndex >> "2"
  19. CfgWeapons >> SVD >> OpticsModes >> Scope >> discreteDistance[] >> {100,200,300,400,500,600,700,800,900,1000,1100,1200}
  20. CfgWeapons >> SVD >> OpticsModes >> Scope >> discreteDistanceInitIndex >> "2"
  21. CfgWeapons >> VSS_vintorez >> OpticsModes >> Scope >> discreteDistance[] >> {100,150,200,250,300,350,400}
  22. CfgWeapons >> VSS_vintorez >> OpticsModes >> Scope >> discreteDistanceInitIndex >> "2"

Weapon components (ARMA Reforger)

  1. 1.0 1.1 >> WeaponComponent >> SightsComponent >> SightsRanges >> {SightRangeInfo[0],SightRangeInfo[1],SightRangeInfo[2],SightRangeInfo[3],SightRangeInfo[4],SightRangeInfo[5],SightRangeInfo[6],SightRangeInfo[7],SightRangeInfo[8],SightRangeInfo[9],SightRangeInfo[10],SightRangeInfo[11]}

Sights components (ARMA Reforger)

  1. 1.0 1.1 >> SCR_2DPIPSightsComponent >> SightsFOVInfo >> m_fBaseZoom
  2. 2.0 2.1 >> SCR_2DPIPSightsComponent >> SightsFOVInfo >> m_fZoomMax
  3. 3.0 3.1 >> SCR_2DPIPSightsComponent >> SightsRanges >> {SightRangeInfo[0],SightRangeInfo[1],SightRangeInfo[2],SightRangeInfo[3],SightRangeInfo[4],SightRangeInfo[5],SightRangeInfo[6],SightRangeInfo[7],SightRangeInfo[8],SightRangeInfo[9]}
  4. 4.0 4.1 >> InventoryItemComponent >> Attributes >> ItemPhysAttributes >> Weight
  5. >> InventoryItemComponent >> Attributes >> CustomAttributes >> WeaponAttachmentAttributes[0] >> AttachmentType >> "AttachmentOpticsDovetailSVD"
  6. >> SCR_2DPIPSightsComponent >> m_bHasIllumination
  7. >> SCR_2DPIPSightsComponent >> SightsRanges >> SightRangeInfo[0] >> Range
  8. >> SCR_2DPIPSightsComponent >> SightsRanges >> SightRangeInfo[6] >> Range
  9. >> SCR_2DPIPSightsComponent >> SightsRangesDefaultIndex >> "0"
  10. >> InventoryItemComponent >> Attributes >> ItemPhysAttributes >> ItemVolume
  11. >> InventoryItemComponent >> Attributes >> ItemPhysAttributes >> ItemDimensions

Entity catalogs (ARMA Reforger)

  1. InventoryItems_EntityCatalog_USSR.conf >> m_aMultiLists >> SCR_EntityCatalogMultiListEntry[2] >> m_aEntities >> SCR_EntityCatalogInventoryItem[0] >> m_aEntityDataList >> SCR_ArsenalItem[0] >> m_iSupplyCost


  1. 1.0 1.1 0.25 / opticsZoomMin = 0.25 / 0.0625
  2. 2.0 2.1 0.25 / opticsZoomMin = 0.25 / 0.03125
  3. 0.25 / opticsZoomMin = 0.25 / 0.0623
  4. 0.25 / opticsZoomMin = 0.25 / 0.0311


  1. Španěl, M et al. 2007, ArmA: Armed Assault: Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 7 April 2023, <>.
  2. Mazzon, M et al. 2019, CorePatch, GitHub, viewed 7 April 2023, <>.
  3. Bohemia Interactive a.s., 2022, 0.9.6 Stable, Arma Reforger, viewed 13 November 2022, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Optical sights of comparable role and configuration[]

Weapon attachments of ArmA: Armed Assault
Red dot sights Aimpoint
Riflescopes ACOG
Sniper scopes PSOSniper
Suppressors Suppressor
Weapon attachments of ArmA 2
Non-magnified sights CCOHolosightKobraZD-Dot
Riflescopes ACOGMk4 CQ/TSpecter
Telescopic sights 1P78M145SUSAT
Sniper scopes PSOSniper
Aiming devices Laser Pointer
Illumination Flashlight
Suppressors Suppressor
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces | Army of the Czech Republic
Weapon attachments of ARMA Reforger
Collimators/reflex sights Carry Handle Red Dot Sight
Riflescopes 1P294x20 Carry Handle ScopeART IIPSO-1
Launcher sights PGO-7V3
Underbarrel Bayonet (6Kh4, M9, Sa-58) • Bipod
Muzzle Flash Hider (6P20, 6P26, A2) • Suppressor (Mark 3, PBS-4)
(Parenthesis) denote variants.