Armed Assault Wiki
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Patrol is the second mission of ArmA 2's Silver Lion campaign.


The play takes control of Sgt. Bohuslav Kouba, after apprehending the militia leader Radan Mioyvic, the insurgents are still active in Bystrica. Kouba is tasked to take an WIFV and search the area for militia activity.




After a quick conversation, hop in the WIFV Pandur II in the commander/gunner seat. You are in charge of a seven man team including two technicians that are able to repair the IFV (but only if parts of the vehicle reach red condition).

On the map you will find several red question marks around which you can usually find enemy personnel. During your patrol, you will also be tasked with clearing out marked positions.

You may use the map to point out locations to the AI driver, however this may fail in several ways - the AI is terrible at pathfinding through anything that isn't a straight road and sometimes it doesn't even start driving. Or you can switch to the driver's seat and return to the gunner position once you reach your destination or when you find an enemy.

See also[]

Playable missions in ArmA 2
Operation Harvest Red First To FightInto The StormAmphibious AssaultHarvest RedRazor TwoOne Week LaterManhattanBitter Chill (Delaying The Bear) • Badlands (CDF/NAPA) • Dogs of War (CDF/NAPA) • War That Never Was (Newborn RepublicSetting SailMissing In ActionRevelation)
Eagle Wing Eagle WingEnd of the WorldEmpty Wasteland
Operation Arrowhead BackstabGood Morning T-stanPathfinderColtan BluesOpen SeasonSandstorm (From Hell) • Eye of the Hurricane (Finishing TouchOperation Phoenix) • Press Conference
Operation Crimson Lance Blue JamLancersHeatMountain Lair
Silver Lion War CriminalPatrolMan's Best FriendFireworksWind StormDum Spiro SperoThunderstormThere Will Be Flood
Operation Black Gauntlet InceptionReceptionVocationConfirmationTransportationEliminationMalfunctionRetaliationPreparation (Operation Black Gauntlet)Aviation (Operation Black Gauntlet)DecisionDeception (Termination)
Missions are listed in order of left-to-right based on chronological order.
(Parenthesis) indicate route-specific and/or alternate non-canon missions.