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Armed Assault Wiki

NOTE: This article is about Takistani AN/PVS-4s in ArmA 2's Operation Arrowhead expansion pack. For its counterpart in ArmA 3's CSLA Iron Curtain Creator DLC, see AN/PVS-4 (CSLA).

The AN/PVS-4 is a night vision scope used by both Takistani Army and pro-government militia forces, as well as with anti-government rebel fighters in ArmA 2. It was added with the release of the Operation Arrowhead expansion pack.


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This is a premium asset that requires ownership of the Operation Arrowhead expansion pack.

The AN/PVS-4 is a night vision-capable sight designed for use at nighttime or in low-light conditions. Its zeroing cannot be manually adjusted and it does not feature a backup sight.

It is not tailored for any specific weapon calibre and is only available on one weapon platform:

The AN/PVS-4 is restricted to night vision and cannot toggle a day vision mode.[CfgWp 5] It uses a fixed magnification of 4x zoom.[CfgWp 1][CfgWp 2][Formula 1]

The reticle consists of a simple illuminated, green-coloured cross reticle. The point of impact is calculated at the centre of the cross, and is ranged for targets at distances of up to (approximately) 300 metres away.[CfgWp 3][CfgWp 4]


  • The PVS-4 is one of the only two night vision-capable riflescopes available to REDFOR factions in ArmA 2.


Config/script references[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 CfgWeapons >> FN_FAL_ANPVS4 >> opticsZoomMin >> "0.0625"
  2. 2.0 2.1 CfgWeapons >> FN_FAL_ANPVS4 >> opticsZoomMax >> "0.0625"
  3. 3.0 3.1 CfgWeapons >> FN_FAL_ANPVS4 >> distanceZoomMax
  4. 4.0 4.1 CfgWeapons >> FN_FAL_ANPVS4 >> distanceZoomMin
  5. CfgWeapons >> FN_FAL_ANPVS4 >> visionMode[] >> {"NVG"}


  1. 1.0 1.1 0.25 / opticsZoomMin = 0.25 / 0.0625

External links[]

See also[]

Optical sights of comparable role and configuration[]

Weapon attachments of ArmA 2
Non-magnified sights CCOHolosightKobraZD-Dot
Riflescopes ACOGMk4 CQ/TSpecter
Telescopic sights 1P78M145SUSAT
Sniper scopes PSOSniper
Aiming devices Laser Pointer
Illumination Flashlight
Suppressors Suppressor
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces | Army of the Czech Republic