Armed Assault Wiki

The UGV Stomper / UGV Saif is an Unmanned Ground Vehicle/Unmanned Ground Combat Vehicle used by several BLUFOR, REDFOR and INDFOR factions in ArmA 3.

A civilian variant also exists and is simply known as the UGV, where it is used in limited numbers by IDAP aid workers. It was added with the release of the Laws of War DLC.


  • Roles:
    • Munitions transport
    • Fire support
    • Cargo transport
« The Stomper is a remote controlled unmanned ground combat vehicle designed for reconnaissance, surveillance and support. It's able to operate autonomously in large areas, while sending real-time data to the control center. Each wheel is powered by a separate electric engine, whose batteries are linked together to a diesel engine power unit. An armed variant of the Stomper is fitted with a RCWS turret carrying 40 mm cannon and 12.7 mm HMG. An OPFOR variant, designated Saif and Saif RCWS, is a cheaper and less reliable copy from the Asian region.
Field Manual


The Stomper is a 6x6 unmanned ground vehicle that can autonomously move and engage enemy targets on its own accord without requiring manual input from the operator. It is fitted with a hybrid electric-diesel engine.

It is available in two variants: an unarmed version that has no weapons mounted on it that is meant to be used for transporting supplies and cargo, and an armed version that is fitted with an RCWS turret armed with a dual-mount 12.7 mm heavy machine gun and 40 mm automatic grenade launcher.

As a wheeled drone, the Stomper can act as a mobile resupply vehicle when deployed alongside infantry squads. Armed configurations of the drone can act as a force multiplier thanks to its combination of a 12.7 mm HMG and 40 mm AGL.

Extremely fragile by most standards, a tiny amount of medium/large calibre arms fire or explosives is sufficient to immobilise (if not outright destroy) the Stomper if the operator carelessly sends it against threats it cannot handle.

Therefore, it is better to have the Stomper serve as a support asset to escort motorised infantry squads or be manually controlled to utilise the Stomper in a reconnaissance role, scouting ahead for friendly forces as opposed to being a part of frontal assaults.

Crew Capacity
All variants have a single seat located at the front of the chassis that can transport up to one passenger (usually the drone operator themselves).


Baseline variant. It is more or less designed to be a munitions/supply carrier, being completely unarmed and otherwise lacking any other use in combat.

Used by NATO forces, the AAF and the LDF.

Identical to the UGV Stomper variant but exclusive to CSAT forces.

Armed version of the baseline Stomper.

Unlike unarmed Stompers, the RCWS variant is fitted with an RCWS turret that is armed with a dual-mount 12.7 mm heavy machine gun and 40 mm automatic grenade launcher.

The externally mounted RCWS comes pre-loaded with a single 200-round belt and 96 grenades fitted with high-explosive (HE) warheads. It has no spare belts to reload from for either weapon.

Statistically and functionally identical to the UGV Stomper RCWS variant, but exclusive to CSAT forces.

Visually and functionally identical to the unarmed Stomper/Saif variant.

This specific model is exclusively utilised by the IDAP and does not accept any other camouflage options.


All faction variants have access to the same camouflage options:

  • Olive: Standard pattern-less olive drab green paint scheme used by all NATO ground vehicles and certain aircraft. This can be universally employed in all types of terrain, but is more suited to arid and forested environments.
  • Hex: Arid Hexacam camouflage pattern. Useful for forested, grass plains, and desert environments.
  • Green Hex: Tropical Hexacam pattern camouflage. This is used in heavily forested and tropic environments.
  • Digital Green: Digitised semi-fratal camouflage pattern used by all AAF vehicles and aircraft. Suited to forested and grassy environments, but otherwise useless in arid and desert terrain.
  • IDAP*: Flat white paint scheme with additional livery in the form of IDAP logos and signage.
  • Geometric: Fractal woodland camouflage pattern. Used by LDF-operated Stomper variants.

(*) This paint scheme can only be applied to the unarmed variant of the Stomper/Saif and IDAP's UGV.


All variants of the drone have base armour values of 30. It is not possible to mount Slat cages onto the drone, nor can Explosive Reactive Armour (ERA) blocks/panels be installed.

The following highlighted positions serve as weak points on the drones:


Green = Hull
Orange = Engine
Violet = Fuel tank

Note that weak point positions remain identical on all drone variants regardless of whether they retain armament.


The hull can only resist a meagre 21 points of damage. Will result in a catastrophic kill if its integrity is depleted.


The engine can withstand up to 60 points of damage before it fails. At least 50% of incoming damage will be shared with the drone's "health" pool. It takes 80% less damage from high-explosive (HE) type munitions.

Destroying the engine will not cause a catastrophic kill unless the drone's overall "health" is at less than half of its integrity.

If damaged: Reduces power output, acceleration is decreased and it may become impossible to climb uphill.
If destroyed: Instantly immobilises the drone.

Fuel tank[]

The fuel tank can only take 30 points of damage before it ruptures. 30% of incoming damage will always be shared with the drone's main "health" pool. It takes 40% less damage from HE-type munitions.

A destroyed fuel tank will not cause a catastrophic kill unless the drone is critically damaged.

If damaged: Gradually leak up to 30% of fuel over time.
If destroyed: Rapidly leaks all remaining fuel in the tank over several seconds.


Each of the six wheels can only survive 15 points of damage. They are susceptible to small arms fire and take 400% extra damage from HE-type munitions. At least 30% of this damage will be shared with the drone's main "health" pool.

Destroying all of the drone's wheels will be needed to immobilise it. Depending on which and how many are remaining, it is entirely possible for the drone to continue driving even with five of its tyres missing (though making simple manoeuvres will be almost impossible).


The RCWS turret on armed variants can resist up to 250 points worth of damage. No amount of damage incurred is shared with the drone's "health" pool.


The passenger riding in the front seat of the Stomper can utilise FFV to fire their own weapons.

The "gunner" AI position handles the turret-mounted armament. For optics, they have access to a variable zoom camera that can only toggle between regular day or black-/white-hot thermal vision modes:

RCWS HMG 12.7 mm[]


NOTE: Only available on the UGV Stomper RCWS and UGV Saif RCWS variants.

Base damage value Aerodynamic friction Initial velocity (m/s) Penetration depth (mm)
30 -0.00086 910 35.49

General-purpose 12.7 mm heavy machine gun.

The RCWS HMG can attain a fire rate of up to 600 rounds per minute and requires 20 seconds to reload a fresh box or to fully rearm from a logistics vehicle. Accuracy-wise, it has a fixed dispersion of 0.0012 rad regardless of distance.

The Fire Control System is only able to automatically zero on stationary targets and requires 1 second to finish adjusting. Manual zeroing is also possible, though only in increments/decrements of 100 m (up to a maximum of 2000 m).

RCWS GMG 40 mm[]


NOTE: Only available on the UGV Stomper RCWS and UGV Saif RCWS variants.

Damage type Base damage value Aerodynamic friction Initial velocity (m/s)
High-Explosive Anti-Tank 100 -0.001 241

40 mm automatic grenade launcher. Fires grenades fitted with high-explosive anti-tank (HEAT) warheads. They have a blast radius of 4 metres.

It can attain a fire rate of up to approximately ~ 349 RPM. It also requires at least 20 seconds to reload a fresh belt of grenades or to fully rearm from a logistics vehicle. Accuracy-wise, the GMG has a dispersion of 0.005 rad.

The FCS can only zero onto stationary targets and requires 1 second to finish adjusting. Like the RCWS HMG, manual zeroing is also possible with adjustments being made in increments/decrements of 100 m. However, it is restricted to a hard cap of 1500 m which cannot be exceeded even by the FCS.


Main article: Firing from vehicles (mechanic)#UGV Stomper


  • The Stomper is based on the real-world "Crusher" UGCV designed by researchers at the Carnegie Mellon University's National Robotics Engineering Center for DARPA.
  • Despite the Field Manual mentioning that the CSAT Saif is meant to be "[...] less effective" compared to its NATO counterpart, there is no difference in terms of performance or armament between the two (aside from using different camouflage schemes and ammunition tracers).
  • Following the release of the Laws of War DLC, it was revealed that the UGV Stomper is manufactured by an Armaverse company named Vantland Industries.[1]
  • The loadout of the armed variant was greatly reduced following the release of the Tanks DLC. Prior to the DLC's platform update, the Stomper RCWS/Saif RCWS retained access to two 500-round belts for the HMG and 200-round "magazine" for the GMG instead.[2]
  • Both the Stomper and Saif are currently the only ground-based drones of their kind that can be used in ArmA 3 (the ED-1 Mini UGV lacks the same capabilities and armament).



  1. ARMA 3: Laws of War 2017 [Video Game], Bohemia Interactive a.s., SHOWCASE: Laws of War, \a3\missions_f_orange\data\img\faction_idap\info_ugv_co.paa, "UGV"
  2. Kovařič, V 2018, SPOTREP #00079, Arma 3, viewed 30 March 2023, <>.

External links[]

See also[]

Vehicles of ArmA 3
Wheeled AFV-4 GorgonAMV-7 MarshallHatchbackHEMTTHunterIfritKartMB 4WDMSE-3 MaridOffroadProwlerQilinRhino MGS (UP) • StriderSUVTempestTractorTruckQuadbikeUGV StomperVanZamak (MRL)
Tracked 2S9 SochorAWC NyxBTR-K KamyshCRV-6e BobcatED-1D Mini UGV (ED-1E) • IFV-6a CheetahIFV-6c PantherFV-720 MoraM2A1 Slammer (A4 UP) • M4 ScorcherM5 SandstormMBT-52 KumaT-100 Varsuk (X Futura) • T-140 Angara (T-140K) • ZSU-39 Tigris
Rotor-wing AH-9 PawneeAH-99 BlackfootAR-2 DarterCH-49 MohawkCH-67 HuronDemining DroneMH-9 Hummingbird (M900) • Mi-48 KajmanMi-290 TaruMQ-12 FalconPO-30 OrcaUH-80 Ghost HawkUtility DroneWY-55 Hellcat
Fixed-wing A-143 BuzzardA-149 GryphonA-164 WipeoutCaesar BTTF/A-181 Black Wasp IIKH-3A FenghuangMQ-4A GreyhawkTo-199 NeophronTo-201 ShikraUCAV SentinelV-44X BlackfishY-32 Xi'an
Aquatic Assault BoatMotorboatRHIBSpeedboatSDVWater Scooter
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Karts DLC | Helicopters DLC | Apex DLC | Jets DLC | Laws of War DLC | Tanks DLC | Contact DLC
Arma3-factionicon-nato NATO - Vehicles (ArmA 3)
Wheeled AMV-7 MarshallHEMTTHunterProwlerQuadbikeRhino MGS (UP) • UGV Stomper
Tracked CRV-6e BobcatED-1D Pelter (ED-1E Roller) • IFV-6a CheetahIFV-6c PantherM2A1 Slammer (A4 UP) • M4 ScorcherM5 Sandstorm
Rotor-wing AH-9 PawneeAH-99 BlackfootAL-6 PelicanAR-2 DarterCH-67 HuronMH-9 HummingbirdMQ-12 FalconUH-80 Ghost Hawk
Fixed-wing A-164 WipeoutF/A-181 Black Wasp IIMQ-4A GreyhawkUCAV SentinelV-44X Blackfish
Aquatic Assault Boat (Rescue) • Speedboat MinigunSDV
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Helicopters DLC | Apex DLC | Jets DLC | Laws of War DLC | Tanks DLC | Contact DLC
Arma3-factionicon-livoniandefenseforce LDF - Vehicles (ArmA 3)
Wheeled OffroadQuadbikeUGV StomperVanZamak (MRL)
Tracked ED-1D Pelter (ED-1E Roller) • FV-720 Odyniec
Rotor-wing AL-6 PelicanAR-2 DarterWY-55 Czapla
Fixed-wing A-149 Gryphon
(Parenthesis) denote variants.
Jets DLC | Laws of War DLC | Tanks DLC | Contact DLC
Arma3-factionicon-csat CSAT - Vehicles (ArmA 3)
Wheeled IfritMSE-3 MaridQilinQuadbikeTempestUGV SaifZamak
Tracked 2S9 SochorAkinaka ED-1D (Sayyah ED-1E) • BTR-K KamyshT-100 Varsuk (X Futura) • T-140 Angara (T-140K) • ZSU-39 Tigris
Rotor-wing Jinaah AL-6Mi-48 KajmanMi-290 TaruPO-30 OrcaTayran AR-2
Fixed-wing K40 Abalil-3KH-3A FenghuangTo-199 NeophronTo-201 ShikraY-32 Xi'an
Aquatic Assault Boat (Rescue) • Speedboat HMGSDV
Parenthesis denote variants.
Helicopters DLC | Apex DLC | Jets DLC | Laws of War DLC | Tanks DLC | Contact DLC
Arma3-factionicon-aaf AAF - Vehicles (ArmA 3)
Wheeled AFV-4 GorgonQuadbikeStriderUGV StomperZamak (MRL)
Tracked AWC NyxED-1D Pelter (ED-1E Roller) • FV-720 MoraMBT-52 Kuma
Rotor-wing AR-2 DarterAL-6 PelicanCH-49 MohawkWY-55 Hellcat
Fixed-wing A-143 BuzzardA-149 GryphonK40 Abalil-3
Aquatic Assault Boat (Rescue) • Speedboat MinigunSDV
Parenthesis denote variants.
Jets DLC | Laws of War DLC | Tanks DLC | Contact DLC