Armed Assault Wiki

The Sports Car is a two-door coupe driven by civilians in ArmA: Cold War Assault.


  • Roles:
    • Recreational driving
    • Motorsports
« Sports car.
Vehicle Description


The Sports Car is a rear-wheel drive vehicle with a rear-mounted engine.

Designed exclusively for high power motorsports racing, the Sports Car is one of the fastest land vehicles in Cold War Assault. It can easily outpace every other civilian vehicle and blaze past military vehicles as well.

It can make sharp turns with ease and is able to comfortably attain a top speed of up to 182 km/h. However, the Sports Car is only capable of hitting these speeds on paved roads. While off-road, the Sports Car has terrible handling and will easily flip on uneven surfaces.

Crew Capacity
The Sports Car supports a driver and a single passenger.[CfgVh 1]


  • Yellow: Canary yellow paint scheme with black stripes.
  • White: Flat white paint scheme with black stripes.


Sports Cars retain 20 points worth of armour plating.[CfgVh 5]


NOTE: The following information only applies to the AI.

Camouflage rating[]

Main article: AI Basics: Detection

The Sports Car has a camouflage[1] rating of 2.[CfgVh 6]


Main article: AI Basics: Targeting priority

The Sports Car has a cost[2] value of 90000.[CfgVh 7]

Threat values[]

Main article: AI Basics: Targeting priority

The Sports Car is considered to be a medium-risk threat[3] to AI-controlled infantry units, ground vehicles, and aircraft (0.5/0.5/0.5).[CfgVh 8]

Noise factor[]

Main article: AI Basics: Detection

The Sports Car has an audible[4] factor of 3.[CfgVh 9]


  • The in-game Sports Car is modelled after the real-world "Škoda 130 Rapid" designed by then-Czechoslovakia based car manufacturer AZNP (now known as Škoda Auto).
  • Initially, a visual glitch with the Sports Car's speedometer would result in the dial rotating backwards when the driver accelerated (and forwards when reversing or ground to a halt). This was eventually fixed after the release of Patch 1.10.[5]
  • Prior to Patch 1.30, the Sports Car would float slightly above the terrain regardless of whether it was placed in the mission editor or was spawned via scripting commands.[6]


Config/script references[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 CfgVehicles >> Rapid >> transportSoldier
  2. CfgVehicles >> Rapid >> transportMaxWeapons
  3. CfgVehicles >> Rapid >> transportMaxMagazines
  4. CfgVehicles >> Rapid >> fuelCapacity
  5. CfgVehicles >> Rapid >> armor
  6. CfgVehicles >> Rapid >> camouflage
  7. CfgVehicles >> Rapid >> cost
  8. CfgVehicles >> Rapid >> threat[] >> {0.5,0.5,0.5}
  9. CfgVehicles >> Rapid >> audible


  1. Španěl, O, van 't Land, J.J. et al. 2006, CfgVehicles Config Reference, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 15 November 2024, <>.
  2. Španěl, O, van 't Land, J.J. et al. 2006, CfgVehicles Config Reference, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 15 November 2024, <>.
  3. Španěl, O, van 't Land, J.J. et al. 2006, CfgVehicles Config Reference, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 15 November 2024, <>.
  4. Španěl, O, van 't Land, J.J. et al. 2006, CfgVehicles Config Reference, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 15 November 2024, <>.
  5. Mcnicoll, J et al. 2006, Operation Flashpoint: Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 2 July 2023, <>.
  6. Mcnicoll, J et al. 2006, Operation Flashpoint: Version History, Bohemia Interactive Community Wiki, viewed 2 July 2023, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Vehicles of ArmA: Cold War Assault
Wheeled BikeBRDMBusHMMWVMotorcyclePV3SJeepSCUDSkodaSmall carSports carTrabantTractorTruck 5TUAZUral
Tracked BMP-1BMP-2M1A1M113 (Vulcan) • M60A3M2A2 BradleyShilkaT-55T-72T-80
Rotor-wing AH-1 CobraAH-64CH-47DKa-50Mi-17Mi-24OH-58UH-60
Fixed-wing A-10PlaneSopwith F.1 CamelSu-25
Aquatic BoatLSTMark II PBR
(Parenthesis) denote variants.