Armed Assault Wiki

The T-72M4 CZ is a Main Battle Tank used exclusively by Czech military forces in ArmA 2. It was added with the release of the Army of the Czech Republic DLC.


  • Role:
    • Direct fire and manoeuvre
« The T-72M4 CZ is a Czech modernisation of the Soviet T-72 battle tank. It features improved firepower, sensors, protection and mobility over its predecessor.
Armoury Description


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This is a premium asset that requires ownership of the Army of the Czech Republic DLC.

The T-72M4 CZ is a heavily modified variant of the Soviet-era T-72 tank. It features a number of upgrades over its Cold War predecessor, notably a new power pack that grants it a greater power-to-weight ratio, along with enhanced optics and fire control systems.

It is armed with a smoothbore 125 mm cannon that can fire a mixture of armour-piercing and high-explosive shells. The T-72M4 also has a coaxial 7.62 mm medium machine gun and a 12.7 mm heavy machine gun that is attached on top of the turret.

Its standard loadout for the main gun gives it 22 rounds of armour-piercing fin-stabilised discarding sabot (APFSDS) and 15 rounds of high-explosive (HE) shells. The coaxial PKT feeds from just a single 2,000-round linked belt with no spares to reload from. The externally-mounted KORD HMG on the other hand, is pre-loaded with a 150-round belt box and has another three boxes to spare (for a combined total of 600 rounds).


A T-72M4 lies in wait. Note the ERA blocks on the hull and turret.

Compared to baseline T-72s, the T-72M4 is a vast improvement over it due to the addition of thermal/night vision-capable optics which allows the T-72M4 to be used effectively at nighttime or in low-light conditions.

Since the T-72M4 is simply an upgraded model of the regular T-72, it still shares the same flaws and vulnerabilities of the latter. Both protection and handling-wise, it isn't all too different from the T-72 and is only just slightly more resilient to anti-armour weapons. Aside from its enhanced vision optics, the T-72M4's main gun remains functionally identical in terms of accuracy and range.

Crew Capacity
The T-72M4 has a seating capacity of three personnel for a crew that consists of the driver, the gunner and a commander.


The T-72M4 CZ has a base armour value of 745.

Successful strikes to any of the following highlighted sections will inflict full damage to the component:


Green = Hull
Orange = Engine
Light blue = Treads
Maroon = Turret

The Explosive Reactive Armour blocks are not functional in regular gameplay and do not provide any enhanced protection against anti-tank weapons or AP-based projectiles.


The hull can take 745 points of damage.


The engine can resist 260.75 points of damage before failing. A damaged engine will prevent the T-72M4 from attaining its top speed.


Both tracks can only survive 111.75 points of damage. At least 30% of damage will be shared with the T-72M4's main "health" pool.


The turret can incur up to 745 points of damage.


NOTE: For specifics on the D-81's munitions, see its related section listed here.

The D-81 and PKT are controlled by the gunner position, while the commander handles the remotely operated KORD instead.

For optics, the gunner has variable zoom magnification and can toggle either a day or night vision mode. The commander on the other hand, has only one field of view but can switch between day, night or black-hot/white-hot thermal vision modes:



125 mm smoothbore gun. Can load either HE or AP-type munitions.

It can fire one shell every 6 seconds (fire rate of 10 rounds per minute). It takes up to 6 seconds to switch between munition types. Manual zeroing is available, starting from a minimum of 100 m up to a maximum of 3000 m. Adjustments are made with increments/decrements of 100 m.


Base damage value Aerodynamic friction Initial velocity (m/s)
12 -0.00096 855

Coaxial 7.62 mm machine gun.

It can attain a fire rate of up to 800 RPM and has a muzzle velocity of 855 m/s. Accuracy-wise, it always has a fixed dispersion of 0.00125 rad regardless of distance. It takes 5 seconds to reload a fresh linked belt (assuming the T-72 has run out and is rearming at a logistical vehicle).

Optics and zeroing ranges for the PKT are identical to those used by the D-81.


Base damage value Aerodynamic friction Initial velocity (m/s)
28 -0.0006 850

General-purpose 12.7 mm heavy machine gun. It is mounted above the main turret and is remotely operated by the commander.

It can attain a fire rate of up to ~ 697 RPM with a muzzle velocity of 850 m/s. It takes 6 seconds to reload a fresh belt box. Accuracy-wise, it has a dispersion of 0.00085 rad.

Zeroing limits for the KORD are different to those used by the main gun and coaxial MG. It begins from a minimum of 50 m instead and goes all the way up to a maximum of 2000 m. Below 1000 m, adjustments are initially made with increments/decrements of 50 m. For all ranges above 1000 m, it is made with adjustments of 100 m rather than 50 m.


  • Despite the presence of Czech forces in Takistan during the events of Silver Lion, the T-72M4 strangely lacks a desert camouflage scheme.
  • Before the release of the latest Steam version updates (as part of CorePatch), the D-81 had a much lower zeroing limit.[1]



  1. Mazzon, M et al. 2015, CorePatch, GitHub, viewed 7 August 2023, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Vehicles of comparable role and configuration[]

Vehicles of ArmA 2
Wheeled 9P117 SCUD-BATVBRDM-2* • BTR-40BTR-60BTR-90BM-21 Grad* • Bus* • CarDingo 2 CZHatchbackHMMWV* • GAZJackal 2 MWMIKKamazLada* • LAV-25Military OffroadMotorcycle* (Old moto) • Mountain bike (Old bike) • MTVR* • Offroad* • Pandur II 8x8 CZPickup* • RM-70S1203SedanStryker (MGS) • SUV (Armored SUV) • T810TractorTouring CarTowing TractorUAZ-469* • Ural* • V3S* • Vodnik
Tracked 2S6M TunguskaAAVP-7A1BMP-2BMP-3BVP-1FV510 WarriorM1A1 Abrams* (M1A2 TUSK*) • M113M2A3 Bradley (M2A2, M6) • M270 MLRS* • T-34* • T-55T-72* (T-72M4 CZ) • T-90ZSU-23-4*
Rotor-wing AH-1Z ViperAH-6J Little Bird (AH-6X) • AH-11 WildcatAH-64D Apache Longbow* (AH-1) • CH-47F Chinook (Chinook HC4) • Ka-52Ka-60Ka-137Merlin HC3MH-6J Little BirdMi-8MTV-3* (Mi-17*) • Mi-24P (Mi-24D*, Mi-24V*) • UH-1Y Venom (UH-1H) • UH-60M Black Hawk (MEV, MH-60S)
Fixed-wing A-10 Thunderbolt II* • An-2AV-8B HarrierC-130J Hercules* • F-35B Lightning IIL-159 ALCAL-39ZA (L-39C) • MQ-9 Reaper* • MV-22 OspreyPchela-1TSu-39 (Su-25*) • Su-34
Aquatic CRRCFishing BoatPBXRHIBSmall Boat
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
* indicates partial DLC dependency.
Operation Arrowhead | British Armed Forces | Private Military Company | Army of the Czech Republic
Arma2-factionicon-acr ACR - Vehicles (ArmA 2)
Wheeled ATVBRDM-2Dingo 2 CZHMMWV GPKMilitary OffroadPandur II 8x8 CZRM-70T810UAZ-469
Tracked BMP-2T-72M4 CZ
Rotor-wing Mi-171ShMi-24V
Fixed-wing L-159 ALCAL-39CL-39ZA
Aquatic PBX
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Operation Arrowhead | Army of the Czech Republic