Armed Assault Wiki

NOTE: This article is about Pickup vehicles featured in the main ARMA games. For its counterpart in the semi-official Reaction Forces Creator DLC, see Pickup (Reaction Forces).

Pickups (alternately referred to as the Pick-up) are compact pickup trucks featured in ArmA: Armed Assault and ArmA 2.

ArmA: Armed Assault[]

Pickups are used by Sahranian civilians, Resistance guerillas, and Black Element PMCs in ArmA: Armed Assault.


  • Roles:
    • Armed scout
    • Civilian transportation
« A pickup truck which was very popular in the United States in the 1970s.
Library Description


The Pickup is a 4x4, 2-door offroad truck with a cab chassis.

It is available in three variants: the baseline unarmed vehicle, and two armed sub-variants fitted with either a 7.62 mm medium machine gun or 12.7 mm heavy machine gun.

Largely comparable to its bulkier counterpart configuration-wise, the Pickup serves as a fairly rugged offroad-capable truck. There are few differences between the two aside from minor handling quirks, as both are outfitted with the same armament loadout options.

The Pickup is similar to the Offroad in that both vehicles excel at travelling across rough terrain but have difficulty maintaining control on sharp turns. Care should still be taken as the Pickup is prone to rollovers on steep terrain, however.

Crew Capacity
All Pickup variants have a maximum seating capacity of two, which supports both the driver and a single passenger who sits alongside them inside the cab. Armed versions support a single gunner, who controls the roof mounted MMG from the rear flatbed.


Baseline unarmed civilian model.

The rear flatbed can be fitted with either a hard-top cover or tube frame. It can transport only one passenger in the front-right seat (inside the cab).

Premium content logo
This is a premium asset that requires ownership of the Queen's Gambit expansion pack.

Armed variant.

It is fitted with a forward-facing 7.62 mm medium machine gun with a restricted horizontal rotation arc. The mounted PK MMG feeds from 100-round belt boxes and is pre-loaded with one by default. The gunner has access to five spare belt boxes, totalling to a combined amount of 600 rounds. It transports the same number of passengers as the baseline model.

It should be noted that the Datsun PK is specifically faster than civilian versions of the Pickup, being able to both accelerate faster and also attain a higher top speed of ~ 114 km/h.

Premium content logo
This is a premium asset that requires ownership of the Queen's Gambit expansion pack.

Alternate armed variant fitted with a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun.

The DShKM is pre-loaded with one 50-round belt box and carries a further five spares in reserve, for a combined total of 300 rounds. It transports the same number of passengers as the PK-armed variant.

Just like the Datsun PK, the Datsun DShKM is also faster than the baseline civilian versions and is able to attain a higher top speed of ~ 114 km/h while also having slightly better acceleration.


  • Civilian (1-3): Used on civilian Pickups, either in a pale light blue, crimson red or dark green paint schemes.
  • Guerrilla (1-4): Various spraypainted schemes. Exclusive to Resistance and PMC Pickups.


All variants of the Pickup have base armour values of 20.


The vehicle's body can resist up to 20 points of damage.


The engine can survive 8 points of damage before failure.

Fuel tank[]

The fuel tank can only take 6 points of damage before rupturing.


The tyres on Pickups will burst if they take more than 3 points of damage.


The weapons on all variants are controlled exclusively by the gunner:



NOTE: Only available on Datsun PK variants.

Base damage value Initial velocity (m/s)
12 900

Forward-facing 7.62 mm medium machine gun.

It can attain a fire rate of up to 800 rounds per minute with a muzzle velocity of 900 m/s. Accuracy-wise, the PKT has a dispersion of 0.003 rad at distances of up to ~ 700 metres away. It takes 7 seconds to reload another belt box.

Its mount has a horizontal rotation limit of 45 degrees in either direction. However, vertical rotation limits are restricted to an elevation of 40 degrees and a depression of just 18 degrees.



NOTE: Only available on Datsun DShKM variants.

Base damage value Initial velocity (m/s)
28 850

General-purpose 12.7 mm heavy machine gun.

It has a fire rate of 600 RPM, a muzzle velocity of 850 m/s, and takes a total of 10 seconds to reload a fresh belt box. Accuracy-wise, it has a fixed dispersion of 0.002 rad regardless of range.

The DShKM's mount allows for the gunner to freely rotate it in any direction horizontally. However, vertical rotation limits are restricted to an elevation of 40 degrees and a depression of just 18 degrees.


  • Armed Assault's Pickups are modelled after the Japanese-made "Datsun 620" pickup truck, first manufactured by the Nissan Motor Company Ltd in 1972 (parodied as the product of an Armaverse company named "SUNDAT").
  • Prior to Patch 1.06, it was not possible to store ammunition and weapons into the vehicle's inventory.[1]
  • The armed variants were not initially available upon Armed Assault's release and were only added after the Queen's Gambit expansion pack.
  • As with the Offroad, the armed Pickups are strangely referred to by their real manufacturer names as opposed to the generic "Pickup" name used for the baseline model.


ArmA 2[]

Pickups are used by several REDFOR and INDFOR factions, as well as with Chernarussian/Takistani civilians in ArmA 2.


  • Roles:
    • Armed scout
    • Civilian transportation
« A pickup truck which was very popular in the United States in the 1970s.
Armoury Description


Returning in ArmA 2, Pickups continue to serve as light troop transports and fast attack vehicles.

As with its predecessor, it is available in up to three variants aside from the open-bed baseline model. This includes an armed variant fitted with a 7.62 mm medium machine gun fitted above the cab's roof. Two more civilian models are also available which feature an assortment of components ranging from a roof cover for the truck bed, as well as a roll cage and tubed frame.

The Pickup is predominately used by the citizens of both Chernarus and Takistan and is also popular with guerilla organisations and rebel groups across the Green Sea region. Just like in Armed Assault, it is analogous to the slightly bulkier Offroad.

In stark contrast to the Offroad, the Pickup doesn't have a sub-variant that is armed with a recoilless rifle. Furthermore, it no longer has a dedicated sub-variant armed with a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun, rendering the Pickup's overall utility even more limited.

Additionally, armed Pickups are no longer capable of driving faster than the unarmed base Pickup. Unlike in Armed Assault, ArmA 2's armed Pickups now share the same acceleration rate and top speed with their civilian counterparts.

Crew Capacity
As before, all Pickup variants contain enough seats for a crew of two, consisting of both the driver and a single passenger. Armed versions still support just a single gunner who handles the roof mounted MMG.


Baseline variant with an open rear bed. Can transport a single passenger in the cab.

Identical to the regular Pick-Up but has a hard roof covering the rear bed. Contains the same number of seats.

Identical to the regular civilian Pick-Up but has a roll cage/tubed-frame attached to the rear of the cab and bed. It also has the same number of seats as the Covered variant.

Armed variant that has a PKT 7.62 mm MMG fitted to the roof of the cab. The PKT is pre-loaded with one belt box and has a further five more boxes spare (for a total of 600 rounds). It has the same number of seats as the baseline variant but supports a single gunner.


  • Blue: Light blue paint scheme with a beige-coloured right side door and pale red fenders.
  • Grey: Flat silver-grey paint scheme.
  • Brown: Pale brown rear with a dark beige-coloured truck bed, and a pale beige hood/window frame. A black and white streak pattern runs across both doors and parts of the fenders.
  • Insurgent: Olive green paint scheme with spraypainted stroke patterns. Only used by ChDKZ insurgents.
  • Guerrilla: Multiple tone paint scheme with a variety of line and stroke patterns. Used by NAPA guerillas.
  • Rebel: Tan or pale dark green paint schemes with a variety of stroke patterns and multi-coloured spots. Only applied onto Takistani Rebel Pickups.


All Pickups have base armour values of 20.

Successful strikes to any of the following highlighted sections will inflict full damage to the component:


Green = Body
Orange = Engine
Violet = Fuel tank

Hit zones remain identical regardless of the flatbed's contents.


The vehicle's body can incur up to 20 points of damage.


The engine can only take 8 points of damage before failing. At least 20% of damage is shared with the Pickup's main "health" pool.

A damaged engine will prevent the Pickup from attaining its top speed.

Fuel tank[]

The fuel tank can withstand just 6 points of damage before rupturing. Damaging the fuel tank will cause the Pickup to gradually leak fuel.


Each tyre can only take 6 points of damage before bursting.


The gunner on armed variants exclusively controls the roof-mounted PKT machine gun:



NOTE: Only available on Pickup (PK) variants.

Base damage value Aerodynamic friction Initial velocity (m/s)
12 -0.00096 825

Forward-facing 7.62 mm medium machine gun.

It can attain a fire rate of up to 800 RPM with a muzzle velocity of 825 m/s. Accuracy-wise, dispersion is always fixed at 0.00125 rad regardless of range. It takes 5 seconds to reload a fresh belt box.

The PKT supports manual zeroing, starting from a minimum of 100 m up to a maximum of 1500 m. Adjustments are made with increments/decrements of 100 m. The PKT's mount has a vertical elevation/depression limit of 40/18 degrees and a horizontal rotation limit of 45 degrees in either direction.


  • ArmA 2's Pickups are simply updated ports of their counterparts from Armed Assault.
  • Prior to Patch 1.05, the Pickup was affected by two bugs:[2]
    • Its LODs (Level of Detail) were not set up properly, resulting in the vehicle "disappearing" once it was at a certain distance away from the player's camera (the vehicle could still be shot at/destroyed, however).
    • Armed Pickups had their memory points for the gunner's mounting position located in the centre of the vehicle rather than at the rear. Although the AI was not affected by this awkward positioning, human players would essentially be unable to get in unless they stood as closely as possible to the centre of the vehicle's body.



  1. Španěl, M et al. 2007, ArmA: Armed Assault: Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 12 March 2024, <>.
  2. .kju et al. 2009, Arma 2: Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 12 March 2024, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Vehicles of comparable role and configuration[]

Vehicles of ArmA: Armed Assault
Wheeled 5T TruckArmy 4x4BusBRDM-2CarHatchbackHMMWV (Civil) • Offroad (Hilux) • M1030 (TT650, TT650G) • Pick-Up (Datsun) • SedanStrykerTractorUAZUral
Tracked BMP-2M1A1M113ShilkaT-72
Rotor-wing AH-6AH-1ZKA-50MH-6Mi17UH-60
Fixed-wing A-10AV-8BCamelDC-3Su-34
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Queen's Gambit
Vehicles of ArmA 2
Wheeled 9P117 SCUD-BATVBRDM-2* • BTR-40BTR-60BTR-90BM-21 Grad* • Bus* • CarDingo 2 CZHatchbackHMMWV* • GAZJackal 2 MWMIKKamazLada* • LAV-25Military OffroadMotorcycle* (Old moto) • Mountain bike (Old bike) • MTVR* • Offroad* • Pandur II 8x8 CZPickup* • RM-70S1203SedanStryker (MGS) • SUV (Armored SUV) • T810TractorTouring CarTowing TractorUAZ-469* • Ural* • V3S* • Vodnik
Tracked 2S6M TunguskaAAVP-7A1BMP-2BMP-3BVP-1FV510 WarriorM1A1 Abrams* (M1A2 TUSK*) • M113M2A3 Bradley (M2A2, M6) • M270 MLRS* • T-34* • T-55T-72* (T-72M4 CZ) • T-90ZSU-23-4*
Rotor-wing AH-1Z ViperAH-6J Little Bird (AH-6X) • AH-11 WildcatAH-64D Apache Longbow* (AH-1) • CH-47F Chinook (Chinook HC4) • Ka-52Ka-60Ka-137Merlin HC3MH-6J Little BirdMi-8MTV-3* (Mi-17*) • Mi-24P (Mi-24D*, Mi-24V*) • UH-1Y Venom (UH-1H) • UH-60M Black Hawk (MEV, MH-60S)
Fixed-wing A-10 Thunderbolt II* • An-2AV-8B HarrierC-130J Hercules* • F-35B Lightning IIL-159 ALCAL-39ZA (L-39C) • MQ-9 Reaper* • MV-22 OspreyPchela-1TSu-39 (Su-25*) • Su-34
Aquatic CRRCFishing BoatPBXRHIBSmall Boat
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* indicates partial DLC dependency.
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces | Private Military Company | Army of the Czech Republic
Arma2-factionicon-chdkz ChDKZ - Vehicles (ArmA 2)
Wheeled BM-21 GradBRDM-2MotorcycleOffroadPickupUAZ-469Ural
Tracked BMP-2T-72ZSU-23-4
Rotor-wing Mi-8MT
Fixed-wing Su-25
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Arma2-factionicon-napa NAPA - Vehicles (ArmA 2)
Wheeled BRDM-2OffroadMotorcyclePickupUral* • V3S
Tracked BMP-2T-34T-72
* only the ZU-23 variant is specifically used by NAPA.
Arma2-factionicon-takistanirebels Takistani Rebels - Vehicles (ArmA 2)
Wheeled BRDM-2BTR-40OffroadPickupUral* • V3S
Tracked BVP-1T-34T-55
Rotor-wing UH-1H
* only the ZU-23 variant is specifically used by the rebels.
Operation Arrowhead | Army of the Czech Republic