ArmA: Armed Assault's Rahmadi Conflict has players take control of U.S. Marine special forces operative Sergeant Leon Ortega. It was added with the release of the Queen's Gambit expansion pack.
North Sahrani's military has been routed and its leader captured. Allied forces are now beginning search-and-destroy operations to root out the last remaining cells of SLA resistance left on the island nation of Sahrani.
One day after the capture and fall of North Sahrani leader Prime Minister Torrez, U.S. intelligence has worked around the clock to find any remaining cells of the SLA.
However, it was reported that during the Battle of Bagango, a large group of SLA forces had escaped through the woods towards the coast. Fortunately, intelligence sources were able to track them to the island of Rahmadi not too far away from the Sahrani mainland. The commanding officer of the USMC's 27th Marine Expeditionary Unit, Colonel Davis, immediately made plans to deploy special forces teams to hunt them down.
« | The government wants to end this Sahrani story as soon as possible, so we have orders to seize Rahmadi. Col. Davis briefs Nightwolf and Flash Team
» |
Nonetheless, before the invasion could actually commence, the shoreline needed to be secured as there were too many anti-air defences protecting the island. With no CAS available on hand, it fell down to the MEU's elite special forces units to clear the way first. Sergeant Leon Ortega, team leader of Nightwolf, prepares to move out under the cover of the morning darkness with the aid of a second unit, callsign Flash Team.

Nightwolf prepares to infiltrate Rahmadi's coast.
Quietly infiltrating the coast via boats, Nightwolf and Flash Team coordinate their attacks to simultaneously destroy their targets with satchel charges.
When the coast was clear, Sgt. Ortega gave the green light for U.S. forces to proceed with their amphibious landing. The remaining SLA defenders are quickly eliminated soon after, and combat engineers are ferried in to begin establishing their forward camp.

With the camp fully established, a trickle of reinforcements begin to flow in.
As the sun rose, the U.S. camp is fully built and additional troops begin landing onto the shore. With no new orders having come through just yet, Ortega meets with his commanding officer to get more information on their current situation.
Captain Carrey tells Ortega that the SLA remnants were indeed being led by an unknown individual. According to former PM Torrez, he divulged to U.S. intelligence that he had only invaded the South under the direct orders of a man named Ramirez, who was the former president of the North before his sudden disappearance.

Ortega receives new orders to find former President Ramirez.
Ortega is soon ordered to meet with Sgt. Statham who has new orders for him and his team. The SLA were mounting a counteroffensive and were due to arrive soon, but Ramirez was rumoured to have been spotted hiding in a village nearby. Ortega's team needed to hunt down the elusive leader and at the same time, destroy the remaining AA batteries inside the village if they could.
« | Listen guys, we have a target. Its the president and he should be somewhere in a village to the north. Don't shoot him, we need him alive. Now follow me! Ortega
» |
Ortega's team make their way towards the village just as the SLA mounts its attack on the camp. They destroy the remaining AA vehicles, but are forced to fight against many SLA defenders guarding the village. Finally after several more fierce firefights, Nightwolf breaches its defences and begin conducting a search house-by-house.
However, rather than Ramirez, Ortega only stumbles into a lone SLA officer attempting to make a getaway. After violently threatening the man, he reveals that Ramirez had already left the island hours before, and was heading towards another island called Porto, which was located 72 kilometres away from Rahmadi.
Ortega reports his findings and Nightwolf is soon picked up by a helicopter to ferry them immediately to the island. On the flight in, Ortega is updated on their current status - the president was planning to escape onto a ship to flee for good, but there were nine ships spotted docked all around it.

Nightwolf races toward the city centre in an attempt to stop the massacre.
« | Yankees! Damn! Captain Vega, we need more time. Send your men to the city to make chaos, it will delay the Americans! Ramirez orders his men to kill civilians in the city
» |
Time was running out fast for Nightwolf and to make matters worse, intercepted communications revealed that Ramirez had ordered his subordinates to delay the Americans by massacring the citizens in Porto's main city; hoping it would prevent them from being able to continue their pursuit.
Fortunately for Porto's citizens, Nightwolf are able to put a stop to Ramirez' plans by taking out his elite Especas units. After stopping the massacres, Ortega spots a suspicious vehicle speeding away from the city in the direction of the coast. Chasing after the vehicle themselves, Nightwolf are able to immobilise the car and force its passenger to disembark at gunpoint.
« | Ortega: Hands in the air! Don't try anything! Now you're gonna atone for every barbarity you've done! Ramirez: We both know that I personally did nothing. Ortega: You know what? You disappointed me, Richie! You are more a politician than a soldier. Ortega captures Ramirez
» |
To their pleasant surprise, the passenger turns out to be none other than Ramirez himself. Ortega quickly restrains the man and reports in his success back to headquarters. Additional U.S. reinforcements soon arrive to take the former president away into their custody.
The Coast (13th August, 2006)[]
« | Its gonna be extremely dangerous sabotaging the coastal defenses, right under the enemies noses. The way it looks, disabling them is the only way to succeed in the upcoming ship attack. | » |
Infiltrating the coast at dawn, USMC special forces callsigns Nightwolf and Flash Team succeed in sabotaging the SLA's coastal defences on Rahmadi. U.S. forces are able to dock and unload reinforcements safely onto the shore to begin constructing their main camp on the island.
The President (13th August, 2006)[]
« | The coast is ours and as we finished building the camps, we're starting the day on Rahmadi. | » |
As the sun rises, the U.S. camp soon comes under heavy attack by the SLA remnants. Nightwolf succeeds in destroying the remaining anti-air defences on the island, and also searches the nearby village for signs of their leader Ramirez. He is nowhere to be found but Nightwolf interrogates one of his officers instead, who reveals that Ramirez has escaped to the island of Porto.
Last Resort (13th August, 2006)[]
« | President Ramirez has escaped to Porto Island. Our task is to get in there and sieze him before he pulls off another magic act and disappears. | » |
Arriving at Porto later that day, Nightwolf manages to put a stop to an attempted massacre by Ramirez's forces in the city. They later surround and apprehend the former president, putting a decisive end to the SLA threat against the Sahrani nation once and for all.
- Rahmadi Conflict is the first campaign in Armed Assault to feature a main protagonist.
- It is amongst one of the shortest campaigns in the series thus far, with only ArmA 2's Operation Crimson Lance and ArmA 3's Altis Requiem featuring a similarly small number of playable missions.
See also[]
- Armed Assault (previous)
- Royal Flush (next)
Campaigns | |
Cold War Assault | Resistance (1982) • Cold War Crisis (1985) |
Armed Assault | Armed Assault (2006) • Rahmadi Conflict (2006) • Royal Flush (2007) |
ArmA 2 | Harvest Red (2009) [ Eagle Wing ] • Silver Lion (2010-2012) • Operation Arrowhead (2012) • Operation Crimson Lance (2012) • Operation Black Gauntlet (2013) |
Tactics | Operation Tempest (201X) • Operation No Deal (201X) |
ArmA 3 | Beyond Hope (2026) • Prologue (2034) • The East Wind (2035) [ Survive, Stepping Stone, Adapt, Win, Steel Pegasus, Altis Requiem ] • Remnants of War (2034/2035) • Apex Protocol (2035) • Old Man (2038) • First Contact (2039) |
Mobile Ops | Liberator of Lignos (20XX) |
Entries are listed in canonical order from left-to-right. [Brackets] denote campaigns taking place concurrently within the same time period. Italics denote spin-off or non-canon campaigns. |